Lutien wrote:
Roles For Users so far (forgive me for any mistakes)
[^] means possible routePending Roles (ie: Users who can be used for anything because they didn’t asked for anything particular >:^D)
- Peacock Roy^
- Minty^
- Jellopy^
- Wreck-Gar^
- Risette^
- Lebron James/Roarshack^
- Bigcon4800^
- MiloticExalted^ (pokemon(????) club)
- Tupolev^
- Randomman^ (Possible club: Brone club)
- Angry engineer^
- Foxy (I asked him on the IRC)General Background Characters/Cameos:
- Tumblr User Celestia (Possible Club: Brone Club)
- Dragonlord
- Doeoeod
- The BitterBrit
- Cecaelia Girlie ( “Comedy” Club/shit RR threadmaker club or weeb club)
- Sgt Green
- Crimeariver (weebclub)
- YART (vidya and/or comedy club)
- Muumi (art club)
- Fuckface (vidya club)
- Der Uber Ludwig (german transfer student)
- Wreckgar
-Cordyceps (creep lurker)
-Tupolev (Transfer Student)
-Pumbloom (Comedy club(?) )
- U wot Gir
-Icecoldquantam/Ice C. “ICECOLDS” Quantum
(transfer student)
-Ignia Pearl Sanderson (still choosing between brone, fur, or RR club)Defined Roles
Protagonist: Marloe or a BNM
Antagonist/Rival/Bully: Trina D MinkeyRench^
Antagonist/Rival: Asura the Anti-Fun
Principal: Don (He said its okay for him to be used)^
Vidya Club Owner: Nintendylan^
History Teacher: Kourosh Kabir
Resident Hooker: Sam
Delinquent: Cipher Oblivion
Stevie Wonder : As himself
Janitor: Spiral Nuggets
Comic club owner: Spider-Byte
Assistant at the Computer lab/punmaster: daigoite
Art Club Co-leader: Nasturu Springfield
Baneposter Club Leader: TheBigCon
Hall Monitor: Jeloopy
Yandere: Mako the Void Witch^
Here's a surprise I'm actually in this as the "doctor".