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GamerGate - An afternoon on Twitter for Ellsworth Toohey.

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OK, I looked up who Ellsworth Toohey is. Apparently he's a fictional character in an Ayn Rand book called "The Fountainhead". Quoth Wikipedia:

"He styles himself as representative of the will of the masses, but his actual desire is for power over others. He controls individual victims by destroying their sense of self-worth, and seeks broader power (over "the world", as he declares to Keating in a moment of candor) by promoting the ideals of ethical altruism and a rigorous egalitarianism that treats all people and achievements as equally valuable, regardless of their true value."

Pretends to represent downtrodden people and promote nice ideas, is actually just using both to seize power. So, he's a SJW? And he's the villain of the book he's in.
And the Twitter account is named after him. Is this satire?


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