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Origin Entry: Political Compass

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Political Compass - An un-biased, factually accurate political compass grid that highlights the types of governments sup...

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According to the title this is unbiased and factually accurate. I can't help but notice that you've provided no methodology and only the most rudimentary explanation behind the placement of each ideology. Could you provide more insight into how you made this chart?


While I am no Professional by any means, I am certainly an obsessive and after close to two decades worth of hobby theorizing I myself have come to an understanding of a major flaw in assigning labels and coordinates to political belief.

In effect People, as a whole have a very fluid mind and can rapidly change not only there views but there perception of others views.

To give but one example is what exactly is "Socialism" I have seen the word associated with two very different ends of the "left" spectrum and even in a few cases the right.

Identity politics is really as I have come to understand a convenient buzz word to categorize voters into voter pools for elected party's to target.

Political ideals get messy when Sociology gets into the mix, Frankly to conclude no 2D model will every properly express the true and messy nature of politics.

Instead a more word heavy let accurate idea would be long questionnaires on political topics, as these can be a more solid idea on what people want. Frankly that will change on a per person basis, and you get a far more accurate idea on what people truly value, not a rough pigeon hole that matches them the most (witch may not be that much at all).


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