
What Are The Origins Of The 'It's So Over / We're So Back' Meme? The Popular Turn Of Phrase Explained

It's so over we're so back memes
It's so over we're so back memes

Published about a year ago

Published about a year ago

There is, perhaps, no meme that better captures this tumultuous year of ups and downs than It's So Over / We're So Back, modeled after the ever-popular Trump-related phrase It's Over and Biden's It's Joever memes that first brewed on 4chan back in 2016.

The turn of phrase has become an internet staple used to joke about any rapid upturn and downturn of events. Here's how internet users combined the lowest lows and the euphoric highs of 2023 into one meme.

Where Does 'It's Over / We're Back' Come From?

The catchphrase "It's Over / We're Back" stems from a 2016 Trump-related meme that grew popular on 4chan soon after people speculated that he might lose the elections. While this prediction did not come true, it was hard to ignore how amusing the solemn image of Trump looked next to large capitalized letters that simply said, "It's Over."

In 2021, various X users made jokes referencing the "It's Over" meme, combining it with the phrase "We're Back." Some early examples can be seen in posts by @jawn_117 and @Chadsonlight in October and December 2021.

How Did The 'It's So Over / We're So Back' Meme Spread?

In March 2022, X user @Varangian_Tagma posted the earliest known meme using the two phrases to gather notable interaction, using it to comment on the tumultuous history of the Byzantine Empire.

The meme spread to Instagram by May, as seen in posts by @rightwing.grifting and @monkey.posting, the latter of which gathered over 7,000 likes in a year.

What Are Some More 'It's So Over / We're So Back' Memes?

For the full history of "It's so over / we're so back," be sure to check out Know Your Meme's encyclopedia entry for more information.

Tags: it's over, it's so over, it's joever, we're back, we're so back, its over we're back, we are back, it so over we are so back, its so over we're so back,