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Jews and Arabs Refuse to be Enemies is an anti-war social media campaign that aims to promote peace and solidarity among the peoples of Israel and Arab nations in the wake of the Gaza-Israel conflict in June 2014.


On July 10th, 2014, the Facebook page[1] JewsAndArabsRefuseToBeEnemies was created by Abraham Gutman, an Isreali college student[5] and Dania Darwish . The following day Gutman[2] introduced the hashtag #JewsAndArabsRefuseToBeEnemies to promote the Facebook page. In less than three weeks the page gained over 2,000 views.


In March 2012, a similar social media campaign was launched by Israeli graphic designers Ronny Edry and Michal Tamir under the slogans "Israel Loves Iran" and "Iran Loves Israel" which sought to bring mutual assurance of peace between the two nations during the escalation of tensions over the Iranian development of nuclear technology.

IRANIANS we will never bomb your country
VeYou Israeli People The Iranian people do not like any war with any country Hamadan, Iran The Mausoleum of Esther and Mordeca a holy shrine in Jewish belef


On July 13th, 2014, Beirut-based American journalist Sulome Anderson[4] posted a selfie of her kissing her Jewish boyfriend white holding a sign which read:

“Jews and Arabs refuse to be enemies.”

Within two weeks, the photo gained over 100 likes. On July 21st, the photograph, along with Anderson's quotes, were featured on ABC News in an article titled “'Jews and Arabs Refuse to Be Enemies’ Proves Love is Bigger Than War.” The hashtag and Facebook page were also covered by The Huffington Post and HLNTV[6].

Via https://www.facebook.com/JewsAndArabsRefuseToBeEnemies/posts/264466393744592

In less than a month the hashtag[3] was tweeted out over 4,000 times.

Notable Examples

Via https://twitter.com/thatsk8r_
Via https://twitter.com/Elif_Safak
Via https://twitter.com/NazranaYusufzai
Via https://twitter.com/abgutman
Via https://twitter.com/beautifulchaosJ
Via https://twitter.com/MichiganNation2

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Jews And Arabs Refuse To Be Enemies

Jews And Arabs Refuse To Be Enemies

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Jews and Arabs Refuse to be Enemies is an anti-war social media campaign that aims to promote peace and solidarity among the peoples of Israel and Arab nations in the wake of the Gaza-Israel conflict in June 2014.


On July 10th, 2014, the Facebook page[1] JewsAndArabsRefuseToBeEnemies was created by Abraham Gutman, an Isreali college student[5] and Dania Darwish . The following day Gutman[2] introduced the hashtag #JewsAndArabsRefuseToBeEnemies to promote the Facebook page. In less than three weeks the page gained over 2,000 views.


In March 2012, a similar social media campaign was launched by Israeli graphic designers Ronny Edry and Michal Tamir under the slogans "Israel Loves Iran" and "Iran Loves Israel" which sought to bring mutual assurance of peace between the two nations during the escalation of tensions over the Iranian development of nuclear technology.

IRANIANS we will never bomb your country VeYou Israeli People The Iranian people do not like any war with any country Hamadan, Iran The Mausoleum of Esther and Mordeca a holy shrine in Jewish belef


On July 13th, 2014, Beirut-based American journalist Sulome Anderson[4] posted a selfie of her kissing her Jewish boyfriend white holding a sign which read:

“Jews and Arabs refuse to be enemies.”

Within two weeks, the photo gained over 100 likes. On July 21st, the photograph, along with Anderson's quotes, were featured on ABC News in an article titled “'Jews and Arabs Refuse to Be Enemies’ Proves Love is Bigger Than War.” The hashtag and Facebook page were also covered by The Huffington Post and HLNTV[6].

Via https://www.facebook.com/JewsAndArabsRefuseToBeEnemies/posts/264466393744592

In less than a month the hashtag[3] was tweeted out over 4,000 times.

Notable Examples

Via https://twitter.com/thatsk8r_ Via https://twitter.com/Elif_Safak Via https://twitter.com/NazranaYusufzai Via https://twitter.com/abgutman Via https://twitter.com/beautifulchaosJ Via https://twitter.com/MichiganNation2

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