Jim Halpert Smiling Through Blinds
Part of a series on The Office. [View Related Entries]
Jim Halpert Smiling Through Blinds is a reaction image based on a screen-capture from the American situational comedy The Office, which features the character Jim Halpert (played by John Krasinski) smiling through a set of window blinds. In recent years, the image has been used in a series of image macros to deflect blame for comedic effect.
On April 9th, 2009, the episode of The Office entitled "Heavy Competition" aired in the United States.[7] In the episode, the character Jim Halpert pranks Andy Bernard and watches Andy through a set of blinds behind a window (shown below).
The earliest known usage of the image was posted on January 11th, 2014 by an anonymous user on the /fa/[1] forum on 4chan. In this instance, the image (shown below) was used to respond to a series of racist comments on the message board. They captioned the image "Friday night time to shit post on one of the slowest boards of a website that panders to weebs xD."
![Friday night time to s--- post on one of the slowest boards of a website that panders to weebs xD Anonymous Sat Jan 11 00:33:57 2014 No.7586428 File: 63 KB,719x674, jim.jpg View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] [report] >7585120 583342 361 Friday night time to s--- post on one of the slowest boards of a website that panders to weebs xD](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/376/983/448.png)
On May 28th, 2018, Redditor[6] MrPapaya22 published an image macro variation of the reaction image, adding the caption "*The 1919 Paris Peace Conference* Everyone: 'It's all Germany's fault' Serbia:" The post (shown below, left) received more than 6,700 points (97% upvoted) and 60 comments in 24 hours.
On May 29th, Redditor [2] vk1198 captioned the image "==Trump wins election== Everyone: The russians did it Minecraft YouTubers:" The post (shown below, center) was posted on the /r/dankmemes subreddit and received more than 7,600 points (95% upvoted) and 40 comments.
Later that day, the image was posted on the /r/MemeEconomy subreddit by Redditor[3] yoragon. The post received more than 8,300 points (92% upvoted) and 1,700 comments.
Additionally, Redditor[4] Xenon_Sharp posted a version in the /r/dankmemes subreddit that featured the text "*Holocaust happened* Everyone: Hitler was german! Austria:" Within 24 hours, the post (shown below, right) received more than 11,000 points (96% upvoted) and 175 comments.

That day, Redditor[5] Pyramid_Head182 posted a version with the text "Mom: 'just got to sleep honey there's no monsters in the closet' My uncle:" Within 12 hours, the post (shown below) received more than 6,500 points (96% upvoted) and 50 comments.

Various Examples

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External References
[1] warosu /fa/ – Fashion
[2] Reddit – Putin is innocent
[3] Reddit – New format on the rise!
[4] Reddit – Was he polish?
[5] Reddit – Always lurking
[6] Reddit – The “Great” War
[7] Wikipedia – Heavy Competition
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