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in reply to SardonicRainboom

Neutral Special: The Gun with no Name
-Fires a shot from his revolver. Tapping the button will make him quickly shoot forward, while holding the button will allow him to aim his shots, as indicated by a crosshair.

Side Special: Drink Order
-After asking the Bartender to give him a drink, a frothy beverage will fly across the screen from behind him. If the special command is inputted again before the drink passes him, he will catch it and recover some health. Otherwise, the drink will fly past him and act as a standard projectile.

Down Special: Spider Stomper
-Performs a short hop, then stomps straight down with both feet. May hit up to 2 additional times if the initial stomp connects.

Up Special: Divine Assistance
-The Priest appears, grabs his hand, and the two of them ascend.

Final Smash: The Man With Good Aim
-A vulture swoops down in front of The Man With No Name. If it connects with an opponent, a scene will play out in which Not-Shane fires his revolver at the opponent, only to seemingly miss completely. Suddenly, another vulture(or possibly the same one) comes crashing out of the sky and slams into the opponent at high velocity, having been the actual target of the shot.


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