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Weekend Meme Roundup: Oprah Interview, Vishawn And Burger King's Infamous Tweet

There is quite a variety of memes from different pockets of the internet this week, although all of them have one similar thread that binds them together. Every meme that came out to a resounding, widespread success so far was about a hyped-up event that people knew was coming. The last episode of WandaVision, the Oprah interview with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle and International Woman's Day were all things marked on the calendar that people online were looking forward to. Each of these events also spawned memes, or important discussions, about the topic at large.

Burger King Tweet
On International Woman's Day, Burger King UK decided to tweet about their new programs to help women become chefs in a professional setting. The way they decided to go about this was by tweeting that women belong in the kitchen and following it up with a cringe explanation of what they meant by their inflammatory tweet.
As expected, tensions flared all around as various people and social outlets responded to this attempt at marketing, if it truly was one. Though nothing has been done, it is expected that a job opening will be quietly posted soon for a social media position. While the response to this has been mostly negative, some can not help but link the similarities between this bad attempt at a take and the recently seen racist man on a JetBlue flight wearing a Burger King crown.

Vishawn is the nickname given to the Vision during the series finale of WandaVision when he wears a black turtleneck. This nickname was given to him via Black Twitter, which is where other creative content makers started to add to his newfound heritage with image edits and filters. These kinds of trends do happen every so often, but with the character now in hiatus following the series finale, it'll be hard to see if this meme continues with Vision as he is or if the content creators will have to resort to looking through the back catalog of Marvel to find more instances worthy of memeing.

Oprah's Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Interview
The Prince Harry and Meghan Markle interview was a very hyped TV special between Oprah and the former Prince Harry and his somewhat new wife Meghan. What made people care about this interview is that it was one of the first ones done since they left the royal family, and the United Kingdom altogether, to live their lives away from the royals. Said to be a tell-all account of the royal behind-the-scenes living situation, it was no doubt that there would be something juicy and big enough to use for meme content. Somehow, Twitter found a way to cram some takes about this event between Super Straight, Vishawn and Burger King.

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