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7963 Views Created 6 years ago By Blue Sun Deluxe • Updated about a year ago

Created By Blue Sun Deluxe • Updated about a year ago

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The Tumblr Model

The Tumblr Model Tolerance Glorification Appropriation Fanaticism Intolerance LGB/Queer Transgender "I understand, you don't identify with how you were born, you really feel male/female inside. I'll fight for you." Trans people are so much better than cis scum. Trans boys are sooo hot, trans girls are way cuter! Who wants to be cis??" "I don't really identify with how I was born even though I'm comfortable in my body. I like cute bunself pronouns!" "Being transdoesn't require dysphoria, I am transtoo! Stop oppressing me, disgusting truscum!" "No medical help for truscum!!! Death to all truscum!!l Kill all trans men!!! "Pro-gay marriage! No more homophobia! We accept gay people!" "Gay relationships are so much better than straight relationships! Gay men are sooo hot! I wish I was gay!" "I am queer too!! It's not just LGBT, it's LGBTAIQKEIKFG+++. I am a grey-a "Gay people don't accept me into LGBT! Gay people are more privileged than me!! Gay men oppress me!" "Binary monosexual queers have it so much easier than mell F--- gay men!! ntic demisexual, stop oppressing me!" Ethnicity BDSM "I see, D/s is about trust. Subs aren't mistreated, they are taken care of Doms are responsible partners. D/s is about love!" Vanilla love isn't as deep! Dominants are perfect, Daddies are always gentlemen, Daddies will never ever hurt you!" "Being vanilla is so lame and boring! I want a Daddy to spoil me, I want to be a little princess! Not every sub always wants to submit!" "D/s is about tolerance, not control!! The submissive is really in charge. Stop telling me what D/s is, it is whatever I want it to be!!" "Control is abusel! Dominants are abusers! You're all tumblr doms red flags, abusers!!" "No more racism! More visibility for races other than white people!" "POC are so much better than white people! White people are boring, white people have no culture. Protect POCI" "If a POC tells you something, you LISTEN! WOC can't be wrong! Don't engage in other cultures, you're appropriating them!!" "F--- racist white scum, POC can't be racist! Whites shouldn't adopt POC children! Stay away from POC!!!" "POC who act white are trash!! Oreos!! Don't mix whites and POC!!" myragewillendworlds: Just something that's been on my mind. Tumblr has this specific way of handling communities. These are just the ones that come by on my dash, I'm sure there are plenty more examples First they start out nice, tolerant, willing to listen and learn. But they quickly become too nice and tolerant. Rather than simply accepting group X, they begin to overglorify them. They make them into something more special than people outside of group X, and coupled with their compulsive need to belong and feel special, desire to be a part of it too. In comes the appropriation. If they can't be a part of it, they'll make themselves a part of it, one way or another. And is someone in group Xnot acting the way their fantasy version of them acts? Call them out on it! They become so fanatical that they begin to talk over, or drive out the original people of group X. And then finally they manage to become so hateful, their initial tolerance has turned into cold, terrifying intolerance. Calling gay/trans men privileged over white straight cis women, telling t---------- people to die, purposefully triggering people they dislike into panic attacks, defending Muslims to the point of calling the attack on Charlie Hebdo justified. And sending death threats to anyone who dares to disagree. Being excluded from a group or community because you don't belong there is not oppression It simply means that group does not describe or fit you as an individual If you can't accept that, you have far deeper issues than your imagined oppression. Inb4 tons of hate messages and death threats. You know what I'm laughing at? All the f------ people proving this s--- right in the notes
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Rabbit Tiddy


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