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Based on the box art what is the game above about

Last posted Sep 07, 2017 at 12:57AM EDT. Added Jun 28, 2017 at 03:44PM EDT
302 posts from 53 users

A blonde constipated anime dude tries to pose in front of a giant trepanned xenomorph with a human-face who is admiring blonde constipated anime dude's ass.

Last edited Jun 30, 2017 at 05:28PM EDT

In an corrupt were fashion and fighting is the way of life. Female warriors throw down their little boy counterparts off cliffs to see who is strong enough to survive.

Chaoticus wrote:

In an corrupt were fashion and fighting is the way of life. Female warriors throw down their little boy counterparts off cliffs to see who is strong enough to survive.

Meant to say corrupt world.

A redheaded lad (probably souless) and his daemonic harem lead the armies of shadow… to possibly punch screens and break the fourth wall.

Last edited Jul 01, 2017 at 09:28PM EDT

A man uses his knife and his blood to write random words on the wall behind him in an attempt at writing an edgy fanfic. (SPOILER: He drops it at one point due to blood loss and muscle fatigue.)

Last edited Jul 02, 2017 at 05:08PM EDT

Mistress Fortune wrote:

Dude with a bad case of psoriasis stalks some army guy around Chernobyl.

Mustached Italian gets spooked by cartoon ghosts, so much that makes the Home Alone face. You must try to scare him to leave his mansion to win.

Last edited Jul 02, 2017 at 06:50PM EDT

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