Let's face it:
And Page GET!
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Dec 15, 2011 at 11:43AM EST
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Let's face it:
And Page GET!
I neither liked or disliked the episode. There were parts here and there that were snicker out loud moments, and I really liked the song. The opening was hilarious.
Also, I'm going to have to go back and figure just how much and who of Ponyville was oblivious to the plight of the Apple family after they had served the city for so long and so well (in business and in AJ's volunteer efforts.) And for how long were they apathetic. And after what information was made apparent. And if it seems that she they wouldn't have cared what happened to AJ and her family as long as the Brothers' Flim and Flam mass produced cider wasn't awful.
I forgot that part in class opspe, OK?! I usually try to throw some adjective that makes my statement less decided. With too many options, a person may glaze over the choices. That shouldn't be a problem here though. My concern with the open-ended items is that some people aren't as confident in their ability to articulate how they feel about a matter. Perhaps there is information in that itself though.
I'm going to take to finding/making some items. If you have something else that you think is an interesting question to ask of the community, then let me know.
Yeah, the entirety of Ponyville did not come off looking good in this deal, not just Rainbow Dash this time around.
@Those last two pages
I'm cool with religious discussions (I'm on the 'lol nope' side of the fence if you're wondering), but this doesn't seem like the right place for it. We could probably do with having a separate thread for all of these random discussions, but that would involve setting up a entire new forum (they sure as hell wouldn't let us have one here).
Also, about that questionnaire Verbose was suggesting: Yes please
And now to my episode review:
So, not sure what to think of that one. It was pretty decent throughout, and had some really funny moments, but the song ruined it for me. A slightly annoying song usually wouldn't be a problem to me, but this one seemed to drag on forever.
I'll give it 6.5/10, but I would have given it 8.5 if the song were a bit shorter / less irritating.
I didn't think the song was that bad actually, as a matter of fact, it reminded me of the Monorail song from the Simpsons for some reason.
Dr. Gregory Horse The Pony Medic wrote:
Let's face it:
And Page GET!
That is CLEARLY a false statement.
Wait, now I'm liking an episode everyone else hated?
IM Totall;y not drunk right now lol
I've been hitting the bourbon and thats been a nice chanfge from all the vopdka ive been drinking but i swwear tish shit aint doing anyting ot me.
I aint drunk! hell no they may be 8% bourdons but still it aint notinhg. I cant even feel athing.
Basicallyt what I am saying is I AM NOT DRUNK EZBOUGH shiit
Hey Berry P{unch? got any more druinks? I need more. A whole lot more. Aint had nearly enougu
So anyway @ Algernon. Dudde we were not having a religious argument or anything. I think we all respect eachothers beleives around here we were just talkking about the definition of science and religion and such. But I agree this really is not the thread for trhat. Thats why I dropped the subject in favor of taking it to walls and sduch.
Lets keep on the topic of ponies for now. FUCH YEA PONIEEEEZZ
Gofd man it feels great to get back to listening to some DNB after spending the whole enevingh listing to Glee Pop
Seriously guys my friends areall Glleeeks AND THEY LISTEN TO GLEE 24/7!
Glee Glee Glee Glee. For thevwhole night but I don't want to be a dick to thme so I just dance with the tunes anyway. Needless to say I had a fun night with lots of singing and dancing and more drunken shit and that. But at the end of the night its great to hear my own shit for a change. Some State of mind here and Black Sun Empire there.
There us onkly so much Pop music that I can handle.
But now I its time to go to bed i guess but before I do im posting, becvause I'm a forum whroe.
LOLOLOL FORUM WHROE! Its funny because I spelt it wrong. lolololol. I just love how everything is funnier when drunk. Thats how I can stand watching Glee with all my mates. Glee is hilarious when driunk. I LOVE SUE SYLVESTER! Such an awesome charACTER ROFL
I don;t remember what I'm on about. LOLOLOLOL o whell justy post popnies and have fun guise lolololololololololol RIFL DRUNK ATTENTION WOZHRE FIHEFNJKDSFNSDKFJBSFKJ
I need to druink some water
We could probably do with having a separate thread for all of these random discussions, but that would involve setting up a entire new forum (they sure as hell wouldn’t let us have one here).
Apparently, there is already one setup somewhere for KYM Bronies. I'd prefer that so I can hear you guys' ideas and thoughts on stuff and what's going on in your lives. But I feel like this thread here should always related to ponies. That way, other people can make comments about the show, the community, or whatever without having to deal with chatty, off-topic stuff. If I were new, I wouldn't want to come in and interrupt a scenario where two or three users are just talking about their lives.
Algernon. You have no taste in showtunes. And it's strange. I'm becoming more comfortable with Apple Bloom, but I'm not really starting to like her anymore. Granny Smith is awesome, but I think I like Big McIntosh the most.
Well, aside from Applejack.
He's usually portrayed as I've imagined him. Gonna make for a nice CMC episode.
Here is the doc. I think I'll need an email for those who want to edit it. Alternatively, we can just discuss it on the SynchTube, and I'll sum it up.
And with that, I'll leave that alone for a bit.
I haven't read BSoD's post, but I know it's going to be EPIC.
And dont forget thear a new episode soon YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY Im gonna be too hungoover to watch it I guess.but fuck me lolololkololol
I think Berry has some serious competition now, that being said, I don't know how you guys can do that, last and ONLY time I got drunk, I just got sick and nothing else.
I was not capable of doing ANYTHING at all.
Want……cider……so……badly. That episode…..had so much…..cider. Must drink some cider.
@Blue Screen
Dude. You need to stop drinking. Like seriously…
Go get some sleep, then we can exchange durnkenness stories in the mornin.
Wow, when Berry tells you to stop drinking, I think that's a sign that you better stop drinking.
Okay fine,. Ima go to bed. WHatever. (when the forum drunk tells you to stop posting while drink I guess thats sating something)
Its like 5:30 iubn the morning so yea. I guess you are right, No arugments here.
Gnite then guys. See you in … well not reallyt the morning more like a couple hours.. GNIIIIIITE
AT least i had a shit tone of fiun tonight. OMG BERRY YOU WOULD HAVE LOVED IT LOLOLOLOL
GNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITE WOO. DBSOD (drunk Blue screen of death) singing OOOOUUUUUT@!
You guys know how after Derpy talked in last week's episode we talked about who we wanted to hear speak next in the show? Well guess who had her first lines? Hint: She is often shipped with Lyra.
New episode was good, I lol'd out loud at the end when Applejack said she didn't learn anything. lol I guess she is perfect. And Pinkie letting Dash have her cider at the end made me smile.
Moments in time that will never exist agian
Moments in time that will never exist agian everywhere!
Ideological the Vinyl Scratch wrote:
You guys know how after Derpy talked in last week's episode we talked about who we wanted to hear speak next in the show? Well guess who had her first lines? Hint: She is often shipped with Lyra.
Shoot, after people complained about Derpy, I was thinking we'd never see her again. Glad I was wrong.
It'll be interesting though should Lyra ever get a voice, just hope it doesn't result in backlash the way the Derpy voice did.
@Iamslow: I see what you did there. You think you're so smart. Quoting Pinkie Pie and all.I've got my eye on you.
@DDP: Well it would be hard to offend people with Lyra's or Bon Bon's voice. They're not as…..derpy as Derpy.
I just love your drunk posts XD Please, never change
Now something else about the episode was that blushing Fluttershy at the beggining. Gosh, the producers seems to be begging for people to make R34 out of that ಠ_ಠ
Ashki wrote:
Shoot, after people complained about Derpy, I was thinking we'd never see her again. Glad I was wrong.
It'll be interesting though should Lyra ever get a voice, just hope it doesn't result in backlash the way the Derpy voice did.
I doubt it in two ways. Lyra isn't nearly as popular as Derpy was, so she's not likely to get a standard voice at all, and it probably won't sound like…Derpy's.
We know the reasons why it was low and slow, and that's fair. But it could be interpreted differently, and it was. I'd imagine (and hope) that they'd avoid it altogether.
Meh, as I said many times, that kinda voice suits Derpy, and honestly, nobody was complaining when she was dropping things on Twilight.
Also, blushing Fluttershy is pretty adorable.
What?? I hope Lyra doesn't find out that you said that. You know what happens when a pony cries.
Ideological the Vinyl Scratch wrote:
@Iamslow: I see what you did there. You think you're so smart. Quoting Pinkie Pie and all.I've got my eye on you.
@DDP: Well it would be hard to offend people with Lyra's or Bon Bon's voice. They're not as…..derpy as Derpy.
You're only making worse for yourself. Pinkie Pie can break the 4th wall you know and once she knows you're quoting her you'll be in for it.
To late, she found out, and odd, I thought Lyra was actually one of the other popular background ponies.
You happy, Verbs? Now we're all going to cry, just because you said she wasn't as popular as Derpy. And the worst part is, you're going to cry as well.
Speaking of Lyra though, I was talking with Cite, hopefully I can find the Sims version of her and Bon Bon. I know someone made humanized Sim ponies, now I just need to find them.
Humanized Sim ponies, eh? I haven't played Sims 3 in a while. I always end up building huge houses.
Ideological the Vinyl Scratch wrote:
Humanized Sim ponies, eh? I haven't played Sims 3 in a while. I always end up building huge houses.
I know there's some somewhere. I saw them on a video uploaded to the main pony page, and yikes, I should be a bit more specific with my searches on the TS3 Exchange page, especially when searching for Twilight, for obvious reasons.
May I present to you, my one-off fic:
The Last Battle of the Old Age
I hope you all like it, I banged it out in three hours this morning. It was fun.
And the worst part is, you’re going to cry as well.
Aerostat, I don't mind (in theory) if you roleplay, but don't tell me what I'm doing or not doing.
Also, she isn't nearly as popular as Derpy. That's the problem with ordinal data. 1st and 2nd may seem close, but in actuality, Usain Bolt was 1st and the guy he blew out was 2nd. You can run look at the search trends in Google or results for "lyra" and "derpy_hooves" on Ponibooru.
Or the fact that there's a Derpy Hooves article and no Lyra article on this very site. They aren't close in popularity. Regardless that "it hurts her feelings," it doesn't change anything.
Sitting Lyra
@Verbs: I wasn't telling you what you're doing. Ponies have a direct link to your heart (d'awwws, diabetus) and if one would cry you would probably be sad too. Why do you have to be so heartless? Anyway, google searches or KYM entries do not account for popularity but she is mentioned on another page. She is still popular.
Hi guys!
I just decided to drop by and present my newest pony drawing as usual. I can't believe it's already been a month since the last picture. I draw too slowly…
Anyways, whoever knows what those white creatures are without looking it up on my dA, deserve my kramas. Well, anyone but opspe. I already know he knows what they are.
@Ric Tesla below
That thing Pinkie's holding, is a stolen barometer.
Yeah, Verbs, you missed the Sitting Lyra page apparently, and of course Derpy is popular, but Lyra is as well, granted, as you said, maybe not as popular as Derpy, but she's still pretty popular.
@Muumi The Drawfriend
Take your time with drawing, the more time you spend on a drawing the better it becomes. Also what is Pinkie Pie holding in her hoof?
Oh, I have my reasons for being heartless, Aerostat. None particularly noble or good, so I'll have to apologize for that.
And whereas Connor's link to Sitting is noted, I don't think anyone can reasonably say that Lyra's popularity approaches Derpy's. "Sitting Lyra" has about 70,000 views and is unconfirmed. "Derpy Hooves" has about 240,000 views and is confirmed.
As we know, anyone can make an article. It doesn't make it notable.
Also, the existence of one piece of counter evidence does not disprove the fact.
EDIT: Remember, my post was about why Lyra won't get her own scene and won't have the kind of backlash that Derpy's did.
Lyra isn’t nearly as popular as Derpy was…
I never said Lyra wasn't popular. I said she isn't nearly as popular as Derpy.
Yes, anyone can, but usually those get Deadpooled rather quickly. Hell, even the Deadpool article got deadpooled ironically enough.
Verbose wrote:
Oh, I have my reasons for being heartless, Aerostat. None particularly noble or good, so I'll have to apologize for that.
And whereas Connor's link to Sitting is noted, I don't think anyone can reasonably say that Lyra's popularity approaches Derpy's. "Sitting Lyra" has about 70,000 views and is unconfirmed. "Derpy Hooves" has about 240,000 views and is confirmed.
As we know, anyone can make an article. It doesn't make it notable.
Also, the existence of one piece of counter evidence does not disprove the fact.
EDIT: Remember, my post was about why Lyra won't get her own scene and won't have the kind of backlash that Derpy's did.
Lyra isn’t nearly as popular as Derpy was…I never said Lyra wasn't popular. I said she isn't nearly as popular as Derpy.
Let's just say they are both popular but Derpy more so.
Goodbye everypony.
He shall be assimilated !!
But seriously, I'm really looking forward for more background ponies taking the spotlight this season. We already had Dr. Whooves making an appeareance this episode (not sure if intentional) and I thought he was going to speak.
And Flim Flam is now best… shipping?
Sorry Ric, it's gonna be inevitable.
I tell you what, J.J. works pretty damn fast when it comes to art, though that one is kinda disturbing, but mainly since they're related.
@Dr. Gregory Horse The Prototype
Inb4 incest fanfics…
"Derpy is conclusively more popular than Lyra." And Lyra is popular. Thank you for being the voice of reason when I don't have it on me, Connor.
But yeah.
The cider was a thing that happened. And it just was when it was.
They're still pretty noticeable, particularly when paired with Bon Bon, as it was noticed here.
And yes, also Derpy.
Also, I'd post that picture of Q with the mariachi band going lol no…if only I could find it.
I can lighten the mood!
See? They're smiling! Cute fillies smiling! Amirite?
What do you mean, "You're doing it wrong?"
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