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Most obnoxious or annoying political cartoons.

Last posted Feb 08, 2016 at 12:16AM EST. Added Jan 18, 2016 at 12:02PM EST
64 posts from 36 users

Trying to find political cartoons that are obnoxious or annoying? Why, that's like trying to find a needle in a… needle-stack.
Seriously, I don't know when or why, but from what I've seen at some point this particular form of expression became almost exclusively a tool for extremists- usually on the conservative fundamentalist Christian side, though the other forms of extremism get their fare share as well.

0.9999...=1 wrote:

Trying to find political cartoons that are obnoxious or annoying? Why, that's like trying to find a needle in a… needle-stack.
Seriously, I don't know when or why, but from what I've seen at some point this particular form of expression became almost exclusively a tool for extremists- usually on the conservative fundamentalist Christian side, though the other forms of extremism get their fare share as well.

You'd think you would have to really care about a topic to invest the time into making a political cartoon, so it would make sense that a bunch of them are made by nutjobs

This one really annoys me. Abraham Lincoln recieved death threats so made his arrival to Washington D.C. very secretive. This cartoon is making fun of it. Making fun of him not wanting to die.(Sorry the photo quality so bad, I took a photo of it from a book I have.)

I had a class last year known as "World Events" or something, and every week we had to bring in a political cartoon to share and discuss, and it was the worst part of the week, because everyone was practically the definition of an uninformed extremist conservative with opinions they believe are well-based in fact when they're clearly bullshitting. One guy seriously didn't know the consequences of what would happen if we nuked Iran or North Korea or Russia or whatever.

Back on topic, basically anything made by Michael Ramirez is cancer to read and visually look at.

PatrickBateman96 wrote:

This one really annoys me. Abraham Lincoln recieved death threats so made his arrival to Washington D.C. very secretive. This cartoon is making fun of it. Making fun of him not wanting to die.(Sorry the photo quality so bad, I took a photo of it from a book I have.)

I wonder how well that worked out?

Smiley Dog wrote:

I had a class last year known as "World Events" or something, and every week we had to bring in a political cartoon to share and discuss, and it was the worst part of the week, because everyone was practically the definition of an uninformed extremist conservative with opinions they believe are well-based in fact when they're clearly bullshitting. One guy seriously didn't know the consequences of what would happen if we nuked Iran or North Korea or Russia or whatever.

Back on topic, basically anything made by Michael Ramirez is cancer to read and visually look at.

ah, that guy. I've found his cartoons annoying as well.

I agree with what .9999 and bungo skunk have brought up that political cartoons are possibly the worst form of expression ever invented. The very concept of a political cartoon is to strawman a side and make you look smart and cool and present an extreme. At their core political cartoons are flawed. Even ones that present points I agree with usually make me cringe just from how ugly the artwork is and how smug it is and how it misrepresents the other side even if I already disagree with the other side. It's just embarrassing.

Like they just stink up whatever they're housed in. I read the comics every sunday and there's one on the very front that I just can't stand it's so elitist and pathetic and strawman filled and I have to see it every time.

Like someone in this thread pointed out, the most cancerous kind of political cartoon is probably something criticizing "those gosh dern kids and their techmolojees"

Last edited Jan 19, 2016 at 06:13PM EST

Well I'm not all right. As .9999 and smile dog brought up some especially the influential older political cartoons were really nice and subtle and well drawn and stuff. It's just the modern market is so polluted with anyone with an opinion and a pencil making these disgusting things semi-decent ones pretty much don't exist anymore. A dead art form.

All these anti phone anti social media ones are so fucking stupid and cringe. Yeah this amazing device that is basically a super computer in your pocket that can do all these things we couldn't even imagine 30 years ago is horrible because some people look at it while outside.


Ah old people, constantly hating on the newest thing because nostalgia blinds them to the flaws and reality of their own generation. I can't wait for whatever big breakthrough comes along when I am old and decrepit so that I can bitch about it. Gonna be great!

"Back in my day the phone was in our hands and not implanted in our skulls, and we was better for it!"

TheLastMethBender wrote:

All these anti phone anti social media ones are so fucking stupid and cringe. Yeah this amazing device that is basically a super computer in your pocket that can do all these things we couldn't even imagine 30 years ago is horrible because some people look at it while outside.


Honestly the thing that pissed me off most is that guy playing Angry Birds vertically

Last edited Jan 27, 2016 at 09:50PM EST

Ryumaru Borike wrote:

I don't even want to know what those signs say

This is totally worth it just for the idea of old-ass George Carlin faking his own death and moving across the world to spend the rest of his days making ironically shitty political cartoons in Spanish.

Translation of the text from left to right:

"I want to drive on the left."

"Lie: I am the one who wants to drive on the left."

"False! The only one who wants to drive [is?] me."

Mangy Black Sheep wrote:

Forgive the double post, but this has to be posted.


This is the low point of humanity.

In a way, it's a hopeful sign. There's nowhere but up from here. Nothing our species can produce will ever reach this level of ignorant, paranoid, nonsensical dumbassery.

Last edited Feb 02, 2016 at 12:22PM EST

Snickerway wrote:

This is the low point of humanity.

In a way, it's a hopeful sign. There's nowhere but up from here. Nothing our species can produce will ever reach this level of ignorant, paranoid, nonsensical dumbassery.

I hope that you don't seriously think that this is even in the same zipcode of badness as the one upthread that tried to scare uninformed parents into not having their kids get a lifesaving vaccine.

Teddy Sadcat wrote:

@My question

I don't get what's so bad to these comics. I need a comparison of a good one and a bad one. Maybe I'll see the difference, or maybe it's just an American thing I'll never understand.

You do know anything about our politics?

Basilius wrote:

you know besides taxes…

I think that's exactly what the author was talking about. Whoever drew this is one of those that sees "taxes" as "violent theft of private property redistributed to lazy parasites who didn't earn it."


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