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Wow kym Discord are full of hipocritical butthurts

Last posted May 13, 2017 at 03:44PM EDT. Added May 08, 2017 at 09:42PM EDT
72 posts from 39 users

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I can post this because in comparison of whatever people :think: i did is way worse to what mods are doing actually one particular mod.

I say this because no one can actually prove i did anything wrong.

It's so unprofessional its crazy, mods are full of BS and only approve of what they think is acceptable completly ignoring everything else.

Once again i have been singled out and hated on because certain individuals are butthert.

People say…

"oh no you are shitposting in general"


i can spend my time and point out the "shit posting" in general
but i dont have the time or care enough to go and NITPICK every user.

LETS just face the facts here… I trolled a mod as a JOKE and now he his hert.

i dont post anymore shit than anyone else that wasnt banned so its not right

its Not

and if people were a little more understanding this wouldnt be an issue.

Actually in all reality im being HARASSED by a few users which means by KYM standards they should be banned.

Im not trying to troll or do anything and i really wish this didnt happen for real.

I like this site and i like the discord and i have quite a few friends on the server.
now i cant even PM my FRIENDS becuase some some bullshit

cant we all just get along because im a very forgiving person and dont like to hold grudges.

but i feel i've been wronged and i stand by it

i promise not to "shitpost" anymore….(whatever that really means??)

i just want things to be back to normal. am i asking for so much?

I sincerly apologize to whoever was offended and you have my genuine word i won't cross any lines.

that all said, evaluate it with an unbiased mindset.


Last edited May 10, 2017 at 09:56PM EDT

Alex, in the Discord, there’s a stigma against you. It’s as simple as that.
I’m not joking -- these mods may tell you what to do to solve it, but it won’t help. You’ve done some negative or annoying things in the past. A lot of negative and annoying things. And to some, that image of you will stay for a very long time, even if you improve yourself.
It sucks. I know. But that’s just the way it is. I suggest getting a clean start -- deactivating and trying again, or just not posting for a while and come back to a fresh set of users. Maybe you think that the community is toxic, or just full of assholes, and you’d be right. All online Discords are. There will almost always be a mob mentality to any online server you visit.
Sorry you’ve met this fate. You’re not dead in the water, but your options now are limited. Good luck

Last edited May 08, 2017 at 09:50PM EDT

​​Dude do yourself a favor and block me i dont care
I'm not gonna be nice because I dont care enough to
not about you
i do care about you
but im not a nice person
and i dont care enough anymore to be nice to people in general
The world isnt nice to people like you alex you need to stop giving a fuck about what people say
Honestly why be nice when no one cares enough to be nice back
everyones a scumbag
The only nice people are the ones that get bullied and eventually locked up
This isnt 4chan, this isn't /pol/. This is my fucking server and I expect you all to be above that.

Yummy diapers!~ baby Alex said as mommy MemeDon and daddy LNH fed him more of his delicious diapers."Mommy! Can i have some more?" Alex said in a cute voice. Le Noob said "No son, not until you're older."

Oh he has spoken.How should i respect a guy who is an asshole to many people and trys to be superior.You have to earn respect from me and for your information i’m 19,Black,play several sports,have a girlfriend while you are debating and obsessing over 14 year olds in a Discord channel.Also giving me a Thread that we critizize you is tge most laughable thing ever(i’m considering insults too)You are an Asshole and like i said many people hate you.You feed these people with more Anger towards you,but you think you are special enough to get away with it.

Last edited May 09, 2017 at 01:45AM EDT

RandomMan wrote:

Oh he has spoken.How should i respect a guy who is an asshole to many people and trys to be superior.You have to earn respect from me and for your information i’m 19,Black,play several sports,have a girlfriend while you are debating and obsessing over 14 year olds in a Discord channel.Also giving me a Thread that we critizize you is tge most laughable thing ever(i’m considering insults too)You are an Asshole and like i said many people hate you.You feed these people with more Anger towards you,but you think you are special enough to get away with it.

Can I save this copypasta for later?

Carrie Enright wrote:

Can I save this copypasta for later?

It's a twist on a German Ralts classic, at least save the original.

Stoffe wrote:

​​Dude do yourself a favor and block me i dont care
I'm not gonna be nice because I dont care enough to
not about you
i do care about you
but im not a nice person
and i dont care enough anymore to be nice to people in general
The world isnt nice to people like you alex you need to stop giving a fuck about what people say
Honestly why be nice when no one cares enough to be nice back
everyones a scumbag
The only nice people are the ones that get bullied and eventually locked up
This isnt 4chan, this isn't /pol/. This is my fucking server and I expect you all to be above that.


i wasnt even refering to you.

at no point in my statement you were addressed.

I feel you some sort and it is true but I like to help people and at heart mean no hate towards anyone

Alex>_> wrote:

OK. Last time i checked this thread it was 404'd

Im an asshole?

RandomMan you can be an asshole too.

Mods can be ass holes sometimes.

Its just where are we drawing the line here?

Thats just Great.

I don't Hate anyone on this site.

It saddens me to know that actual people are so upset because of what though. No one has given me a legitimate reason as why i would be banned.

Maybe this needs to move to serious debate.

And I would absolutely love to know what the issues are.

say what you need to say but let me quote this.

"You’ve done some negative or annoying things in the past. A lot of negative and annoying things"

ok i dont see anyone that hasnt done something annoying or negative i their past but when it comes to me i get the blame

what is this and back away to think about that for a second

Last edited May 09, 2017 at 04:40AM EDT

Tchefuncte Bonaparte wrote:

Just a tip for those of you still haven't figured it out. When you post a long ass rant with random words bolded and capitalized, you look like a retard 100% of the time. And it ends up being true 95% of the time.

im 5% saying that those aren't random words my friend

Also addressing "im special shit" randoman you are the one saying this …..

I never said im special

I just feel the need to retaliate because it was not an infraction.

Last edited May 09, 2017 at 04:57AM EDT

Tchefuncte Bonaparte wrote:

Just a tip for those of you still haven't figured it out. When you post a long ass rant with random words bolded and capitalized, you look like a retard 100% of the time. And it ends up being true 95% of the time.

RandomMan wrote:

Oh he has spoken.How should i respect a guy who is an asshole to many people and trys to be superior.You have to earn respect from me and for your information i’m 19,Black,play several sports,have a girlfriend while you are debating and obsessing over 14 year olds in a Discord channel.Also giving me a Thread that we critizize you is tge most laughable thing ever(i’m considering insults too)You are an Asshole and like i said many people hate you.You feed these people with more Anger towards you,but you think you are special enough to get away with it.

Downvoted. You’re exactly what’s wrong with riff raff. Instead of posting satire, mocking knowyourmeme and being clever and original, you continue to post lame phrases and beat to glue anything that was even remotely funny, all under the guise that you want to show what’s wrong with discord. You don’t care about discord. You belong to the system that the discord was made to mock. You seek karma. You seek to be a power-user, a well-known name in a sea of perpetual anonymity. The higher your karma-count, the more you get off on it. You are smug and self-satisfying. You are the problem. There should be a “delete” button below your posts. Start clicking them after you post and you’ll find that riff raff starts to improve.

Carrie Enright wrote:

Alex-_-, nearly every response in this thread is a copypasta.

Complete unjerk you’ve been a pain in the ass to deal with for months and that’s probably why you think he’s insufferable, we’re just sick of dealing with your shit. Your ego’s gone through the fucking roof and you keep going after everyone for doing what they want (calling people whiny bitches, defending Alex-_-, being a straight up basic ass fuckboy). ppl are only acting like that in return cos you’re fucking asking for it. I don’t really give a damn about your opinion of me and I’m sure you don’t give a damn about mine but HOLY SHIT you need to take a step back and realize there’s other real fucking people behind the screen and in the end you’re getting a massive ego over a shitty discord

inb4 copypasta because you’re a bunch of children


dude, are you talking to me or felix or what idont knowman wtf tho.

I have not said anything about my karma for months or even bragged about it holyshit people this is great.

Im going to just chill on this. and


I thought you were blasting me at first but this is towards RM?

I really dont go on that much to be a "pain in the asshat" :D

I mostly enjoy sharing quick pictures and yt's with the user base.

I feel maybe this userbase might understand why im still here are willing to chat/shareideas with

Im glad certain people need to say what they need to say and i will stop doing certain things that people don't like. fair?

I never understand why people post threads with their grievances in riff-raff. It makes it harder to take your complaints seriously when people think you're hiding behind them with a thinly veiled wall of irony.

Unless you really are just joking around and i'm to stupid to notice.

Considering that you spelt hypocritical wrong as well as the dumbest and dirtiest looking post ever I really hope this is meant to be ironic. Also this is bad even for Riff-Raff standards.

Last edited May 09, 2017 at 01:11PM EDT

Particle Mare wrote:

Wamprat note: pumbloom is a wanker

I have never seen a KYM mod so painfully unfunny, so blatantly uninspiring, so goddamn terrible, so ungodly lazy ever before. Even Alex, fucking Alex, was more creative with his threads, and he is considered to be one of the least funniest users on this site. Repeating the same old unfunny joke again and again and again. This is one word thread tier level of awfulness. This is borderline insulting the intelligence of any remotely decent human being. At least try to be funny…..
…actually fuck it, here is a better solution:
Stop posting. Just stop. Do yourself a favor and think about your life. Stop spreading this disease.
Blubber was right all along

Last edited May 09, 2017 at 02:58PM EDT

:) wrote:

I have never seen a KYM mod so painfully unfunny, so blatantly uninspiring, so goddamn terrible, so ungodly lazy ever before. Even Alex, fucking Alex, was more creative with his threads, and he is considered to be one of the least funniest users on this site. Repeating the same old unfunny joke again and again and again. This is one word thread tier level of awfulness. This is borderline insulting the intelligence of any remotely decent human being. At least try to be funny…..
…actually fuck it, here is a better solution:
Stop posting. Just stop. Do yourself a favor and think about your life. Stop spreading this disease.
Blubber was right all along

you are just making shit up now

RandomMan wrote:

Complete unjerk you’ve been a pain in the ass to deal with for months and that’s probably why you think he’s insufferable, we’re just sick of dealing with your shit. Your ego’s gone through the fucking roof and you keep going after everyone for doing what they want (calling people whiny bitches, defending Alex-_-, being a straight up basic ass fuckboy). ppl are only acting like that in return cos you’re fucking asking for it. I don’t really give a damn about your opinion of me and I’m sure you don’t give a damn about mine but HOLY SHIT you need to take a step back and realize there’s other real fucking people behind the screen and in the end you’re getting a massive ego over a shitty discord

inb4 copypasta because you’re a bunch of children

This is a spicy wall of text


In west pedophilia born and raised
On the playground was where I spent most of my days
Chilling out, fapping, and posting CP
And all flaming some camwhores for they faggotry
When a couple of mods who were up to no good
Started partyvanning in my neighborhood
I got one little ban and my mom derailed
And said "I'm gonna call Chris Hansen and send your ass to jail."

I think we were a puddle of shit community due to our behavior down at Discord. All of you need to stop licking that sweaty ass of your role model 4chan and get back to being humans instead of non-sentient dumbasses who have to become the rudest cockswallowing walnut-dicked chicken shit excuse for a community filled with pride and dignity for their own website.

can't we just assume every post involving the Discord is a shitpost

i've seen only one thread involving it that wasn't just for kicks or ended poorly and it was when it got announced

Dick Crosby - ウエイバーコホーム wrote:

Life is unfair and you better suck it up, kiddo.

Did you mean:

Welcome to real fuckin life, this year my mom was also diagnosed with cancer and had a major surgery and round of chemo, my sister got married to her abusive baby daddy, I’m barely keeping my life together and electricity running on my salary, and my nearest family member is 2000 miles to the east. Yeah, shit is shitty, we can all throw ourselves a pity party, but that’s not gonna feel any better than looking at baby animals. You have to stand up and struggle every day with the rest of the animal kingdom, that’s what it means to be alive.

Fucking virtue signaling nu-males these days. Smh…

Stop crying about it you coward and grow the fuck up.

Last edited May 10, 2017 at 05:52PM EDT

Ohhh… Oh… Whats happening to me… I feel… Inflated..! Why is my stomach expanding so much… Uhnnn… I shouldn't have eaten that cake.. Now im paying the consequences… Ohhh.. Ohh! OHHHH!!!
Ah… Ahn… Excuse me… Oh no.. Oh I feel anoth-
Oh my… That wasnt very ladylike of me… Please excuse me… I must go to the bath-
Oh!! OHHHH! I am shittting! Shitting everywhere!! Someone please clean up this mess! Oh my, whatever shall I do..!?

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