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Last posted Nov 28, 2021 at 12:18PM EST. Added Mar 22, 2021 at 10:38PM EDT
174 posts from 37 users

There are many very obvious like/dislike bots on the stonetoss page
two comments critical of him got buried, and one praising him were reversed within an hour
along with an explicitly racist account getting 10+

if there isn't a way to prevent this imo getting rid of the likes/dislikes would solve the issue

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@Kenetic Kups is not just the stonetoss page.

Any time someone criticize something righ-wing related it get a downvote bomb.

Ozzzim wrote:

Any linked examples? As far as I know any original Stonetoss/Ben Garrison post gets downvoted instantly

Some of the ones i talked about were deleted with the user
other ones were how fast they happened
as in within the hour
and another one happening in 14 minutes in the middle of the night

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@Kenetic Kups or right now with my comment getting instaltly 6 downvote when yours talking aboot the same subject and more or less the same conclusion, din't get anyone

Last edited Apr 15, 2021 at 04:56PM EDT

Individual wrote:

@Kenetic Kups or right now with my comment getting instaltly 6 downvote when yours talking aboot the same subject and more or less the same conclusion, din't get anyone

No you Pilock your two comments have nothing in common

Kups is simply talking about the problem while you take advantage of the subject to sperg about your fanatical tribalistic beliefs thats why you are getting downvoted!

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Also isn't that suspecious any time I comment on the right-wing

Griff appear outn nowhere ouffended by my claim.

Pretty sure he with the sockpuppet.

Individual wrote:

Also isn't that suspecious any time I comment on the right-wing

Griff appear outn nowhere ouffended by my claim.

Pretty sure he with the sockpuppet.

Or maybe people don't like you, you ever think about that? Plus it's a known fact that complaining about downvotes gets you more downvotes regardless of your views.

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@Steven The Pirate

Then they have nothing better to do then stalking someone who made the same observation has everyone else.

Kenetic Kups wrote:

Please keep the thread on topic
And yes it is on other pages, but it's more upvoting far right things than stalking individual users

can attest that this has been happenings for a few years. Many up/downvote spam comes from the porn spammer, so they do end up getting reversed sometimes.
Go check back on the gun control debate page for an example

Last edited Mar 23, 2021 at 09:15PM EDT

Individual wrote:

Unpopular toward stalker.

Rather than risk de-railing the conversation, I'll go post my response on your profile wall where you can offer up rebuttal, ignore it, or even delete it.

It's most likely that infamous pornspammer changing tactics, or people realizing that mods cant see which who upvoted and downvoted.

You're gonna need to ask the admins to take care of the upvoters/downvoters raid

I think he's talking more about the obvious /pol/ user autofellatio.
I didn't see the stonetoss comments before they were deleted, but was it the same people who have been making micro-dumps of /pol/ content and upvoting them to frontpage with almost exactly 15 upvotes and three favorites?

Juki Nuki wrote:

I think he's talking more about the obvious /pol/ user autofellatio.
I didn't see the stonetoss comments before they were deleted, but was it the same people who have been making micro-dumps of /pol/ content and upvoting them to frontpage with almost exactly 15 upvotes and three favorites?

Deleted ones were from a new user

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa wrote:

I've been getting likebotted a bit too.

Possible solution: We should just automatically kill anyone who posts comments on this godforsaken website. It's only politics and porn at this point anyway. I miss when it had actual memes.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa wrote:

I've been getting likebotted a bit too.

Possible solution: We should just automatically kill anyone who posts comments on this godforsaken website. It's only politics and porn at this point anyway. I miss when it had actual memes.

Not to mention there are subjects that has potential for memes that haven't been touched yet or needs more love.

Bodega cats for example.

Imagine the perfection.

Last edited Mar 25, 2021 at 10:41PM EDT

I've started to notice some really low-quality memes definitely getting higher amounts of votes than usual recently. There are times when I'm willing to chalk things up to other factors, but recently, it's been kind of getting more blatant.

I've started to notice some really low-quality memes definitely getting higher amounts of votes than usual recently. There are times when I'm willing to chalk things up to other factors, but recently, it's been kind of getting more blatant.

You can tell certain people are either high fiving themselves in the mirror or begging their friends for updoots when they upload 7-15 images in the span of five minutes and they all get upvoted to trending in that same timeframe, especially when there's absolutely nothing noteworthy or worthwhile about a single one.

Last edited Mar 28, 2021 at 06:36AM EDT
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And when you make a remark about it, they smugly denied it, like on one hand they are two coward of admiting, but at in the same time know they will face no punishement for their zealotery.

Please do something about this. Gnoj has been posting blatant racist pol propaganda and when I posted proof it was bullshit I was the top comment, and then within 30 minutes I got dropped to the negatives and his sophomoric low effort response got upvotes to top vote. I have zero doubt that gnoj is probably one of the people doing it. The dude created an entire entry just as an excuse to post anti black bullshit.

Seriously, he is straight up posting pol tier bullshit and getting applauded for it

I'm not talking about this because it solely effects me, but I believe that my posts more often then not are reasonable, and sometimes when my comment is just straight up a quote from an objective source and a link I get downvoted to Oblivion for no reason.

VeteranAdventureHobo wrote:

Please do something about this. Gnoj has been posting blatant racist pol propaganda and when I posted proof it was bullshit I was the top comment, and then within 30 minutes I got dropped to the negatives and his sophomoric low effort response got upvotes to top vote. I have zero doubt that gnoj is probably one of the people doing it. The dude created an entire entry just as an excuse to post anti black bullshit.

Seriously, he is straight up posting pol tier bullshit and getting applauded for it

While they really need to do something about it
don't let upboats and downboats get to you this much dude

VeteranAdventureHobo wrote:

I'm not talking about this because it solely effects me, but I believe that my posts more often then not are reasonable, and sometimes when my comment is just straight up a quote from an objective source and a link I get downvoted to Oblivion for no reason.

I downvoted you a couple times in the past. Mostly because your tone is rather hostile, your weird obsession with sharing all of Ben Garrison and George Alexopoulos's stuff is as insufferable as some of the /pol/ memes, and your mentality of "I only shared FACTS I'm clearly correct". You lack a bit of self-awareness and this makes you come off through text as exceedingly self-righteous. Having Dan as your icon sells it further since he's kind of a comative, self-righteous, angry individual. Overall I respect the opinions you have but I think you should maybe not shift all the blame to likebots and maybe rethink how you come off through text, you may have a more neutral tone but it doesn't come off there.

wisehowl_the_2nd wrote:

I downvoted you a couple times in the past. Mostly because your tone is rather hostile, your weird obsession with sharing all of Ben Garrison and George Alexopoulos's stuff is as insufferable as some of the /pol/ memes, and your mentality of "I only shared FACTS I'm clearly correct". You lack a bit of self-awareness and this makes you come off through text as exceedingly self-righteous. Having Dan as your icon sells it further since he's kind of a comative, self-righteous, angry individual. Overall I respect the opinions you have but I think you should maybe not shift all the blame to likebots and maybe rethink how you come off through text, you may have a more neutral tone but it doesn't come off there.

I'm more hostile in that thread because its the one Gnoj made as an excuse to post pol tier bullshit, and I'm annoyed that people in the comments are complaining about people on twitter bitching about art when its a entry supposedly about stopping anti asian violence.

I am not talking about that comment anyway, I'm talking about the ones in gnojs images. There has been a lot of manipulation of the votes. I understand getting downvoted for how I come off, but in gnoj's images its obviously just people making sure he is the top vote and opposing opinions stay down.

To be on topic though, the likebotting/spamposting I think is probably from a discord group like that /qa/ incident. If it was bots/dupes there's a fair (not absolute as spoofers exist) chance that it'd be from the same IP and thus easier to detect. It seems to me that the reason people would do this is to get a rise out of others. The 15 upvotes seems to be their method of getting the posts onto the trending page more often.

There's too much leniency on users who only contribute with upvotes/downvotes and spam filling a gallery.

I discussed this with Don since we don't have the ability to look at who voted on what, and he said he doesn't have the resources to look at it at the moment. I'll try to contact him next week and see if we can get this likebotting thing sorted out

Bilbo Swaggins wrote:

I discussed this with Don since we don't have the ability to look at who voted on what, and he said he doesn't have the resources to look at it at the moment. I'll try to contact him next week and see if we can get this likebotting thing sorted out

Very appreciated
this thread also brought up the topic including likely users
as well as this one

Omega MISSINGNO wrote:

In that case, you have at least two stalkers, myself and Wrazid.

Speak for yourself, I'm not stalking anyone. Probably the reason me and Individual see a lot of each other is because I sort by New, and because I revisit posts I've commented on to see new developments in the discourse.

VeteranAdventureHobo wrote:

Please do something about this. Gnoj has been posting blatant racist pol propaganda and when I posted proof it was bullshit I was the top comment, and then within 30 minutes I got dropped to the negatives and his sophomoric low effort response got upvotes to top vote. I have zero doubt that gnoj is probably one of the people doing it. The dude created an entire entry just as an excuse to post anti black bullshit.

Seriously, he is straight up posting pol tier bullshit and getting applauded for it

… This might be the first I've ever seen of this user, mind linking the specific post you're referring to?

Wrazid wrote:

… This might be the first I've ever seen of this user, mind linking the specific post you're referring to?

A quote from a post on his wall that he made:

"wtf are you talking about, I'm super-antiracist

one time I gave my bike away to a black person

well…..actually he stole it

well…..actually I didn't see who did it, but you know, fair assumptions"

And a thread he created for the sole purpose of uploading images about how blacks are the people being violent against asians:

He has put no effort into filling it out, he just created it to upload a bunch of images that say blacks are violent

Last edited Mar 29, 2021 at 10:17PM EDT

VeteranAdventureHobo wrote:

A quote from a post on his wall that he made:

"wtf are you talking about, I'm super-antiracist

one time I gave my bike away to a black person

well…..actually he stole it

well…..actually I didn't see who did it, but you know, fair assumptions"

And a thread he created for the sole purpose of uploading images about how blacks are the people being violent against asians:

He has put no effort into filling it out, he just created it to upload a bunch of images that say blacks are violent

Let's see…
1. You provide government statistics while arguing against the post's implied position, nobody comments to argue against you and you get 8 down votes for some reason.
Seems pretty sus.
2. Almost the same story as the first except that the post you commented on looks a little more like it's just taking the piss, replying comments aren't really arguing a counter case 19 down votes this time.

3. He makes an inflammatory joke.
Not sure how this is relevant to sockpuppets.
4. He makes an entry and just dumps images into it without typing out the entry properly.
I've noticed this isn't the only entry, he also did the Boulder Mass shooting entry and treated it no differently. If the way he goes about making entries is wrong then let the mods suspend or ban him.

Wrazid wrote:

Let's see…
1. You provide government statistics while arguing against the post's implied position, nobody comments to argue against you and you get 8 down votes for some reason.
Seems pretty sus.
2. Almost the same story as the first except that the post you commented on looks a little more like it's just taking the piss, replying comments aren't really arguing a counter case 19 down votes this time.

3. He makes an inflammatory joke.
Not sure how this is relevant to sockpuppets.
4. He makes an entry and just dumps images into it without typing out the entry properly.
I've noticed this isn't the only entry, he also did the Boulder Mass shooting entry and treated it no differently. If the way he goes about making entries is wrong then let the mods suspend or ban him.

I admit I got a bit off topic there, dude rubs me the wrong way.

Pretty sure my thread made to report gnoj's bullshit got downvotes bombed.

Is -20 downvotes normal for a report thread?

VeteranAdventureHobo wrote:

Pretty sure my thread made to report gnoj's bullshit got downvotes bombed.

Is -20 downvotes normal for a report thread?

I mean….probably not but if you come at me with silly shit like:
"his sophomoric low effort response got upvotes to top vote. I have zero doubt that gnoj is probably one of the people doing it"

…and all your other hilariously copey logic then yeah, people don't mind ribbing on your weak spots….which in this case (which for some reason you let it be now known to everyone) is downvotes, which honestly I'm starting to think are not from bots anymore.

it's a controversial topic, more and more people from all aisles of ideologies see the bullshit that twitter lefties are doing and when you desperately countersignal for them like you've been doing for goddamn almost every image in the gallery, yeah, people are going to take notice

doesn't help your case that I brought more attention to it by linking these threads in the comments but…….you know, it was fun to do.


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