Falcon Punch
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Falcon Punch is the catchphrase of Super Smash Brothers character Captain Falcon. The move is a slow but powerful punch that has been one of the series' most powerful moves throughout its history. Online, the phrase is commonly used in image macros as a verb for someone punching someone else intensely and has been used in joked about aborting a pregnancy.
Falcon Punch is a special move performed by Captain Falcon in the Nintendo game series Super Smash Bros. The move was originally created for Super Smash Bros. on the Nintendo 64 and didn't exist in Captain Falcon's original game series F-Zero. Captain Falcon summons the power of a falcon to punch his enemies whilst shouting "Falcon Punch!"
"Falcon Punch" has been used extensively in memes online throughout the 2000s. The earliest and top definition for the phrase on Urban Dictionary [2] was submitted by Jim Fields on September 2nd, 2005, who wrote, "An extremely animated and/or self-narrated punch that resembles that dealt by Captain Falcon (of SNES game F-Zero) in the Nintendo video game Super Smash Brothers. Usually accompanied by the screaming of the phrase 'Falcon Punch!'"

There are over 48 definitions for "Falcon Punch" on Urban Dictionary. The phrase also has a page on Encyclopedia Dramatica, [1] and developed a sizable presence on other sites including Falcon Punch has since spread to Tumblr[3], Oh Internet[4] and Youtube[5]. Early image macros about the phrase joked that the Falcon Punch would be an effective way to abort a pregnancy (examples shown below).

On January 25th, 2008, YouTuber 3vocd published a parody video in which Kirby says "Falcon Punch!" while using Captain Falcon's power in the original Super Smash Brothers set to the tune of "Gourmet Race." The video has gained over 3 million views in thirteen years (shown below).
When Two Falcon Punches Collide
When Two Falcon Punches Collide is series of Super Smash Brothers parody videos in which two Captain Falcons have their Falcon Punches connect at the same time, commonly resulting in serious disaster. For example, YouTube user KlydeStorm[6] shows the collision resulting in a Blue Screen of Death.
There have been multiple parodies of KlydeStorm's video with different endings (examples shown below).
Final Falcon Punch / Galactic Falcon Punch
Final Falcon Punch, sometimes known as Galactic Falcon Punch, is an exploitable video meme from the final episode of the anime F-Zero: Falcon Densetsu. The meme recreates the final scene with edits using scenes from different shows.
Various Examples

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External References
[1] Encyclopedia Dramatica – Falcon Punch
[2] Urban Dictionary – Falcon Punch
[3] Tumblr – Falcon Punch Tagged
[4] Oh Internet – Falcon Punch via Wayback Machine
[5] Youtube – Falcon Punch Search
[6] Youtube – KlydeStorm's Channel
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Feb 01, 2021 at 12:52AM EST in reply to
Jan 31, 2021 at 08:43PM EST