I Crave That Mineral
"I Crave That Mineral" is an expression stemming from a captioned photograph of an ibex licking salt off the side of a mountain that was submitted to Tumblr in late October 2014.
On October 27th, 2014, Tumblr[2] user sixpenceee posted a photograph of an Alpine ibex licking salt deposits off a mountainside with the caption "They crave that mineral" (shown below). In the first two months, the post gained over 283,000 notes.

On December 14th, 2014, Tumblr[3] user Meladoodle submitted a text post saying "Me giving head: I crave that mineral," which gathered more than 4,400 notes in 72 hours. On the following day, YouTuber Suicide Balloons uploaded a parody of the 2011 pop song "What Makes You Beautiful" by One Direction titled "Crave That Mineral" (shown below).
On December 16th, a Wikipedia[1] page titled "I crave that mineral" was created, which was subsequently selected for deletion. The same day, Tumblr[4] user floozys declared that the catchphrase was "the most unexpected, late entry meme of 2014." Also on December 16th, Tumblr user Mikasa-Ackerman posted a screen capture from the anime Attack on Titan with the caption "she craves that mineral," garnering upwards of 9,400 notes in 24 hours (shown below, left). Meanwhile, Tumblr[5] user santakuroo uploaded a photoshopped version of the original ibex image featuring That Feel Guy and Sad Frog, gaining more than 21,300 notes over the next day (shown below, right).
![795.png she craves that mineral #LUV THIS MEME #SNK #AOT #SHINGEKI NO KYO] IN #ATTACK ON TITAN #AN NIE LEONHAR DT #SNK SQUAD #CRAVE THAT MINERAL #SUCCESS # MIKASA ACKERMAN 12-16 23:09.443 NOTES](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/882/075/795.png)

Notable Examples

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External References
[1] Wikipedia – I Crave That Mineral
[2] Tumblr – Alpine Ibexes Climb Nearly 90 degree angles
[3] Tumblr – Meladoodle
[5] Tumblr – santakuroo
Top Comments
Dec 17, 2014 at 09:03PM EST
My Original Character Blails
Dec 18, 2014 at 06:01PM EST in reply to