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Multiplayer Video Game Stories

Last posted Sep 29, 2012 at 02:39AM EDT. Added Sep 20, 2012 at 05:39AM EDT
46 posts from 33 users

>Dark Souls
>Phantom xXMisterxListerxThexSisterxFisterXx has invaded!
>Ninja-flips,ninja-flips everywhere
>Run away because I'm poisoned by the swamps
>About 20 feet away from him
>40000000000000000 DAMAGE
>He use the shrug taunt

>Lost Planet 2
>Using Plasma Cannon SP
>Going to kill someone
>Near accurate shot
>About to hit the target
>I get shot instead

Last edited Sep 20, 2012 at 06:47AM EDT

>Ratchet and Clank: Full Front Assault / Qforce Beta
>I'm Level 30~, reasonably high
>Low amount players means I'm stuck in matchmaking for ages
>Finally find player
>Level 39
>Oh damn, must be god-tier
>Start playing
>He makes rookie mistakes
>Picking poor weapons, takes ages to capture nodes, etc.
>Defeat him with no sweat
>Start matchmaking again
>He's the only one I can find (and vice versa)
>He keeps quitting because he knows I'll defeat him easily


Last edited Sep 20, 2012 at 07:07AM EDT

>Kid Icarus Uprising.
>Together Mode.
>Everybody is using 150ish valued weapons.
>This is not Light Vs. Dark.
>There is no consequence for using better weapons.
>Go play Solo Mode, get better gear and some experience.

Last edited Sep 20, 2012 at 07:48AM EDT

>Starcraft 1
>doing quite well
>built up massive zerg swarm
>ready to overrun last enemy
>can not find the ghost
>frantically launch the attack early
>entire horde destroyed
>he was trying to nuke himself

>World of Tanks
>playing a tier 8 in a tier 10 battle
>have less than 20% health left
>anybody can one-shot me
>sparring with a tier ten
>duck behind a boulder
>enemy shoots a friendly tier ten heavy next to me
>he loses 2% health
>"i can't believe you let me take the damage Lionel"

>world of tanks again
>somebody tries to organize a plan requiring teamwork

>League of Legends
>Playing as Nunu
>2 people leave before the 10 minute mark
>1 person on each lane
>More Death
>Neva Surrenda
>Lose after 25 minutes

Last edited Sep 20, 2012 at 06:42PM EDT

>Realm of the mad god
>using a level 20 huntress for first time
>i found alot of strong potions and near final tier equips
>I'm in godlands, where you can die in simply 2-4 hits of this bullet if you're a huntress
>I am concentrated…must not get hit…
>friend starts talking stuff to me
>''sup vordred,hey, are you there?, hey? vordred?''
>can't respond due to concentration
>''are you trying to block me? did you blocked me?..cuz it looks you did''*cries*''
>stops playing for a second to tell friend ''WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?!''
>goes back in game to find out i died (death here means loss of all items, stats, and starting from level 1 again)
>friends says ''just wanted to say hello''


>Wolrd of Tanks
>Last enemy camping at the east side of his base
>He's gets attack by my teammates
>I snenk in base from west side
>Fire at him from behind
>His Face When

Last edited Sep 20, 2012 at 07:25PM EDT

>Playing Tribes: Ascend
>Being Beagle Pathfinder
>Approach Sandraker flag at 270 mph
>Grab flag
>Enemy chasers cannot keep up with me
>Notice enemy team member describing his teams defense as Runescape Tier
>Start laughing uncontrollably
>Rocket off cliff with enemy flag
>Fall off map

Last edited Sep 20, 2012 at 08:00PM EDT

>Team Fortress 2
>Join anti-grav server
>Be bouncin around
>2 pre-pube faggots come on
>Start talking with their high pitched voices
>They organize something
>They start getting killed
>They yellin at us not to kill them
>Yeah right
>I get pissed off and find them
>Start destroying them
>They get all mad

💜✨KaijuSundae✨💜 wrote:

>Team Fortress 2
>Join anti-grav server
>Be bouncin around
>2 pre-pube faggots come on
>Start talking with their high pitched voices
>They organize something
>They start getting killed
>They yellin at us not to kill them
>Yeah right
>I get pissed off and find them
>Start destroying them
>They get all mad

I starting thinking about

>team fortress 2
>be red pyro
>see blu medic healing heavy and making push
>run by heavy, ignite medic
>medic runs
>continue to ignite medic as he runs away
>medic about to reach health pack
>airblast medic over health pack
>medic burns to death

>Team Fortress 2
>Be on pl_frontier
>Play blu heavy
>Stand on train the whole time
>Kill tons of enemies
>Don't die once
>67 points

Last edited Sep 20, 2012 at 10:16PM EDT

>Team Fortress 2
>Be Engineer with fellow Pyro on Surf map
>Find a control point
>Start capping it
>Decide to mess around a bit
>Randomly fire a Pomson shot
>It hits an invisible Spy a few feet away
>It kills him
>I killed a Spy that I didn't even know was there

> Battlefield 3
> Gulf of Oman
> Be a sniper on the ground
> Team holds all the objectives
> Watch the planes dog fighting
> Enemy noob in jet
> Friendly jet about to rip him to shreds
> Noob bails at 600m going straight up
> He starts falling
> Plane starts falling too
> He pops his parachute
> Lands on a small house about 200m from me
> Scope in, aim, hold breath, fire
> I miss
> Shit he sees me
> Turns to fire at me
> Plane out of no where
> Crashes into the house.
> His own plane fell on him
> mfw:

>Be Soldier with a Direct Hit
>See Scout jumping onto shipping container
>Gib him in mid-air with Direct Hit
>Feeling cocky
>See Scout jumping for container again
>Shoot Crocket at him
>Hit Heavy/Medic on opposite catwalk attempting to deploy Ubercharge
>Gib them both
>Feels extremely good man

Last edited Sep 21, 2012 at 09:03PM EDT

>Battlefield 3
>Operation Metro
>In one of those 1,000+ life matches
>Be Medic armed with L85A2, and .44 Magnum
>Take down two guys with L85A2
>Need to reload
>Guy comes out of nowhere
>Switch to .44 Magnum and take him down
>Need to reload that
>Another guy comes out of nowhere
>I panic
>Switch to Defibrillator
>I somehow kill him that way
>I get 3 messages from him angry
Best match ever.

>League of Legends
>Playing PvP with nooby friend
>Friend is getting chased by enemy
>Kill enemy
>Another challenger approaches to kill friend
>Double Kill
>Two more of them show up
>Teammates show up
>Triple Kill
>Fourth enemy is running away
>Ult him for quadra kill
>"Did I just do that?"

>Modern Warfare 2
>Search & Destroy
>On Terminal
>Last alive, offense
>3 enemy players on other team
>Game is tied 3 to 3, last match
>Plant bomb, hide around corner
>Pull out Javelin, lock onto scenery in the direction of the bombsite
>Hear bomb being defused, fire Javelin into ceiling
>Triple kill, match clutched

Last edited Sep 22, 2012 at 09:07PM EDT

iremade69 wrote:

>Playing on eons old N64
>Find Starfox64
>Immediately play with friend
> Beat the entire game in only 2 days
> Save file corrupts
> our faces

2 days? That game's only about 2 hours long.

>Gauntlet 2
>Player in front of party in narrow hallway
>Player in front dies, dropping key ring
>All other players have nine keys, and therefore cannot pick up dropped keys
>Party can't move forward, everyone loses
>Level 100+
>Party killed by keys

iremade69 wrote:

Well, I'm not a exactly the best at Starfox……….

Well maybe, but even so, you couldn't even save mid-game. You'd literally have had to have kept the console running for 2 days straight. Didn't it burst into flames?

Reticent wrote:

Well maybe, but even so, you couldn't even save mid-game. You'd literally have had to have kept the console running for 2 days straight. Didn't it burst into flames?

N64s are tougher than you think…

I had one that I played off and on for 13 years. Admittedly I never left the thing on for two days straight, but…

American Tanker, Hell on Tracks wrote:

N64s are tougher than you think…

I had one that I played off and on for 13 years. Admittedly I never left the thing on for two days straight, but…

Oh, but I think they're quite tough already. It's a sacred object to me; It's existed since before I can remember, and it spawned my love for games. It's been dropped, had cartriges rammed into it, and has been left dusty intermittently for over 10 years, yet still works perfectly fine. It did, however, always get VERY hot if you left it on for a few hours. I always worried about mah baby.

Reticent wrote:

Oh, but I think they're quite tough already. It's a sacred object to me; It's existed since before I can remember, and it spawned my love for games. It's been dropped, had cartriges rammed into it, and has been left dusty intermittently for over 10 years, yet still works perfectly fine. It did, however, always get VERY hot if you left it on for a few hours. I always worried about mah baby.

I can attest to that. I sometimes did long "Practice Mode" runs in San Francisco Rush 2049 where I'd go 100 miles plus in a sitting (racking up miles unlocked upgrade parts in that game). Thing would be freaking hot after that.

I could see an N64 setting something on fire if left on for too long.

Two Goldeneye (N64) Stories:

>Watching friends' two younger brothers play
>One brother has rocket launcher
>Other brother has completely exhausted all ammo on all guns
>Unarmed brother makes a run for it
>Brother with rocket launcher gives chase, eventually gets to point-blank range
>Unarmed brother runs into room, closes door
>Brother with rocket launcher fires just as door is closing
>Unarmed brother protected by door
>Brother with rocket launcher dies in explosion
>Unarmed brother wins
>I LOL'd

>Me playing against friend
>Friend kicking my ass, health almost gone
>Friend has full health and armor, completely untouched
>Panicked, I turn around to face him and fire blindly
>Hit friend square in the head, dies instantly.
>Friend is angry.
>Again, I LOL'd

>Get enough for an orbital strike
>Target enemy base


(For those who don't know, "team kill" is getting 6 kills within a few seconds of each other. Getting a team kill is almost enough for an orbital strike right there and then, factoring in the other bonuses you'll get.)

Last edited Sep 23, 2012 at 09:45AM EDT

>Tribes Ascend
>Go the Enemy Gen Room
>See other Brutes
>Everybody throws a Fractal
>Disco Party at the Gen Room

Last edited Sep 23, 2012 at 09:52AM EDT

>Battlefield 3
>Join a random quick match server
>Conquest Caspian Border
>Gets in Jet
>Flies across the map near enemy base
>Nooby Helicopter is nooby, so I shoot it down
>"Killed By Admin"
>The helicopter is attempting to spawncamp
>Get in Jet again after my friend leaves for dinner
>shoot down Helicopter again, with absolute ease
>Screen goes black
>"You have been banned from this server"

Last edited Sep 23, 2012 at 10:12AM EDT

That reminds me

>Go to enemy gen room
>destroy gen
>go back
>destroy gen with others
>remain behind
…Seriously, when a team's generator is being kept down by ONE PATHFINDER, that's just embarrassing for that team's defenders. (OK, I did have the benefits of egocentric, light twinfusor and explosive nitrons…)

The opposing team overall won, but that wasn't the point.

>League of Legends
>Random match with random teammates
>Player calls another player a killstealer and a noob through the whole match
>Killstealer calls everyone noobs through the whole match
> Egotistical douchebag also in group calling everyone noobs through the whole match
>Only one sane player
>We're winning and everyone is still fighting with each other
>My face all through the match

Last edited Sep 23, 2012 at 10:33AM EDT

Reticent wrote:

Well maybe, but even so, you couldn't even save mid-game. You'd literally have had to have kept the console running for 2 days straight. Didn't it burst into flames?

Actually, that might be why it won't work.

I'm an idiot…..

>Gran Turismo 5
>On SS Route 11 (basically, a ridiculously long highway track)
>Playing two-player with brother
>We decide to race
>Holy Wangan Midnight, Batman
>I choose RenaultSport Clio (Basically, a mid-engined hatchback)
>He chooses Toyota FT86 (it's just a car)
>We race
>Holy crap this race was crazy long
>I think he spun out once
>We get to home stretch (read: all of the track) with finish line in sight
>My car is in second
>I try to crash him at the last second
>Our cars hit each other and spin out
>He crosses the finish line first anyway

And another TF2 one.
>Playing as some class, I don't remember
>Get killed by a Sniper
>Look at killcam
>He has a grenade next to his foot

Bumping for new one!
>Tribes:Ascend (of course)
>Blood Eagle
>Approaching enemy base
>Trying to get an e-grab (the enemy had the blood eagle flag and were approaching their stand rapidly)
>Somehow get boosted (maybe even my own fusion mortar)
>Get GOTTA GO FAST instead.
>Fight off chasers while buying time for teammates to show up and get the cap.

OK, I didn't get very far before they pinned me down, but I didn't need to.

The mere fact I turned an e-grab into an accidental GOTTA GO FAST – AS A HEAVY – is what makes it worth telling.

>Playing Halo Reach
>Phase 3
>Be Spartan
>3 Elites protecting core with stolen Warthog near the delivery point
>One Elite driver, one on the turret, other on foot
>1:00 left
>Spartans charge and Elites prepare for attack
>Pick up sniper rifle
>Snipe the one on foot first
>He dies
>Shoot the driver
>He survives
>Gunner bails
>He drives back unaware that behind him is a cliff and gunner who jumped off
>Warthog pushes Elite but he has jetpack
>I shoot wheel trying to kill driver
>It pushes the warthog back as the Elite tries to jetpack back up
>Warthog falls on him killing both
>Team grabs core
>Enemy Banshee comes
>Heading right towards the core carrier
>I shoot at Banshee to get its attention
>Banshee still charging towards core carrier
>Throw plasma grenade in front of carrier
>He jumps back after seeing grenade
>Banshee misses charge and kills me instead
>Spartan secures core with 3 seconds left
>We win
>Have solo victory party

>Map with the missile silos
>Kill 15 guys
>Activate killstreaks
>Out of ammo
>Knife a guy, take gun
>Kill 19 more
>Finish match 34-0
>Tons of hatemail

Not me, but I witnessed it. It was quite impressive.

>Play Free-for-All
>Hacked server
>20+ players on a free-for-all server
>Play Terminal
>Get 7 kills in seconds
>Get Harrier
>Hide in Burger Town kitchen
>Wait for aircraft limit to leave
>Activate Harrier
>Get 3 kills
>Get Chopper Gunner
>Activate Chopper Gunner
>Get 13 kills
>Wait for victim
>Walk out and look
>Enemy right outside
>Run back, throw semtex
>Sticks to door
>run back out, knife enemy
>25 kills
>die of semtex
>Get nuke in Free-for-All

Last edited Sep 29, 2012 at 01:23AM EDT

>Be a Crossbowman
>Up on top a building, sniping
>Bad guys (4) detected, climbing the ladder to where I am!
>Fourth guys has a Big Ol' Helmet, can't the headshots
>He gets up and pulls out a gawdamn greatsword
>Grab my Stabby-Stabby-Hit-a-Babby
>Bonk him dead and be a victory
>Enemy headshots me all dead and whatnot

>Trap guy in house
>"I want to play a game."
>Two buttons
>One is lava, other opens door
>He chose wrong
>Switch the buttons as he respawns
>Dies again
>Finally opens the door
>Gets on the floor
>Everybody walks the dinosaur

>Playing as Direct Hit Soldier
>See teammates in distress: Heavy and Medic pair
>Heavy gets sniped
>Save Medic by rocket-sniping, because fuck damage fall-off
>Pocket Medic get
>I become unstoppable farce
>Noobs burst into treats
>Veterans flee
>MLGs rage
>My mom gets scared
>Says I'm moving with my auntie and uncle in Bel Air
>Beg and plead with her
>Packs my bags
>Sends me on my way with kiss and ticket

>Black Ops
>Random Pegasister on other team with Fluttershy emblem
>Their team wins
>Come back to Xbox a little later
>1 Message
>It was her
>She sent all of her recents a message saying she had a good time playing with us
>Reply "Alright then, Fluttershy"

And since I know 90% of you guys hate CoD like it's the devil, here's another one:

>Pokemon White
>GTS Negotiations
>Paired with some random Japanese chick named "119%".
>She offers three shinies
>I get a shiny Voltorb
>Random Matchup
>Holy crap I met the same girl
>All of her battle Pokemon were shiny
>Fight close battle but eventually lose to Uber Hardcore Japanese Hax0rz


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