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"Feel Old Yet?" is a rhetorical question often used in image macros featuring photographs of celebrities past their prime or pop culture trivia that evoke feelings of nostalgia for the reader, in a similar vein to the effect of the age test. On Twitter, the expression has been also adopted into a tongue-in-cheek two-panel image macro series juxtaposing photographs of celebrities with various look-alikes and name puns.


On May 16th, 2012, BuzzFeed[5] published a compilation of pop culture nostalgia images titled "48 Things That Will Make You Feel Old," which included a photograph of rapper Eminem's daughter Hailie Mathers with the caption "Feel Old Yet?" (shown below).



On September 13th, 2012, Redditor TerraRyan11 submitted an image macro with the heading "Feel Old Yet?" to the /r/funny[4] subreddit, which listed the age of various children's films and television shows (shown below, left). On January 16th, 2013, Body Building Forums[6] member roc430 submitted a photo of actress Jennette McCurdy from 2007 juxtaposed with a picture of her from 2013 with the caption "Feel old yet?" (shown below, right).


On April 26th, the HowToBasic Facebook[8] page highlighted a parody of Redditor TerraRyan11's "Feel Old Yet?" image macro, listing incorrect ages for the animated films Shrek and Monsters Inc., the animated television series Powerpuff Girls and singer Miley Cyrus (shown below, left). On October 5th, 2014, Twitter user @whitevillain[7] tweeted a screenshot of Gnome Child with the caption "this is Eminem's daughter Hailie feel old yet?" (shown below, right).

Feel Old Yet? Shrek 1: Came out 24 years ago Monsters Inc: Came out 48 years ago Miley Cyrus: Recently turned 84 years old Powerpuff Girls: Last episode released in 1912
internet boyfriend * 塩Follow this is eminem's daughter hailie feel old yet? RETWEETSFAVORITES 0:17 PM-5 Oct 2014

On October 26th, Twitter user @LukeCarpy[9] posted a photograph of Kyle Massey from the sitcom Cory in the House next to a picture of United States President Barack Obama with the caption "feel old yet?", gathering upwards of 36,100 favorites and 23,900 retweets in three weeks (shown below, left). On October 28th, the @FunnyPicsDepot[10] Twitter feed highlighted a photograph of rapper Ice Cube next to a glass of water with the caption "This is him now, feel old yet?" (shown below, right). In two weeks, the tweet received over 10,700 retweets and 10,600 favorites. In the comings days, several Internet humor sites highlighted notable "feel old yet" tweets, including BuzzFeed,[11] Smosh[2] and Mandatory.[3]

FunnyPicsDepot @FunnyPicsDepot Follow Remember Ice Cube? This is him now, feel old yet? RETWEETS FAVORITES 10,716 10,640 11:42 AM- 28 Oct 2014

Notable Examples

Follow kenny @666chainz Remember Nash Grier, that one relatable guy from Vine? This is him now. Feel old yet? 7:04 AM - 28 Oct 2014 740 RETWEETS 789 FAVORITES
Follow marie @missysqueeze this is the cast of land before time today... feel old yet?? 4:44 PM-28 Oct 2014 27 165 RETWEETS 138 FAVORITES
ZANDI @zvndi Follow Remember Macklemore? Feel old yet? 12:15 PM - 28 Oct 2014 11,218 RETWEETS 19,492 FAVORITES
vladimir gustav @Ruhque Follow Remember patrick stump from fall out boy? This is him now, feel old yet? 1:50 PM - 28 Oct 2014 123 RETWEETS 85 FAVORITES
Beyoncé Reactions @ReactionBeyonce Follow Remember all of those chickens? This is them now. Feel old yet?i 8:44 AM - 29 Oct 2014 1,893 RETWEETS 2,671 FAVORITES わ ★
Ricky Dillon @RickyPDillon Follow remember miranda cosgrove from iCarly and drake & josh? this is her now. feel old yet? 11:40 PM -28 Oct 2014 9,704 RETWEETS 20,290 FAVORITES

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Feel Old Yet?

Feel Old Yet?

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"Feel Old Yet?" is a rhetorical question often used in image macros featuring photographs of celebrities past their prime or pop culture trivia that evoke feelings of nostalgia for the reader, in a similar vein to the effect of the age test. On Twitter, the expression has been also adopted into a tongue-in-cheek two-panel image macro series juxtaposing photographs of celebrities with various look-alikes and name puns.


On May 16th, 2012, BuzzFeed[5] published a compilation of pop culture nostalgia images titled "48 Things That Will Make You Feel Old," which included a photograph of rapper Eminem's daughter Hailie Mathers with the caption "Feel Old Yet?" (shown below).



On September 13th, 2012, Redditor TerraRyan11 submitted an image macro with the heading "Feel Old Yet?" to the /r/funny[4] subreddit, which listed the age of various children's films and television shows (shown below, left). On January 16th, 2013, Body Building Forums[6] member roc430 submitted a photo of actress Jennette McCurdy from 2007 juxtaposed with a picture of her from 2013 with the caption "Feel old yet?" (shown below, right).

"Imgur":http://imgur.com/XZABT "Imgur":http://imgur.com/7VED0

On April 26th, the HowToBasic Facebook[8] page highlighted a parody of Redditor TerraRyan11's "Feel Old Yet?" image macro, listing incorrect ages for the animated films Shrek and Monsters Inc., the animated television series Powerpuff Girls and singer Miley Cyrus (shown below, left). On October 5th, 2014, Twitter user @whitevillain[7] tweeted a screenshot of Gnome Child with the caption "this is Eminem's daughter Hailie feel old yet?" (shown below, right).

Feel Old Yet? Shrek 1: Came out 24 years ago Monsters Inc: Came out 48 years ago Miley Cyrus: Recently turned 84 years old Powerpuff Girls: Last episode released in 1912 internet boyfriend * 塩Follow this is eminem's daughter hailie feel old yet? RETWEETSFAVORITES 0:17 PM-5 Oct 2014

On October 26th, Twitter user @LukeCarpy[9] posted a photograph of Kyle Massey from the sitcom Cory in the House next to a picture of United States President Barack Obama with the caption "feel old yet?", gathering upwards of 36,100 favorites and 23,900 retweets in three weeks (shown below, left). On October 28th, the @FunnyPicsDepot[10] Twitter feed highlighted a photograph of rapper Ice Cube next to a glass of water with the caption "This is him now, feel old yet?" (shown below, right). In two weeks, the tweet received over 10,700 retweets and 10,600 favorites. In the comings days, several Internet humor sites highlighted notable "feel old yet" tweets, including BuzzFeed,[11] Smosh[2] and Mandatory.[3]

"source":https://twitter.com/lukecarpy/status/526397766168498177 FunnyPicsDepot @FunnyPicsDepot Follow Remember Ice Cube? This is him now, feel old yet? RETWEETS FAVORITES 10,716 10,640 11:42 AM- 28 Oct 2014

Notable Examples

Follow kenny @666chainz Remember Nash Grier, that one relatable guy from Vine? This is him now. Feel old yet? 7:04 AM - 28 Oct 2014 740 RETWEETS 789 FAVORITES Follow marie @missysqueeze this is the cast of land before time today... feel old yet?? 4:44 PM-28 Oct 2014 27 165 RETWEETS 138 FAVORITES ZANDI @zvndi Follow Remember Macklemore? Feel old yet? 12:15 PM - 28 Oct 2014 11,218 RETWEETS 19,492 FAVORITES vladimir gustav @Ruhque Follow Remember patrick stump from fall out boy? This is him now, feel old yet? 1:50 PM - 28 Oct 2014 123 RETWEETS 85 FAVORITES Beyoncé Reactions @ReactionBeyonce Follow Remember all of those chickens? This is them now. Feel old yet?i 8:44 AM - 29 Oct 2014 1,893 RETWEETS 2,671 FAVORITES わ ★ Ricky Dillon @RickyPDillon Follow remember miranda cosgrove from iCarly and drake & josh? this is her now. feel old yet? 11:40 PM -28 Oct 2014 9,704 RETWEETS 20,290 FAVORITES

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