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in reply to CrazyCal999

It's a Tech company that makes these credit-card sized mother boards that you can plug into keyboards and TVs. Think of it as a Ipod without the screen and can work just like a regular computer can. Plus it like you have program it ALL BY YOURSELF!!!!!!

Probably the only reason why they are so significant is that there is a minecraft version for the Raspberry Pi.

William The Brit
William The Brit

They think we're wrong about what exactly?
There are only two claims GamerGate makes as far as I'm aware, 1) That gaming journalism is corrupt and 2) That we are not a hate movement that targets women.

The first claim has been quite clearly proven by now and the second point isn't even up for debate, it's just an objective fact. GamerGate is just a hashtag, it's the people using it that count and evidence has shown time and again that the majority of those people are a decent, diverse bunch who don't want their hobby to be taken over by special interest groups and corrupt media.


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