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Argentina (officially the Argentine Republic) is a country in the Southern Cone of South America. It is bordered by Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil and Uruguay. It's the second-largest country in South America, the fourth-largest country in the Americas, and the eight-largest country in the world. The capital of Argentina is Buenos Aires (also known domestically as Capital Federal). The country (along many of its neighbours) was a former colony of the Spanish Empire between 1542 (as part of the Viceroyalty of Peru) until 1816, when the Argentine Declaration of Independence was signed.
Online History
The history of the Internet in Argentina started on May 17, 1990, when the Argentine Chancellery made the first connection, via the University of Maryland, College Park in the United States.[1] The first Internet connection made by the local universities happened on April 8, 1994 via Telintar, the international arm of Telecom and Telefónica. General access began in 1995.[2] The first commercial broadband connections in the country were offered by Fibertel in 1997.[3] As of 2022, Argentina is the Latin American country with the largest Internet penetration, with 80.2% of its people having Internet access, followed by Brazil (75.2%) and Mexico (71.8%), but with issues regarding the quality of the service provided.[4]
As of 2022, the most frequented websites in Argentina are Google, YouTube and Facebook.[5] The most popular news websites are Infobae, TN.com.ar and Clarín.com,[6] all of them general news websites, and the latter two owned by the same company, Clarín Group (Clarín being a printed newspaper, and Todo Noticias [TN] being a 24/7 news channel). The leading social networks are Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.[5]
Related Memes
Taringa! is a virtual community from Argentina where users can share any kind of information via posts. At its peak in 2013 and 2014, it was the second most frequented social network in Argentina,[7] and was also in the global Top 250 websites according to Alexa.[8] As of February 16, 2023, Similarweb ranks it in the position 15,274.[9] Taringa! was the website where memes like "Scorpion cebando mate" originated, and where other memes like "Who's Awesome? You're Awesome!" and "Picardía" achieved mainstream popularity.
Argentina is White
"Argentina Is White" is a troll statement that implies that most of Argentinian population isn't caucasian.

Angry Soccer Fan (Tano Pasman)
“El Tano” Pasman is an Argentinian man who became a viral video star in early June after his family uploaded a video of him passionately yelling and cursing at the TV while watching a soccer game between the prestigious River Plate and the B-league underdogs Belgrano. To everyone’s surprise, the game ended with the underdogs’ victory and River Plate moving down to the B-league for the first time, infuriating thousands of Plate supporters at the stadium as well as diehard fans like Pasman watching the game at home.

Alejandro Sabella's Falling Reaction
Alejandro Sabella's Fall is a photoshop meme inspired by the Argentinian national football team manager's fainting reaction after Gonzalo Higuain's ball struck the bar during the quarterfinal match against Belgium at the 2014 World Cup. Argentina would eventually win the match, and make it to the final of the World Cup, where they would be defeated by Germany.

Search Interest
External References
[1] La Nación – Los 'locos' de la Red: los pioneros que hace 25 años conectaron el país a Internet / Posted on 5-17-2015
[2] NIC Argentina – A 25 años de la primera conexión digital a Internet en Argentina / Posted on 4-10-2019
[3] Todo Noticias – La banda ancha cumple 20 años en el país y Fibertel duplica gratis la velocidad de conexión a sus usuarios / Posted on 7-22-2017
[4] ámbito financiero – La Argentina es el país con mayor penetración de internet en la región, según la Unesco / Posted on 1-20-2022
[5] BAE Negocios – La lista de las 15 páginas más visitadas en Argentina: Anses está en el top 10 / Posted on 5-10-2022
[6] Infobae – ¿Cuáles son los medios que más se consumen en la Argentina? / Posted on 6-14-2022
[7] Télam – Afirman que Taringa! es la segunda red social más popular en Argentina, por detrás de Facebook / Posted on 12-3-2013
[8] Alexa.com – Taringa.net Site Info / Archive from 12-20-2013
[9] Similarweb – taringa.net Traffic Analytics & Market Share / Accessed on 2-16-2023