All Entries - Entries
"Cunt Era" and "I'm High as Fuck and Have a Gun In My Backpack" Shirts

"Cunt Era" and "I'm High as Fuck and Have a Gun In My Backpack" Shirts
Why Do You Let Him Eat Sand / I Don't Like Him

Why Do You Let Him Eat Sand / I Don't Like Him
Jarhead Stare

Jarhead Stare
Just Making Sure I Don't Fit In

Just Making Sure I Don't Fit In
Animatronic Tweaking

Animatronic Tweaking
Fuck You We Don't Like Your Kind Here

Fuck You We Don't Like Your Kind Here
"X Isn't A Country?" Infographic Parodies

"X Isn't A Country?" Infographic Parodies
Sir Are You Aware You Are A Cat?

Sir Are You Aware You Are A Cat?
CM Punk: "I'm Not Here to Make Friends, I'm Here to Make Money"

CM Punk: "I'm Not Here to Make Friends, I'm Here to Make Money"
X Has Lead Me to Places I Wouldn't Even Go with A Gun

X Has Lead Me to Places I Wouldn't Even Go with A Gun
I Better Keep My Ass In This Office / That Boy Zoro Can Cut Magma Now

I Better Keep My Ass In This Office / That Boy Zoro Can Cut Magma Now
We Gotta Save This Dog Gone Earth / No Time for Dat Goku

We Gotta Save This Dog Gone Earth / No Time for Dat Goku
Wow These People Are So Weird, Thank God I'm the Normal One

Wow These People Are So Weird, Thank God I'm the Normal One
Put It Back, Thief!

Put It Back, Thief!
When There's an Active Shooter at Walmart and the Xanax Is Left Unguarded

When There's an Active Shooter at Walmart and the Xanax Is Left Unguarded
Velma Holding Daphne at Gunpoint