Two images of scrungy cats in the following colleciton.

15 'Scrunge Cats' To Blurse Your Tuesday

Are regular cats already scrungy enough for you? Do you know what "scrunge" could be? Are you confused about why there's yet another cat-themed subreddit focused exclusively on a poorly defined facial expression? If the answer to any of the above questions was "Yes" or "Why did I click on this? I just came here to search one thing, and wound up down a rabbit hole," then here are 15 pictures you didn't ask for, but will certainly enjoy nonetheless.


(Source: Reddit)

Say Cheese

(Source: Reddit)

Caught Mid-Stretch

(Source: Reddit)

'90s Scrunge

(Source: Reddit)

Doing His Best Evil Laugh after Destroying the Bathroom

(Source: Reddit)

World's Scariest Cat

(Source: Reddit)

When You Feel a Sneeze Coming but Nothing Happens

(Source: Reddit)

Vintage Scrunge

Pasta-garlanded, a rash but unre- pentant kitten is ladled out of cold leftover spaghetti.

(Source: Reddit)

Scrungy Foster Kitten

(Source: Reddit)

Cat Cringe

(Source: Reddit)

We All Have That One Friend

(Source: Reddit)

Synchronized Scrunging

(Source: Reddit)

Festive Scrunge

(Source: Reddit)

Me Remembering I Said "You Too" When the Waitress Said "Enjoy Your Meal"

(Source: Reddit)

Guardian of the Throne

(Source: Reddit)

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