I Am Offensive and I Find This...
Part of a series on YouTube Comment Memes. [View Related Entries]

"I Am Offensive and I Find This…" is a snowclone expression typically used on Internet humor sites in response to a video or image post that may be deemed offensive to a particular group of audience. The phrase can be seen as a parody of those who are easily offended by racy humor and prone to let it be known in the comments.
Though it is unclear what YouTube comment using this syntax was posted first, it was used as early as November 18th, 2011 on the Naruto Forums[1] in a thread discussing whether or not the character Kubo believed people with naturally red hair had souls. At one point, a now-banned poster named Whirlpool replied to the thread first stating they he or she was ginger and was offended by the commentary before using the inverted syntax to make a joke.

That December, a Facebook fan page for the phrase "I am offensive and find this black."[2] launched, gaining 76 fans as of October 2013. Later that month, "I am offensive and I find this black" was used in the comments of a deviantART[3] on a sexual comic depicting an original character based on another deviantART user undergoing a race transformation from caucasian to African American. In January 2012, the phrase had appeared on Tumblr for the first time on the Ask Blog askgamerponies[4], where "I am offensive and I find this Jewish" was used in response to an anti-Semitic comment (shown below).

By April 2012, the phrase began to be used as the title of posts on humor site 9gag[5] as a preemptively strike on posts that could potentially be seen as offensive by a certain group. In December 2012, "I am offensive and I find this a man" was used as a nonsense title for a thread on the Resident Evil forums.[6] The same month, the phrase "I am offensive and I find this grumpy" appeared as a title for an image of Grumpy Cat responding to a holiday ball ornament with the words "Happy Whatever Doesn't Offend You" (shown below) on MemeCenter.[7] In the first half of 2013, two additional Facebook fan pages[8][9] for variations on the phrase were created.

Notable Examples
In comments, the expression is constructed by inverting the placement of the word "offensive" and whatever group the complainant may belong to. Sometimes, "offensive" may be substituted with a positive adjective ("hilarious") in defense of the content in question.

Search Interest
External References
[1] Naruto Forums (via Wayback Machine) – Even Kubo thinks gingers have no souls.
[2] Facebook – I am offensive and find this black.
[3] deviantART – Comment Thread on wren tf page 3
[4] Tumblr – askgamerponies: I am offensive and I find this Jewish
[5] 9gag – I am offensive and I find this man
[6] Resident Evil Forums (via Wayback Machine) – I am offensive and I find this a man
[7] MemeCenter – I am offensive and I find this grumpy
[8] Facebook – I am offensive and I find this black
[9] Facebook – I am offensive and I find this religious
Top Comments
Aug 25, 2012 at 02:26PM EDT
Aug 25, 2012 at 12:33PM EDT