Kinoplex Robert
Part of a series on /tv/. [View Related Entries]
Kinoplex Robert or just simply Robert, is Stock Photography meme originating on 4chan's /tv/ board. The original stock photo features an African-American man standing behind a movie theater concession stand, wearing a name-tag identifying him as "Robert". The meme is generally features a photoshopped variation of the stock photo accompanied by text mocking embarrassing or bizarre behaviors done in a movie theater, with Robert maintaining a friendly demeanor and often aiding the reader in overcoming their odd behaviors.
The earliest known use of the meme on 4chan's /tv/ board is in November 2015, with a post using the photo of Robert presenting the viewer with popcorn accompanied by text implying that the reader's mother would be buying the popcorn for them. [1]
![earliest post File: black popcorn.jpg (47KB, 300x400px) Image search: [iqdb] [SauceNao] [Google] Anonymous 2015-11-16 10:53:19 Post No. 62769634 [Report] Quoted by: 6277097962771085 »6277124262771967 »62772015»62772139627729516277445 »62773563 62773637 Here's your popcorn sir, I presume your mother will be paying? Anonymous 2015-11-16 10:56:12 Post No.62769674 [Report] Quoted by:62770894»62772049 File: empty.jpg (32KB, 300x400px) Image search: [iqdb] [SauceNao] [Google] No more popcorn sir Popeot >>Anonymous 2015-11-16 11:04:40 Post No.62769770 [Report] Quoted by:62769808>62770435 »627706796277070162774667 Black people don't say "presume" Anonymous 2015-11-16 11:06:59 Post No.62769790 [Report] Quoted by:62771801 She is not my mother](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/565/883/33c.png)
Various edits of the original photo were made, and it quickly became associated with other /tv/ memes related to the kinoplex, such as the "no singles policy", "designated shooter", "crab legs", and the "popcorn mines," seeing consistent use over four years. Recent posts in the meme include a September 8th, 2019 post referencing Joker (shown below, left) and a Baneposting post from September 6th (shown below, right).

On August 14th 2019, moderators from the popular 'Implying Movies Are Good' Facebook page (130,000 likes pre-deletion) created 'The Kinoplex'[1] a film discussion and meme group which would grow in popularity over the following few years.
As of 2021 it sits at over 11,000 current members.

Various Examples

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External References
[1] 4archive.org – earliest known usage
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Steven The Pirate
Sep 09, 2019 at 07:40PM EDT
Sep 07, 2019 at 07:55PM EDT