Ah, here's my man. Good to see you here after I spotted you on the comment section. Lemme show you around.
This is Pony General where we talk about Ponies and drugs and ponies on drugs. Over there is our drug stash (points to mountains of cocaine)
And over there is opspe, he's the Don
That massive wall of text over there? That's Verbose
That cute bunny down there? That's Randomman, but don't stare at him in the eye. Last guy to do that lost his spleen.
And I'm the Blue Screen of Death. Welcome.
You are in the right direction, but I think you need to shrink the body and enlarge the head.
@Age discussion
24. I'm one of the old farts on this forum next to Verbose and Phoneix
Not on the list? Oh so I don't post here do I? FINE, I know when I'm not wanted
But regardless here's the updated age list, sorted by age so you can easily tell see who's a dinosaur and who's a fetus
Burning phoenix: 24
Verbose: 24
BSoD: 24
Muumi: 22
Opspe: 22
IvanP91: 21
X-Singular: 21
Iambob: 20
Daniel: 20
Ideological: 20
RandomMan: 19
Gigatoast: 19
Algernon: 19
Ric Tesla: 17
Cite: 17
Dr. Greg Horse: 17
Pyro: 16
Stargazer: 16
Connor: 15
lolstaz: 15
Sandwichman: 15
Riyku: Still developing in womb
Teh Brawler:
Fridge Logic:
Dr. Raymond:
Bob, you turned out to be younger than I thought.