Who's ready to spend the next fifteen seconds scrolling past my gigantic post?
Stunthead said:
I could very well be up ‘till 4AM to see this.
>not staying awake until 8AM
>having to go to college that day at noon
Get on my level. I still haven't finished reading fanfics by 4, let alone going on KYM (singlehandedly the biggest timesink of my evenings).
I thoroughly enjoyed it. Particularly I liked the lack of a real villain. It's starting to get old when another super evil threat that hasn't been mentioned before despite being such a big deal just pops in to screw over Equestria. I'm also really happy they've finally gotten rid of the Elements. Not just because I've grown weary of their seemingly unlimited abilities (banish to the moon, turn people to stone, purge evilness) but because it also means fanfic writers will now have to actually think up resolutions to their stories instead of the plot simply being "pad out 100,000 words of the Mane Six trying to find the Elements that the OP's OC villain has hidden/stolen/destroyed-but-not-really-because-theElements-are-really-inside-of-the-Mane-Six-all-along-and-they-just-needed-a-journey-to-discover-it." The flashbacks were also great, especially because they left fanon virtually unscathed.
Also, did anyone else notice the >implied long game Discord likes playing. It seems he knew exactly what the Elements were and what would happen, hence the "seeds of Discord" failsafe. For the "Spirit of Chaos," he sure does like extremely long and complicated plans.
>dat story arc
>inb4 alicornification of the Mane Six (so they can permanently represent Harmony without needing some jewels. It would also explain the "Twilight won't outlive her friends" comment. Notice she never said anything about Twi's immortality.)
RD101 said:
This show has too many fake outs, BTW.
Princess Celestia dead? 5 seconds later, she gets up.
The crocodile-thingy about to attack the Mane 6? 5 seconds later, they stopped him without even trying.
The weird plant thingies capturing Twilight? 5 seconds later, they’re gone.
And of course people think it’s the greatest episode ever. Downvote me if you want, but this was a weak premiere. It felt like nothing happened the entire time.
>killing Celestia during a flashback
What did you think was going to happen?
Would it have been better if they spent a quarter of the episode fighting a oneshot Everfree monster that'll probably never be used again? They defeated it quickly because it wasn't very high on the threat scale. Like all the other Everfree monsters (Timberwolves, Manticore, etc.)
>Hentai tentacles
Again, the level of threat determines how much screen time it gets. You're also exaggerating with the "5 seconds" thing. I felt the pacing was extremely good, especially compared to the "reformation" of Discord or Trixie. But, if you disliked it, you disliked it. There's twenty-four episodes left in the season, you're guaranteed to think a few suck, and think a few are great.
Kewlm00b said:
Down with Twilicorn!
Don't forget to sign the petition, join the DeviantART group, and enjoy the cringe.
Tyler Bowman said:
It didn’t spark another forced joke like “Gak”
>implying the "Twilight's drinking cum!" and "Tentacle porn!" jokes haven't already worn out their welcome
Kewln00baloo said:
Or better yet, during Season 2 where they made us wait a MONTH before we got Lesson Zero after the Return of Harmony.
>that awesome feel when you finished binging on Pokemon just in time to catch Lesson Zero
Kewlm00b needs to watch out, lest he end up like Dash
Dontmess withme has A nine word name said:
I didn’t particularly care for the sonic sparkleboom… I mean… it was very forced, and if it takes anywhere near the skill that a rainboom does, twilight should have been unable to perform it.
It wasn't a rainboom, though. Twilight was performing a magic show (she lights her horn prior to taking off) during the meeting time of the sun and moon (in other words, twilight) to ooh the crowd. It's also set up right at the start of the episode with her trying to learn how to fly better.
RD101 said (again):
Also, I just want to talk about how I am sick of the amount of Deus Ex Machina going on in this show…A perfect example is the crocodile scene.
TV Tropes said:
A Deus Ex Machina is when some new event, character, ability, or object solves a seemingly unsolvable problem in a sudden, unexpected way.
How exactly is a standard Everfree monster an "unsolvable problem" and how is using an ability that Applejack has had since season one a "sudden, unexpected way?"
MLP has definitely had Deus ex Machinas (A Canterlot Wedding being the most obvious example), but the premiere did not have any. If you're gonna toss around buzzwords, at least make sure you use them correctly.
No, I legitimately am getting sick of the show pulling these kinda stunts.
Then go watch Pokemon, where you never have to worry about them blowing a fight scene, or a character "dying" because that shit never happens in Pokemon. Flashbacks? Pokemon laughs at your continuity and worldbuilding. Interesting antagonists? Enjoy the same villains we've had since season one. Actual conflict where characters are in some form of jeopardy? What do you think this is, Poke Wars? You never realize how good you have it until you've seen the depths that some shows can sink.
Owens said:
After watching the premiere, I don’t feel that way any more. It was great. I think I’d be so bold as to say it rivals S2’s premiere.
>thinking the ride will slow down enough you'll be able to leave
Mr. Goldner only slows down enough so you can get a taste of what freedom's like before he speeds back up again for another 24 episodes.
Leland Zero said:
I don’t know why, but I always thought the deal was going to be good, but I was one of those who weren’t to bugged about Alicorn Twilight.
I was one of the first to recognize Our Glorious Purple Overlady for the majesty and supreme hnnngness that she is. Eventually, all will come to realize the error of their ways and embrace Her.
>might actually spoil your enjoyment of a future episode
>derps the spoiler tag so everyone can see it
Of all the times for an HTML error, it has to be the one time when irony would be at its highest.
EDIT: And the irony has been resolved.
I hope we're still not spoiler tagging stuff from the premiere, since it has been twelve hours since it aired and all.