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KYM Pony General VIII: One Pony Away From a Cease and Desist

Last posted May 19, 2022 at 09:55PM EDT. Added Jul 06, 2014 at 11:32AM EDT
3763 posts from 128 users

Blue Yoshi wrote:

All right. So I read the fanfic, and here's the flavor for each of the ponies' horns:

Twilight Sparkle- grape
Rarity- marshmallow
Lyra- mint
Sea Swirl- blueberry
Sweetie Belle- vanilla
(random pony)- caramel
Minuette/Colgate- toothpaste
Lemon Hearts- lemon
Trixie- raspberry
Princess Luna- blackberry
Princess Celestia- Pina Colada
Princess Cadance- bubblegum
Shining Armor- coconut

Pinkie Pie did not lick the last three ponies' horns. Twilight licked Celestia's horn after Celestia stopped Pinkie Pie from doing so. As for Cadance and Shining, the author just mentioned the flavors of their horns just for the heck of it.

Looks like he based it mostly on their coat color, kind of expected. Celestia's is appropriate.

Also: ~" if you like pina coladas, and getting caught in the ran."

Edit: oh hey page gets. songs and ponies

Last edited Oct 18, 2014 at 12:08AM EDT

Renaissance Muffins wrote:

Looks like he based it mostly on their coat color, kind of expected. Celestia's is appropriate.

Also: ~" if you like pina coladas, and getting caught in the ran."

Edit: oh hey page gets. songs and ponies

A few people were singing that song in the comments section. =P

Blue Yoshi, between this talk of horn licking and the previous transformation stories this has me wondering… Are you looking at fetish fics? I'm not even upset or anything, it just kinda sounds like that.

So now that Rainbow Rocks has premiered on TV is it now safe to talk about plot points of Rainbow Rocks without posting Spoiler tags? If so, I can't wait to talk about the part where Pinkie Pie OD's on Pixie Sticks.

User was banned for this post


Probably not, because the TV version cut out the awesome end credits, the scene after the credits and a few other small things here and there. Wait for the Blu-Ray/DVD release of the film.

CrashGordon94 wrote:

Blue Yoshi, between this talk of horn licking and the previous transformation stories this has me wondering… Are you looking at fetish fics? I'm not even upset or anything, it just kinda sounds like that.

No. I'm into random, weird, and silly fanfics. I read "Unicorn Horns are Made of Candy", because I liked one of the other fanfic that the author wrote, which is "Princess Celestia is in Your Bed" a lot. As for the transformation fanfic, I found it in the "I've Got the Giggle's Section" in <a href = "">"Cadence's Library" group, which has a large assortment of fanfics of various topics.

Stuff I've also read include:

"Pinkie Pie Purchases an Iphone Six Plus"
"The Collected Poems of Maud Pie"
"Mario & Luigi: Of Ponies and Plumbers" (It's incomplete, but I loved the story so far)
"The Battle of Fort Book" (which is my most favorite MLP fanfic I've ever read so far)
"A Story With a Lack of 'E'" and its sequel

@Blue Yoshi

The title of that last fic reminds me of this novel:

A Void:

"A Void, translated from the original French La Disparition (literally, "The Disappearance"), is a 300-page French lipogrammatic novel, written in 1969 by Georges Perec, entirely without using the letter e (except for the author's name) . . ."

Hey, this fanfic looks interesting. It's about <a href = "">Rarity trying to kill a cockroach.Time to read it!

Edit: I finished reading it, and it was hilarious! Rarity tried to do everything to kill the roach: squash it with her sewing machine, pile a bunch of stuff on top of it, use a bug spray on it (the bug spray was empty, unfortunately), throw kitchen supplies at it, throw a kitchen sink at it, spray it with water, and all that jazz. The roach was indestructible, surviving or harmlessly dodging everything Rarity threw at it. It even prevented Rarity from leaving the house, appearing in front of a door or a room, and flew and crawled over her face a few times, causing Rarity to shriek in fear. Eventually, it caused Rarity to barricade herself inside her room to make sure that she does not see that abomination again. She even flooded part of her house during the mess and ruined most of her house while trying to kill the insect.

It wasn't until Sweetie Belle came back from school, befriended the cockroach, and showed it in front of Rarity. Rarity squashes the cockroach with her rolled-up newspaper and celebrates, but Sweetie Belle is sad as she realizes that her tiny new friend is gone.

The best part about the fanfic is that Rarity used everything INCLUDING the kitchen sink to try and kill the insect! I think that has got to be the best usage of the kitchen sink in a fanfic I've read so far. XD

Last edited Oct 18, 2014 at 09:17PM EDT

Blue Yoshi wrote:

I think that has got to be the best usage of the kitchen sink in a fanfic I’ve read so far. XD

I think you need to keep reading.

Best fic ever!

@Rainbow Rocks
Yeah, the movie is now (mostly) available in high def!
You know what that means?
<div class=spoiler title="High def sceenshots and gifs!">

You really miss so many details when watching those tiny, low resolution videos:

It's practically a whole new scene!

I know people having a bad day will often say 'Pony fixes everything,' but this is just getting ridiculous…

Pony Duct Tape is now a thing, apparently.

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:

@Pony duct tape

I take it that's for emergency repairs in case your Twilight fursuit gets ripped during bronycon

Yeah. If you are clopping with your new lyra plushie and you accidentally tear a new hole in it, you now have a way to repair it l. xD

@RR: I can't wait for the bluray. I think it's Friday that it releases. Do want!

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:

@Pony duct tape

I take it that's for emergency repairs in case your Twilight fursuit gets ripped during bronycon

Well, yes, but pony tape can have so many other uses, too!
<div class=spoiler title="Repairing Beloved Objects">

<div class=spoiler title="Solving The Problem of Hooves">

<div class=spoiler title="Creating Royalty">

<div class=spoiler title="Defeating Said Royalty">

<div class=spoiler title="Or Just Getting Some Damn Peace And Quiet">

So get out there and tape all the things!

Unrelated Scootacute!

Last edited Oct 19, 2014 at 05:20AM EDT

What's this? <a href = "">A "Five Nights at Freddy's Crossover" with Luna as the night guard? Oh boy. I'm soooooo gonna read this.

I'm also planning to read "Princess Celestia Hates Tea" after reading a comic based off of it (the comic's not complete yet, though), and probably "Princess Celestia Gets Mugged" in the future. I need some funny stuff to read that's not over 50,000 words long (I hate reading long stories, BTW).

I just conducted some very important research on the transcripts of all the MLP episodes and Equestria Girls Movies/Shorts, and I present to you the following data: How many times the characters have said the word "butt" and other related words! Please note that it only counts if they are in fact talking about a butt and not just "Froggy Bottom Bog" or something.

Total Butts: 2 (Both in Rainbow Rocks)
Total Asses, Rears and Bottoms: 0 (What a shame)
Total Rumps: 13 (2 from Dragonshy, 1 from Call of the Cutie, 2 from Over a Barrel, 3 from Baby Cakes, 1 from The Crystal Empire Part 2, 1 from One Bad Apple, 1 from Princess Twilight Sparkle Part 1, 1 from Twilight Time)
Total Cabooses: 3 (2 from Family Appreciation Day, 1 from Ponyville Confidential)
Total Flanks: 22 (8 from Call of the Cutie, 1 from Suited for Success, 1 from Stare Master, 1 from The Show Stoppers, 2 from the Cutie Pox, 4 from One Bad Apple, 1 from Apple Family Reunion, 4 from Flight to the Finish)

I didn't do Backside or Behind because that's when the pills started to kick in.

(I have work to do and I just spent the last hour doing this instead, what is wrong with me?)

Last edited Oct 20, 2014 at 05:16AM EDT

@Stunthead: I thought butts was said in an episode of season 1 because I thought I remembered it from the end of an "Everything Wrong With" episode, but then I remembered it was actually…

Wow. This has got to be the cleanest adult show in ages! :^)

↑ good to see that I'm still about 30 min behind the crowd on reporting the news.

But seriously, that's awesome! Soooo many questions to be asked though. Will it be a limited release? Will it be 3 hrs long? Will Sunset Shimmer ever be canon? Will spike ever get another kiss from Rarity? Will the world even exist in 2017? Will it be rated NC-17? How many ships will get sunk? Will Derpy live to see the film? Will she get any speaking lines? Will my sides ever return to earth after seeing the movie.

Man. Just so many questions…

Stunthead wrote:

I just conducted some very important research on the transcripts of all the MLP episodes and Equestria Girls Movies/Shorts, and I present to you the following data: How many times the characters have said the word "butt" and other related words! Please note that it only counts if they are in fact talking about a butt and not just "Froggy Bottom Bog" or something.

Total Butts: 2 (Both in Rainbow Rocks)
Total Asses, Rears and Bottoms: 0 (What a shame)
Total Rumps: 13 (2 from Dragonshy, 1 from Call of the Cutie, 2 from Over a Barrel, 3 from Baby Cakes, 1 from The Crystal Empire Part 2, 1 from One Bad Apple, 1 from Princess Twilight Sparkle Part 1, 1 from Twilight Time)
Total Cabooses: 3 (2 from Family Appreciation Day, 1 from Ponyville Confidential)
Total Flanks: 22 (8 from Call of the Cutie, 1 from Suited for Success, 1 from Stare Master, 1 from The Show Stoppers, 2 from the Cutie Pox, 4 from One Bad Apple, 1 from Apple Family Reunion, 4 from Flight to the Finish)

I didn't do Backside or Behind because that's when the pills started to kick in.

(I have work to do and I just spent the last hour doing this instead, what is wrong with me?)

Everyone's acting surprised about this, but any sane person who knows Stunt shouldn't be surprised by this post. Instead, I'm impressed. But given his love for Pone Butts seeing him with the dedication to do this is just impressive.

Finished reading <a href = ""> "Princess Celestia Hates Tea". My, oh my! This fic got more hilarious and out of control when Celestia told Twilight she hated tea! One single confession, and everypony in the world turned against Celestia in a really ridiculous sort of way. XD

SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!! (For those who have not read the fanfic or read the comic)
Part 1 was freaking hilarious. I laughed when Celestia said that she "barking hates tea" and threw the tea away when the pony who poured the tea for her left her room. Then, when Celestia told Twilight that she hates tea, Twilight snapped, and called everypony to try and "fix" Celestia. Sergeant Hoplite tackled Celestia to the ground, Shining Armor shut her up with a force field whenever she tried to talk to Shining, the mane six used elements of harmony on her a couple of times (to which Celestia replied, "Ow! That really sort of stings, you know!"), until Celestia broke out in sheer rage and used the ROYAL CANTERLOT VOICE TO TELL EVERYONE THAT SHE HATES TEA!!! Everypony was shocked when they realized this.

Part 2 was a bit depressing, since the fanfic ended with Celestia forced to admit against her will to everyone about her mistake and that she liked tea again. But I loved how Twilight explained why Celestia hated tea, and it was because Discord "corrupted" her. Twilight also said that she was going to use the memory spell to make Celestia remember every tea-drinking moment in her life! Boy, that must have been a painful experience for her.
End of spoilers

I had no idea how awesome the fanfic was until I read it. I'm so glad I decided to read it tonight.

Last edited Oct 21, 2014 at 12:32AM EDT

Ooh, there's a sequel to "Princess Celestia Hates Tea". It's called <a href = ""> "A Short Story by Twilight Sparkle". It's about how Twilight has written the fanfic "Princess Celestia Has Tea", and Celestia has read the story. They have a discussion about the fanfic, and Celestia requests that Twilight should write a story about the stuff they discussed.

And that story is the fanfic I just read. It's a metafiction. o.o

Last edited Oct 21, 2014 at 03:07AM EDT

Whoa. TV Tropes has a page for "Princess Celestia Hates Tea" fanfic. I checked it out, and another guy wrote a fanfic based off of it to make Celestia feel better in the ending of "Princess Celestia Hates Tea".

<a href = ""> The fanfic's called "Pinkie Pie In: Princess Celestia Hates Tea". It's about Pinkie Pie using SCIENCE to create a sugarcube containing a bunch of different sugar flavors, sneaking inside Canterlot Castle and Celestia's room, giving the sugarcube to Celestia, and explaining to her about how she has created an organization to fight off teas, coffees, and other beverages with yucky flavor. While the fanfic has some spelling and grammar errors in it, it was pretty random and hilarious (especially the SCIENCE part and the lightning going off in the background), and I liked it. Hooray for Celestia finally getting a happy ending!

Pinkie Pie always finds a way to make something interesting.

@ Erin:

<a href = "">That comic with Twilight in it reminds of the comic posted in the "Fridge Horror" page in TVTropes.

<img src = "">

Renaissance Muffins wrote:

I'll never understand the murder and gore stuff that well. I can get why it's used, but every time I see it, it's just like, why? It often feels like a cop out when it comes to writing or drawing.

It's one of the rules of the internet:

The more innocent and pure something appears: the more fun it is to corrupt it.

And MLP looks plenty innocent most of the time, making it ripe for the picking by netizens who have a taste for more grimdark stuff. That explains most of the senseless violence stuff

As for less senseless but more ongoing things like the psychotic, knife-wielding Pinkemena Pie, that's more of a characterization thing:

  • Some people just like the characterization of a normally bright character placed in a darker world.
  • Some people just like the characterization of a dark world containing a bright character.
  • Some people just like exploring their favorite characters in settings that we'll never see in canon (such as murder) and coming up with ideas on what they would do

It mixes things up and makes things interesting for those folks that love character building (and also love horror stories). All the murder/gore stuff related to Pinkemena Diane Pie is powered mostly by that interest of developing that character

And then there are some people that just like seeing death and destruction because who doesn't love death and destruction? It's fun. Apply it to MLP? Even more fun

TL;DR: people do it for fun

Last edited Oct 22, 2014 at 03:35AM EDT

My goodness! <a href = ""> That fanfic I read earlier this week about Pinkie Pie licking a bunch of unicorn horns to see how they taste like is still popular right now! And it's even on the front page! I enjoyed reading the author's other works, which were <a href = "">"Equestria in Human" and <a href = ""> "Princess Celestia is in your bed". I only read "Unicorn Horns are made of Candy" to see what other crazy ideas the author would come up with, and I didn't think the fanfic's popularity would soar up drastically in a week.

Last edited Oct 22, 2014 at 06:38PM EDT

Blue Yoshi said:

What’s this? A “Five Nights at Freddy’s Crossover” with Luna as the night guard? Oh boy. I’m soooooo gonna read this.

Let me save you some time and summarize that for you:


Hooray for research!

(I am definitely enjoying that your posterior post still has more upvotes than the post about the MLP movie we've been waiting for for years.)


Get hype!

But really, it is nice to see that we will actually be getting a 'pony' pony movie for once.

FYI, this is the guy they brought in for the screenwriting:

Sounds like we may be in good hands.

<div class=spoiler title="Even TBS is talking about it… for some reason…">

They put that picture out hours after the movie was announced.
That speed makes me think that they had that picture of Chris ready ahead of time.
And that makes me wonder why TBS has pictures of Chris dressed as Rainbow Dash just hanging around.

↑ @ above spoiler:

Applejack is not sure what she's just seen, and she's not sure if it can be unseen. All Applejack knows now is she needs to get back to apples and get off the internet…forever…just like her granny told her to. Why didn't she just listen to Granny Smith???

Edit: In other news, how do I get me this watch?

If not then maybe I can get a show accurate plush from 4DE.

Last edited Oct 23, 2014 at 02:40AM EDT

BearGlitch1 wrote:

Is this our new mission? Our Lord Tirek demands it

Realistic colored horses? Get that shit out of here, I only have sexual desires for horses that look like the artist based their color scheme off one of their favorite childhood candies.

BearGlitch1 wrote:

Is this our new mission? Our Lord Tirek demands it

Uh. Well.

If that's supposed to be Tirek, then I should probably find a sturdy guitar to smash over his head. A Kramer could work.


Hope Vinyl has a somewhat-major role like in RR.

Finally got a chance to read <a href = ""> "T-T-T-Tia!" and <a href = "">"Princess Celestia Gets Mugged" last night. Both of these fanfics were hilarious as hell! Man, I love reading random and hilarious fanfics.

Speaking of which, I need to read more Luna fanfics that are short and funny. I read four fanfics with Celestia as the main pony character (Princess Celestia is In Your Bed, Princess Celestia Hates Tea, Princess Celestia Gets Mugged, T-T-T-Tia!), and only two with Luna as the main pony character (Luna Works at Freddy Fazbear's, Luna Makes Toast).

What can I say? This forum knows where its priorities are…

Speaking of, I managed to finish off the research. I included a few words that I was pretty sure weren't in there, but hell if I'm going to cut corners when it comes to butts. If anyone can think of any butt words that I missed that might be in the show somewhere, let me know. For science.

Total Posteriors, Hineys, Tushies and Behinds: 0 (Tragic)
Total Bums: 1 (From Ponyville Confidential)
Total Booties: 1 (From One Bad Apple ["Scoot your boot"])
Total Patooties: 3 (1 from Look Before You Sleep, 1 from Hearts and Hooves Day, 1 from Pinkie Apple Pie)
Total Backsides: 2 (Both from Luna Eclipsed)
Total Hindquarters: 5 (1 from Boast Busters, 1 from Family Appreciation Day, 1 from Sleepless in Ponyville, 2 from Leap of Faith)

Someone remind me to do this for season 5.

Last edited Oct 24, 2014 at 06:34AM EDT

Well, no charts, but if it's stats you want, it's stats you'll get.

Please note:
-The individual movies and shorts are counted as "1" just as the episodes are.
-The CMC often speak about flanks in a general way (Eg: "Who wants a picture of a hammer on their flank anyway?"). These instances have been recognized as a round-about way of making reference to their own flanks and have been noted as such.
-I made a mistake earlier. Rump was not said in Princess Twilight Sparkle Part 1, it was said in Part 2.


Episode with most butt words: Call of the Cutie (8 Flanks, 1 Rump)
Episode with the widest range of butt words: One Bad Apple (Rump, Boot[y], Flank)
Character who referenced butts the most: Diamond Tiara (10 times!)
Character who said the widest range of butt words: Applejack (Rump, Boot[y], Flank, Patootie)
Character who had their butt referenced the most: Apple Bloom (20 times!)
Character who had their butt referenced the most ways: Apple Bloom (Caboose, Boot[y], Flank, Hindquarters)

From this we can tell that Call of the Cutie and Diamond Tiara are rather butt obsessed, One Bad Apple and Applejack got a little crazy with the vocab, and Applebloom's entire life is butts. Butts are her special talent.

…Moving on…

Total Butt Words
Grand Total: 51
Season 1: 18
Season 2: 13
Season 3: 9
Season 4: 9
Movies and shorts: 2

From this we can see that Season 1 had the most butt words, though season 3 did put up a valliant effort seeing as it was only half as long. This is further explored in the next set of data.

Episodes With Butt Words:
Grand Total: 24/101
Season 1: 8/26
Season 2: 6/26
Season 3: 4/13
Season 4: 5/26
Movies and shorts: 1/10

From this we can see that season 1 had the most episodes with butt words, and season 1 and 3 are tied for the likelyhood that any one episode you pick will contain a butt word (Both are a 4 in 13 chance).

And remember: Twilight says study hard!

Last edited Oct 25, 2014 at 07:43AM EDT

Stunthead wrote:

Well, no charts, but if it's stats you want, it's stats you'll get.

Please note:
-The individual movies and shorts are counted as "1" just as the episodes are.
-The CMC often speak about flanks in a general way (Eg: "Who wants a picture of a hammer on their flank anyway?"). These instances have been recognized as a round-about way of making reference to their own flanks and have been noted as such.
-I made a mistake earlier. Rump was not said in Princess Twilight Sparkle Part 1, it was said in Part 2.


Episode with most butt words: Call of the Cutie (8 Flanks, 1 Rump)
Episode with the widest range of butt words: One Bad Apple (Rump, Boot[y], Flank)
Character who referenced butts the most: Diamond Tiara (10 times!)
Character who said the widest range of butt words: Applejack (Rump, Boot[y], Flank, Patootie)
Character who had their butt referenced the most: Apple Bloom (20 times!)
Character who had their butt referenced the most ways: Apple Bloom (Caboose, Boot[y], Flank, Hindquarters)

From this we can tell that Call of the Cutie and Diamond Tiara are rather butt obsessed, One Bad Apple and Applejack got a little crazy with the vocab, and Applebloom's entire life is butts. Butts are her special talent.

…Moving on…

Total Butt Words
Grand Total: 51
Season 1: 18
Season 2: 13
Season 3: 9
Season 4: 9
Movies and shorts: 2

From this we can see that Season 1 had the most butt words, though season 3 did put up a valliant effort seeing as it was only half as long. This is further explored in the next set of data.

Episodes With Butt Words:
Grand Total: 24/101
Season 1: 8/26
Season 2: 6/26
Season 3: 4/13
Season 4: 5/26
Movies and shorts: 1/10

From this we can see that season 1 had the most episodes with butt words, and season 1 and 3 are tied for the likelyhood that any one episode you pick will contain a butt word (Both are a 4 in 13 chance).

And remember: Twilight says study hard!

"Character who referenced butts the most: Diamond Tiara (10 times!)" So is it safe to say that the pony you're most like is Diamond Tiara? Don't think of that as an insult as you're the resident Pone Butt Connoisseur.

Butt Math is best Math!

Combining all the good things in life, ain't'cha?

For full accuracy though, it should be noted that a 'flank' is really not a butt reference.
Flanks refer to the sides and hip area of a pony, i.e. where the cutie marks appear, rather than the actual rump.
Taking that into account will pretty drastically alter your results as Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara top the lists based almost exclusively on their references to 'blank flanks' which really shouldn't count.
It's a simple matter of-

Hang on…

Stunthead is Diamond Tiara now?
I think this stalking thing has just taken on a more sinister dimension…

Awesome thing:

Everything about this is perfect!

Last edited Oct 26, 2014 at 04:29PM EDT

Well, what you think does and does not count as a butt is YOUR problem, Master Parrot, not mine! I already deleted all my research notes, I refuse to go through it all again! …Then again, I do have a reputation to keep…

God damn it.

You're lucky you're cute, Deadparrot.

Episode with most butt words: Tie between Family Appreciation Day (2 Cabooses, 1 Hindquarters) and Baby Cakes: (3 Rumps)
Episode with the widest range of butt words: Tie between Family Appreciation Day (Caboose, Hindquarters), Ponyville Confidential (Caboose, Bum) and One Bad Apple: (Rump, Boot[y])
Character who referenced butts the most: Granny Smith (1 Patootie, 2 Hindquarters, 3 Cabooses)
Character who said the widest range of butt words: Tie between Granny Smith (Patootie, Hindquarters, Caboose), Applejack (Patootie, Rump, Boot[y]) and Rainbow Dash (Hindquarters, Butt, Rump)
Character who had their butt referenced the most: Tie between DT and SS (3 Rumps, 1 Hindquarters) and Apple Bloom (1 Boot[y], 2 Cabooses, 1 Hindquarters)
Character who had their butt referenced the most ways: Apple Bloom (Boot[y], Caboose, Hindquarters)

Total Butt Words
Grand Total: 29
Season 1: 7
Season 2: 11
Season 3: 4
Season 4: 5
Movies and shorts: 2

Episodes With Butt Words:
Grand Total: 18/101
Season 1: 5/26
Season 2: 5/26
Season 3: 3/13
Season 4: 4/26
Movies and shorts: 1/10

I better be made Princess of Butts for this.

Last edited Oct 26, 2014 at 09:36PM EDT

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:


Luna: Moonbutt
Celestia: Sunbutt
Cadence: Lovebutt

So following this logic, if you become a princess…

Stunthead: Buttbutt?

I found his cutiemark:

My Little Pony: But-Buddies are Magic

Last edited Oct 27, 2014 at 12:53AM EDT

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