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A short piece I have entitled "Fuck you, capitalism"

Last posted Mar 31, 2011 at 06:06PM EDT. Added Mar 28, 2011 at 03:12PM EDT
22 posts from 10 users

To whom it may concern within Starbucks management:

Today, I came in to work and found that the restrooms of our establishment had been locked and "Out of order" signs placed on the doors. What was the nature of the problem? I was informed that our current quarter profits were insufficient to warrant the further use of company funds to purchase certain items, among which was…toilet paper.

I want to be perfectly honest here--and that may literally be my problem. Early in my shift, a young woman ordered a beverage from me, and after completing the transaction she asked if the restrooms were available. In an effort to keep consistency with the posted signs, I replied, "I'm sorry, miss, but our restrooms are out of order at the moment." As she walked away, I felt a fair portion of what little self-respect a job like this allows me to keep fall away.

On my lunch break, I went to a nearby store, and with my own money I bought the largest package of toilet paper available (a whopping $9.99 value). I restocked the bathrooms on my own time with my own money, and unlocked the doors because--call me crazy--I believe allowing our customers the right to use a toilet may be a matter of basic human dignity.

Howard Schultz, our beloved CEO who reportedly has a net worth of over $1 billion, took the time recently to send every employee of the Starbucks company a copy of his book "Onward: How Starbucks Fought for Its Life without Losing Its Soul", reportedly a value of $25.99 apiece, whether they wanted one or not. Am I the only one who sees the irony in this exchange of paper products?

I will be posting this letter on the bulletin board in the employee area of our store, as well as a handful of other places of my choosing. My supervisor at the time of my purchase suggested to me that I keep hold of my receipt and see if perhaps in the next fiscal quarter I can be reimbursed. As a matter of fact, I am holding on to my reciept, but I intend to wipe my ass with it.

B. Brucker

Taryn wrote:

Making money by working hard is so evil.

I know thats why I spent a million dollars on a project this guys been working on for his entire life, and wham I am a billionaire, thankfully daddy gave me the money.

Last edited Mar 28, 2011 at 10:22PM EDT

Taryn wrote:

Making money by working hard is so evil.

Actually, making money off of other people and then not paying a fair share to the workers that are actually working is evil, and that's the basis of capitalism. I'm a proud socialist.

Katie C. wrote:

Actually, making money off of other people and then not paying a fair share to the workers that are actually working is evil, and that's the basis of capitalism. I'm a proud socialist.

Don't work there then.

I don't think capitalism, and socialism should oppose each other, its not like everything is black and white.

I think a corporation and its shareholders should be held responsible for their actions, but still allowed to operate.

Katie C. wrote:

Actually, making money off of other people and then not paying a fair share to the workers that are actually working is evil, and that's the basis of capitalism. I'm a proud socialist.

Not me, I'm an angry communist.

Oh, and because I know everyone cared about the original post… I did actually receive my copy of the CEO's book today at work. The assistant manager repeatedly with non-ironic cheer reminded me to not leave it at work. At the end of my shift, I nailed it to the wall with a note on it saying, "I am leaving this here intentionally in case we run out of toilet paper again. Thanks for your understanding." Or something like that.

A few customers asked about the book (which we are selling in stores) and I told them, "I'm sure it's a fascinating read that you can get for half that price on or elsewhere."

Maybe Humanity sucks, and deserves the problems it has because it is too lazy to fix them.

Toilet Rolls…

Last edited Mar 29, 2011 at 08:14PM EDT

Brucker wrote:

Hey, what happened to the caption on that?

Oh, I don't know. All I did was just find it on Google images.

Here is how I see the cycle.

1. Business goes to another country to save money.
2. Business raises prices.
3. Business does not make enough money from how much their prices are.
4. Business lays off some workers.
5. Business immediately gives C.E.Os bonuses.
6. Ordinary people lose jobs from Business outsourcing jobs.
7. Ordinary people cannot afford Business products.
8. Business loses a lot of money.
9. Business declares bankruptcy.
10. Government bails out Business even though Government is Laissez Faire.
11. Business immediately gives C.E.Os bonuses.
12. Business hires American workers.
13. Repeat step 1.

Yeah, Capitalism is the best!


Exactly. The thing that's really frightening is the way it seems in the last few decades things have ramped up to where this is not just accidental, but entirely purposeful.

I feel that there was a time where businesses ran with the intent of providing a useful service for society, understanding that if they did so, they would make money. Then, it was a shift of focus from the service to the making of money as the driving force of the business. Then, it was not just making lots of money, but doing what you can to ensure that you in fact were making more money than anybody else providing the same or similar services. Finally, it was not enough to make more money than any other provider, but push your business to the limits with the intent of driving every competitor completely out of your market, even if it means self-destructing in the process.

I believe South Park had an episode about Wal-Mart that explored this phenomenon.


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