Status Update:
We checked on Kaijin in the cupboard today and discovered that he has made his own off-brand version of his catatonic state.
After summarily executing all of the ones that spoke in a cockney accent, we are actually quite impressed with the results and have been teaching them tricks, such as how to strike a dynamic pose, juggling and paying taxes.
In other news, we have discovered that the humans seem only able to identify us through our helmets. We have been switching helmets for the last three days and none of them seem to have noticed yet.
This has left both us and the other non-human members of the group concerned that they may be suffering from some sort of failing in their mental faculties as we are all such unique and distinct individuals.
Number 15 and Immundusia seem to be under the impression that fish can help improve the cognitive abilities of humans; so starting from today and until we see improvements, we will be making them all eat three cans of sardines everyday.