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I'd Like to See Ol Donny Trump Wriggle His Way Out of THIS Jam!

Added 5 years ago by Adam • Updated about a year ago by Y F
Added 5 years ago by Adam • Updated about a year ago by Y F

I'd Like to See Ol Donny Trump Wriggle His Way Out of THIS Jam!
I'd Like to See Ol Donny Trump Wriggle His Way Out of THIS Jam!

Category: Meme Status: confirmed Year: 2016 Origin: Twitter Region:
Type: Snowclone
Tags: jesse farrar twitter donald trump snowclone


I'd Like to See Ol Donny Trump Wriggle His Way Out of THIS Jam! is a quote from a tweet by Jesse Farrar parodying critics of Donald Trump frustrated by the then-Presidential candidate's knack for avoiding consequences of scandal. The tweet grew popular and became a snowclone in which people substituted Trump for other characters.


On October 1st, 2016, Jesse Farrar tweeted:[1]

Well, I'd like to see ol Donny Trump wriggle his way out of THIS jam!
*Trump wriggles his way out of the jam easily
Ah! Well. Nevertheless,

The tweet gained over 13,000 retweets and 38,000 likes in two years.

Following @BronzeHammer Well, I'd like to see ol Donny Trump wriggle his way out of THIS jam! Trump wriggles his way out of the jam easily* Ah! Well. Nevertheless, 11:34 PM-1 Oct 2016


As the tweet grew popular, it began seeing use as a snowclone as people remade the tweet with other scandal-prone celebrities. For example, Twitter user @AliceAvizandum posted the snowclone with Lena Dunham, gaining over 29 retweets and 320 likes (shown below, left). User @trevorbnj posted a variation Drake, gaining 8 retweets and 25 likes (shown below, right).

meth lab for cutie @AliceAvizandum Follow Well, I'd like to see ol Lena Dunham wriggle her way out of THIS jam! she wriggles her way out of the jam easily* Ah! Well. Nevertheless, 10:34 PM-17 Nov 2017 Soulja Boykins @trevorbrn Follow Well, l'd like to see ol Aubrey Graham wriggle his way out of THIS jam! Drake wriggles his way out of the jam easily* Ah! Well. Nevertheless, 1:12 AM-14 Jun 2018

The tweet is popular in sports fandom, as teams and other prominent sports figures are regularly used in the snowclone. @trevorbnj posted another variation with LeBron James that gained over 470 retweets and 4,200 likes (shown below, left). User @Bill_TPA posted an example that referenced the Washington Redskins (shown below, left)

Soulja Boykins @trevorbnj Follow ) ﹀ Well, I'd like to see ol LeBron James wriggle his way out of THIS jam! LeBron wriggles his way out of the jam easily* Ah! Well. Nevertheless, 12:17 AM - 28 May 2018 Bill P[umpkins] @Bill TPA Follow Well, l'd like to see ol Racist Football Team wriggle its way out of THIS jam! "Washington wriggles its way out of the jam easily* Ah! Well. Nevertheless, 5:14 PM - 2 May 2018

Various Examples

brad shoup @bshoup Follow well, I'd like to see old Greta Van Fleet wriggle their way out of THIS jam 10:32 AM-23 Oct 2018 Adam Laskaris @adam_ laskaris Follow Well, Id like to see ol Tom Brady wriggle his way out of THIS jam! "Brady wriggles his way out of the jam easily* Ah! Well. Nevertheless, 12:27 AM 15 Oct 2018 theanhedonia guy Follow @mondoblando Well, l'd like to see ol Capitalism wriggle its way out of THIS jam! *Capitalism wriggles its way out of the jam easily* Ah! Well. Nevertheless 4:58 PM-2 Oct 2018 Malcolm Fears @RedbirdMenace Follow Well, I'd like to see ol Barstool Sports wriggle its way out of THIS jam! *Barstool wriggles its way out of the jam easily* Ah! Well. Nevertheless, 1:13 PM -24 Sep 2018 ben VT_Ben Follow Well,I'd like to see ol Urban Meyer wriggle his way out of THIS jam! "Meyer wriggles his way out of the jam easily* Ah! Well. Nevertheless, 1:08 PM -17 Sep 2018 Kascary Kapanen Follow 50_MissionCap ME WATCHING THE BLUE JAYS, RUNNER ON THIRD, 0 OUT: l'd like to see the other team wriggle their way out of THIS jam! *other team wriggles their way out of it quite easily* Ah, 2:52 PM-9 Jun 2018

Search Interest


External References

[1] Twitter – @bronzehammer

Comments ( 17 )

  • Vinnis Vidya - 5 years ago

    trump bad

    • MildKidneys - 5 years ago

      Impeach the cheeto in chief
      Impeach cheetolini

      • JStheguy - 5 years ago

        We gotta stop Drumpfnito Cheetolini, Literal Hitler in Chief.

        • Vinnis Vidya - 5 years ago

          L I T E R A L L Y
          H I T L E R

      • Vinnis Vidya - 5 years ago

        L I T E R A L L Y
        H I T L E R

    • JStheguy - 5 years ago

      We gotta stop Drumpfnito Cheetolini, Literal Hitler in Chief.

      • Vinnis Vidya - 5 years ago

        L I T E R A L L Y
        H I T L E R

    • poochyena - 5 years ago

      ~55% of Americans agree.

    • What Ever - 5 years ago

      I agree, fellow human.

    • Vinnis Vidya - 5 years ago

      L I T E R A L L Y
      H I T L E R

  • Mr. Candles - 5 years ago

    Ol' Teflon Trump. Carcinogenic, and nothing sticks to 'im.

    But seriously, it's probably because he rides out of these scandals through sheer force of his followers' anger. That and just being nonstandard as fuck, for good and ill.

  • MildKidneys - 5 years ago

    Impeach the cheeto in chief
    Impeach cheetolini

    • JStheguy - 5 years ago

      We gotta stop Drumpfnito Cheetolini, Literal Hitler in Chief.

      • Vinnis Vidya - 5 years ago

        L I T E R A L L Y
        H I T L E R

    • Vinnis Vidya - 5 years ago

      L I T E R A L L Y
      H I T L E R

  • JStheguy - 5 years ago

    We gotta stop Drumpfnito Cheetolini, Literal Hitler in Chief.

    • Vinnis Vidya - 5 years ago

      L I T E R A L L Y
      H I T L E R

  • poochyena - 5 years ago

    ~55% of Americans agree.

  • What Ever - 5 years ago

    I agree, fellow human.

  • 12monkehs - 5 years ago

    This meme in a nutshell:

    Dude: Let’s see if old Donald can escape this predicament.
    Trump: [Escapes predicament]

    • Adam - 5 years ago

      this is the meme rephrased, yes

    • documentsthethird - 5 years ago

      Tbh, you just kinda sound salty over it? You just said their words in a way that makes them sound dumb.

  • Cordelius - 5 years ago

    I have lost all empathy for political twitter.

    Just nuke us China.

  • Aliceus D. Panzerkampfwagyu - 5 years ago

    It's actually chuckleworthy, since it reflects how much of a silly place american reality is

  • Adam - 5 years ago

    this is the meme rephrased, yes

  • Z_2 - 5 years ago

    Trump is basically a cartoon character, and that's tragic when it meets a certain rule.

    The rule of comedy: it's not funny if it happens to you.
    If Trump was a president in a cartoon series, he'd probably be beloved as a hilarious addition to the show, if an unrealistic one.
    Unfortunately, WE'RE the unintelligent cartoon idiots who are now subject to an insane loony toon as our highest office.

    Aliens probably think this is the best season, though.

    • TerribleTrike - 5 years ago

      As someone who is not an American, the Trump presidency is hands-down my favourite drama series.

      • Z_2 - 5 years ago

        If you live on this planet, it still probably counts as 'happening to you' enough that you should be concerned.

        • TerribleTrike - 5 years ago

          Whatever Trump could cause me is of no real concern of mine. What harm America can throw at me isn't any worse than whatever Russia would, and they are practically neighbors.

      • TerribleTrike - 5 years ago

        Whatever Trump could cause me is of no real concern of mine. What harm America can throw at me isn't any worse than whatever Russia would, and they are practically neighbors.

    • Z_2 - 5 years ago

      If you live on this planet, it still probably counts as 'happening to you' enough that you should be concerned.

      • TerribleTrike - 5 years ago

        Whatever Trump could cause me is of no real concern of mine. What harm America can throw at me isn't any worse than whatever Russia would, and they are practically neighbors.

    • TerribleTrike - 5 years ago

      Whatever Trump could cause me is of no real concern of mine. What harm America can throw at me isn't any worse than whatever Russia would, and they are practically neighbors.

    • SardonicRainboom - 5 years ago

      I'm not so sure the fourth wall is going to protect them here.

  • TerribleTrike - 5 years ago

    As someone who is not an American, the Trump presidency is hands-down my favourite drama series.

    • Z_2 - 5 years ago

      If you live on this planet, it still probably counts as 'happening to you' enough that you should be concerned.

      • TerribleTrike - 5 years ago

        Whatever Trump could cause me is of no real concern of mine. What harm America can throw at me isn't any worse than whatever Russia would, and they are practically neighbors.

    • TerribleTrike - 5 years ago

      Whatever Trump could cause me is of no real concern of mine. What harm America can throw at me isn't any worse than whatever Russia would, and they are practically neighbors.

  • documentsthethird - 5 years ago

    Tbh, you just kinda sound salty over it? You just said their words in a way that makes them sound dumb.

  • Z_2 - 5 years ago

    If you live on this planet, it still probably counts as 'happening to you' enough that you should be concerned.

    • TerribleTrike - 5 years ago

      Whatever Trump could cause me is of no real concern of mine. What harm America can throw at me isn't any worse than whatever Russia would, and they are practically neighbors.

  • TerribleTrike - 5 years ago

    Whatever Trump could cause me is of no real concern of mine. What harm America can throw at me isn't any worse than whatever Russia would, and they are practically neighbors.

  • Vinnis Vidya - 5 years ago

    L I T E R A L L Y
    H I T L E R

  • SardonicRainboom - 5 years ago

    I'm not so sure the fourth wall is going to protect them here.

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