Hackenbacker wrote:
Is wrong to actually hate a member of your family? My uncle on my Mom's side is actually racist. Not like the "from a different times" racist where he calls black people "colored," but full blown slurs against blacks, Latinos and Muslims.
Am I wrong for never wanting to talk to him at family gatherings because he drinks too much, gets angry at Muslims and doesn't listen to others? I'm kind of scared he might go off on my Filipino boyfriend if anything happens between them. I mean my other Aunt already called him a "Flip" at Thanksgiving last year so is it wrong to hate him?
this seems like a vent but I will tell you this
hell no it's not wrong, blood is fucking stupid and if you don't like a person you don't like a person, especially assholes, "family" means absolutely nothing and shouldn't mean giving them any more bias that you would anyone else
respect is earned, not given by things like blood
it's also not uncommon at all, MANY people aren't able to connect to blood relatives, I know more that don't than that do