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[Riff-Raff] good fffriggin comment (gamer gate edition)

Last posted Feb 24, 2016 at 09:38PM EST. Added Oct 15, 2014 at 01:56PM EDT
426 posts from 74 users

Black Graphic T wrote:

Comments on the internet now define whether a sites a malitia group or not? We better ban youtube, facebook, twitter, amazon, and know your meme then.

Fuck man, better just nuke the whole net and make everyone use AOL again just to stomp out all those right wing malitia sites and their nefarious gun comments forever.

actually, yes. if a significant proportion of comments on a site were about laser tag, one could reasonably accuse the site of being a group of laser tag enthusiasts

please do not attempt to pull false equivalency on me. if you could go onto those sites you've listed (youtube, facebook, amazon, KYM etc.) and find comments similar to the ones I provided, meaning:

1. made in similar volumes/amounts in a short period of time
2. lots of upvotes/top comments or close to being top comments
3. found on front-paged material (i.e. not some fringe video on Youtube raided by /pol/)

then I may believe that they're hotbeds of support for paranoid militia ideology, and hence comparable to Breitbart

Good fffriggin debate guys

thanks. I intend to suspend everyone involved (including myself) once this is over, if another mod doesn't get to it first. standard Riff-Raff procedure

Black Graphic T wrote:

If we serious debate again, thread lock?

nah. That's the beauty of Riff-Raff: being "on topic" doesn't exist here, and locking is literally prohibited by mod consensus except in extreme cases of spam or plain site rule-breaking.

It would please a lot of people to lock this thread, but it's staying open. Forever ;)

Being "on topic" doesn't exist here

Welcome to real fuckin life, this year my mom was also diagnosed with cancer and had a major surgery and round of chemo, my sister got married to her abusive baby daddy, I’m barely keeping my life together and electricity running on my salary, and my nearest family member is 2000 miles to the east. Yeah, shit is shitty, we can all throw ourselves a pity party, but that’s not gonna feel any better than looking at baby animals. You have to stand up and struggle every day with the rest of the animal kingdom, that’s what it means to be alive.

Last edited Sep 02, 2015 at 01:03AM EDT

Particle Mare wrote:

nah. That's the beauty of Riff-Raff: being "on topic" doesn't exist here, and locking is literally prohibited by mod consensus except in extreme cases of spam or plain site rule-breaking.

It would please a lot of people to lock this thread, but it's staying open. Forever ;)

Alright then. I still don't believe in using comment sections to judge any website and that the two by nature are separate entities. And I feel GG gets a lot of shit when its pretty comparable to any strictly internet activist group.

They do a lot of stupid shit as well. But come on, malitia groups actually go out snd murder peoples. Can we not equste gg to murderers cause they said stuff we don't all like? We get enough of thst shit wirh dumbasses making fake ass bomb threats againdt gg, we don't need that shit in riff raff for cereal.

Black Graphic T wrote:

Alright then. I still don't believe in using comment sections to judge any website and that the two by nature are separate entities. And I feel GG gets a lot of shit when its pretty comparable to any strictly internet activist group.

They do a lot of stupid shit as well. But come on, malitia groups actually go out snd murder peoples. Can we not equste gg to murderers cause they said stuff we don't all like? We get enough of thst shit wirh dumbasses making fake ass bomb threats againdt gg, we don't need that shit in riff raff for cereal.

shhhhh, you're derailing a riff-raff thread, and I don't like that :)

EvilThing’s borderline delusional obsession with the “SJW Plague”, while entertaining, is worrying. Like… what does he do with his life? Does he do anything with his life?

Well, it's the same guy who said that the locking of cringeworthy was completely unnecessary. Plus, this analogy.

Yes, he needs help.

Last edited Sep 02, 2015 at 10:30AM EDT

Loli wrote:

EvilThing’s borderline delusional obsession with the “SJW Plague”, while entertaining, is worrying. Like… what does he do with his life? Does he do anything with his life?

Well, it's the same guy who said that the locking of cringeworthy was completely unnecessary. Plus, this analogy.

Yes, he needs help.

so basically the locking of an image gallery is as bad as getting riot police involved

well now

Black Graphic T wrote:

If we serious debate again, thread lock?

You don't even know how this works, do u?

Welcome to Riff Raff, let me tell u how things work.

K good, now get out and don't post here never again.

Last edited Sep 02, 2015 at 12:08PM EDT

GamerGate is a group dedicated to the prevention of hatred and labeling demographics and other individuals. So, obviously, they downvote Anita Sarkeesian on the spot because they hate her and they label her as a sexist.

Max wrote:

GamerGate is a group dedicated to the prevention of hatred and labeling demographics and other individuals. So, obviously, they downvote Anita Sarkeesian on the spot because they hate her and they label her as a sexist.

I uploaded that image because I wanted to see if GGers will blindly downvote this lol

Guess I was right

No Original Names wrote:

@Max I'm pretty sure thats not really GG related, people just hate her in general.

GGers hate her. Nobody else would give a fuck about a feminist who hates gamers.

@ 3kole5: that's not how your respond. This is how you respond:

Last edited Sep 27, 2015 at 11:19AM EDT

It just says so much about GG that they not only attack their opponents, but they also attack people who claim neutrality just for not being their allies.

And then they ask why people hate them.

Last edited Sep 28, 2015 at 12:41AM EDT

Anti-harassment is code for anti-speech! Critize Staleesian, she's literally the worse!

I don't know why I ever thought engaging this nonsense was a good idea.

Last edited Sep 28, 2015 at 11:56PM EDT

Taking to the UN to say how people on the internet should be arrested internationally for saying stuff on the internet is dumb. Firstly, cause the UN can't do shit. Secondly, cause the UN won't do shit. Thirdly, cause you're the biggest crybaby, male or female or trans, if you have to waste the times of a bunch of representatives for many, many, nations, facing real problems like droughts, plagues, famine, wars, and actual racial, ethnic, and ideological violence where people get executed in the street for not believing the right thing, to say that people on the internet were mean.

Even if it isn't nefarious, it is the biggest case of First World Problems to date.

What amazes me is that at least 27 people upvoted that comment unironically.

Also holy shit "make criticism illegal"? Aren't these the people who want to shut up Sarkeesian because they don't agree with her? She's full of shit, sure, but the hypocrisy here is very real.

I'm on mobile but I found the following after I vented my personal feelings about GG:

"To you, this might just be yet another internet slap-fight, but to me, its a small facet of a larger issue. A growing international social movement of people from 1st world nations using their legally protected freedom of expression to restrict the legally protected freedom of expression of people they don’t agree with. No, its not necessarily a bigger problem in the short-term than many things in my life, but in the long-term, it is possibly the most concerning thing I’ve ever faced in my lifetime."

You mean that Vidya Games are the most concerning thing you've ever faced in your life? Well then.

"ou know why pro-gamergate fights the way it does? Cause it’s super effective and has literally caused tens of millions of dollars in damage that was even admitted by Gawker themselves. Even though probably pro-gamergate has less than 100k members still we’re still causing literally millions of dollars in damage to the point a lot of aGG sites are struggling to survive financially. Question time: how is that not effective if less than 100k members are causing millions of dollars of damage to a company.
“Gamergate isn’t fighting the way I want them to”?"

Apparently gamer gate has cost the industry millions of dollars but we aren't going to cite sources or anything. Pointing out why outsiders don't appove of us is stupid and we don't care (even though our PR is horrible).

I know my post had issues but wow guys

Last edited Sep 29, 2015 at 06:05AM EDT

>Wong gets mad at something on the Internet and sends legions of fans to flood the gamergators with downvotes
>Gamergators condemn this as a shameless act of censorship
>Gamergators get mad at something on the Internet and send legions of fans to flood advertisers with complaints
>Gamergators laud this as a heroic act of freedom of expression

TIL deliberately venturing online to immerse ones-self in a culture war is literally the same as your console playing a Sarkeesian video every time you turn it on. I wonder how most people who play video games seem to avoid this "identity politics nonsense"!

Now that GamerGate has basically died down here this thread is for the most part, dead.

Do you guys think we should lock it? If you do lock it i say we put it in memory lane.

TripleA9000 wrote:

Now that GamerGate has basically died down here this thread is for the most part, dead.

Do you guys think we should lock it? If you do lock it i say we put it in memory lane.

It's not completely dead, there are still a few good friggen comments popping up now an again

TripleA9000 wrote:

Now that GamerGate has basically died down here this thread is for the most part, dead.

Do you guys think we should lock it? If you do lock it i say we put it in memory lane.

Asking for transparent reasons, would this accompany a lock of the offical GG thread and the page's comment section?

It's something about prime minister of Canada being of those guys that hate media, but take a look at this post without any context.

Max wrote:

GamerGate is a group dedicated to the prevention of hatred and labeling demographics and other individuals. So, obviously, they downvote Anita Sarkeesian on the spot because they hate her and they label her as a sexist.

okay but ACHUALLY she said KILL ALL MEN because of [insert hour-long video here]111!1 SHE WANTS TO KILL ALL LE GAMERS!

TripleA9000 wrote:

Now that GamerGate has basically died down here this thread is for the most part, dead.

Do you guys think we should lock it? If you do lock it i say we put it in memory lane.

nah let's wait
besides there's always the forum thread which we can seed off of

Tupolev Tu-22M Backfire wrote:

It's something about prime minister of Canada being of those guys that hate media, but take a look at this post without any context.

10 bucks says he know's absolutely nothing about Trudeau or his platform and is only commenting about it because Trudeau is the Liberal leader and must therefore be an ebil es-jay-dubyoo.

Old Man GigaChad wrote:

I really want to see some happy merchant/ben garrison style edits of GG comics.

you want happy merchant, i give you jojae

And that, folks, is why GG caused notable monetary damage to Gawker and fights an endless war on twitter attempting to eradicate the evil ess-jay-double-yous; because they attempt to keep the world much as they found it, never helping without someone asking for it. Take notes, we are dealing with a top level philosopher here.

Last edited Oct 28, 2015 at 05:06PM EDT

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