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in reply to adregun

It's because games are a relatively new medium compared to the rest of these, so everyone is seeing it as virgin territory to criticize and push their ideologies on. Movies have dealt with this sort of thing for hundreds of years, books and music for literally thousands. Meanwhile, video games have broken into mainstream within the last 20 years. We'll either overcome, or go the way of comics.

But yeah, don't underestimate nerds in large groups.


I find it hilarious that the SJWs would go after us when, yeah the TV and movie industries are fucking giants, but as gg has shown the gamers are as strong as them. We also don't need to use an army of lawyers to tell them to fuck off. It probably was a case of these arrogant asshats looking into their pasts and seeing that atacking nerds and getting other nerds to atack nerds worked, so now they're repeating… But unluckily for them these nerds are fucking pissed.


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