Itteh Bitteh Kitteh Committeh
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Itteh Bitteh Kitteh Committeh pictures rose to popularity on Icanhascheezburger and is a spin on the age-old phrase "itty bitty titty committee"; a term which has long been used as a comical yet degrading term referring to women with small busts. However, the similarity ends with the phrasing, as the images are generally of a non-sexual nature.
On March 2, 2008, the picture "teh itteh bitteh kitteh committeh" was posted on icanhascheezburger, the lolcat site. The picture is of a man holding many kittens in his arms, all squished together in a group. The earliest time that picture was posted on the internet is believed to be from the Russian website muhom.org, labeled as "Kittens wholesale." The picture was dated October 30, 2006. However, the picture used for the captioned image is from Funnyjunk (as seen in the bottom right-hand corner of the picture.) The caption "teh itteh bitteh kitteh committeh" is lolspeak for "The itty bitty kitty committee". The picture was very well-received, and variations flowed forth.
How people changed the original picture was simply by replacing the word "kitteh" from the original picture and putting in whatever fit in their own picture. For instance, in this photo, there is a mouse, a cat, a dog, and a rabbit. That seems diverse, so a person made this:
However, some people still use the itteh bitteh kitteh committeh in their pictures, i.e. the word "kitteh" is not replaced by anything, such as this picture below. Many other images have been made.
Pictures of these "committehs" are still going strong. On November 21st, 2009, a picture about the itteh bitteh kitteh committeh made front page on ICHC. The original has 13 diggs and on Facebook, the committeh is enjoying 37 members.
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