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Part of a series on /tv/. [View Related Entries]


Kinoplex Robert or just simply Robert, is Stock Photography meme originating on 4chan's /tv/ board. The original stock photo features an African-American man standing behind a movie theater concession stand, wearing a name-tag identifying him as "Robert". The meme is generally features a photoshopped variation of the stock photo accompanied by text mocking embarrassing or bizarre behaviors done in a movie theater, with Robert maintaining a friendly demeanor and often aiding the reader in overcoming their odd behaviors.


The earliest known use of the meme on 4chan's /tv/ board is in November 2015, with a post using the photo of Robert presenting the viewer with popcorn accompanied by text implying that the reader's mother would be buying the popcorn for them. [1]

File: black popcorn.jpg (47KB, 300x400px) Image search: [iqdb] [SauceNao] [Google] Anonymous 2015-11-16 10:53:19 Post No. 62769634 [Report] Quoted by: 6277097962771085 »6277124262771967 »62772015»62772139627729516277445 »62773563 62773637 Here's your popcorn sir, I presume your mother will be paying? Anonymous 2015-11-16 10:56:12 Post No.62769674 [Report] Quoted by:62770894»62772049 File: empty.jpg (32KB, 300x400px) Image search: [iqdb] [SauceNao] [Google] No more popcorn sir Popeot >>Anonymous 2015-11-16 11:04:40 Post No.62769770 [Report] Quoted by:62769808>62770435 »627706796277070162774667 Black people don't say "presume" Anonymous 2015-11-16 11:06:59 Post No.62769790 [Report] Quoted by:62771801 She is not my mother


Various edits of the original photo were made, and it quickly became associated with other /tv/ memes related to the kinoplex, such as the "no singles policy", "designated shooter", "crab legs", and the "popcorn mines," seeing consistent use over four years. Recent posts in the meme include a September 8th, 2019 post referencing Joker (shown below, left) and a Baneposting post from September 6th (shown below, right).

Anonymous Sun 08 Sep 2019 19:12:52 No.120719354 Quoted By: >> 120719420 >> 1207 19460 >>120719566>>120719626>>120719675>>120719716>>120719723 >>120719975 View Reply Original Report >>120720608 Enjoy Joker sir Anonymous Sun 08 Sep 2019 19:14:14 No.120719420 Report >>120719354 Be safe, Robert. I heard there are incels about. Anonymous Sun 08 Sep 2019 19:15:04 No. 120719460 Report Quoted By: >>120719483 olttvimages 53KIB, 600x554, d84.jpg >120719354 View Same Google iqdb SauceNAO Trace remember the safe word robert;) you know i would never hurt you
[29 13/21 Anonymous Fri 06 Sep 2019 18:18:05 No. 120621370 Quoted By: >> 120621767 >> 12062 1807 >>120621850 >>120622670 >>120622948 View Reply Original Report Oh hey anon, good to see you finally showed up after reopening, don't blame yourself for what happened no one could have predicted the reactions to Joker. SauceNAO Trace 1515032943015.jpg, 238KIB, 1024x718 View Same Google iqdb Anonymous Fri 06 Sep 2019 18:21:26 No.120621489 Report Quoted By: >120623174 Pupente It's on the house, anon. View Same Google iqdb SauceNAO Trace Spidey-1.jpg, 42KIB, 700x394 42KIB, 300x397, 1471743698090.jpg View Same Google iqdb SauceNAO Anonymous Fri 06 Sep 2019 18:28:54 No.120621767 Report Trace >>120621370 I'm responsible. Robert directed me to theater number 9, but I never went in. I went someplace else.

On August 14th 2019, moderators from the popular 'Implying Movies Are Good' Facebook page (130,000 likes pre-deletion) created 'The Kinoplex'[1] a film discussion and meme group which would grow in popularity over the following few years.
As of 2021 it sits at over 11,000 current members.


You're welcome
You're welcome

Various Examples

1545218758820.png (484 KB, 800x533) google yandex iqdb wait Anonymous 09/04/19(Wed)16:08:15 No.120526936 120528314 >>120528400 >>120528526 >>120529007 >>120530133 >>120530325 >>120530448 >>120530592 ATTENTION ALL PATRONS OF THE KINOPLEX. THIS IS YOUR USHER ROBERT ANDI HAVE A VERY IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT TO MAKE BEFORE THE START OF THE FILM IT HAS COME TO MY ATTENTION THAT A SINGLES TICKET WAS INADVERTENTLY SOLD TO THIS SHOWING. PLEASE LOOK TO YOUR LEFET. AND RIGHT AND POINT OUT THE SINGLE THEATERGOER SO THEY CAN BE ESCORTED OUT BY SECURITY THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION THIS WILL BE OVER SOON AND I HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS SHOWING OF "JOKER" Anonymous 09/04/19(Wed)16:41: 14 No.120528314 >120526936 (OP) starts shooting Anonymous 09/04/19(Wed) 16:43: 23 No. 120528400 >120526936 (OP) No, Robert, you were supposed to cover for me Anonymous 09/04/19(Wed)16:44:49 No.120528478 Naw it's not me. My date just went out to the... bathroom, she will be back soon
Anonymous 09/07/19(Sat)13:04:26 No.120654883 >>120660772 >>120663021>>120663194>>120666574 >>120668685 >>120655012 >>120655107 »120655328 >>120655343 >>120655601 >Anon, your girlfriend is only 16 and suffers from Aspergers, this is highly inappropriate. I have to ask you to leave the kinoplex Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous 09/07/19(Sat)13:07:45 No.120655012>>120655950 >>120656574 >>120657190 >>120657324 >>120657985 >>120660266 >>120660328 >>120660591 >>1206606 18 >>120660646 >>1206606 50 >>1206 60 700 >>120660714 >>120660743 >>120661124 >>12066 1170 >>120661192>>120661386 >> 1206 62 113 >> 12066 2499 >> 1206 6 255 6 >>1206626 74 >>12066 3314 > >>120668701 >>120669862 >>120670028 >>120670120 5633653663.jpg (21 KB, 362x362) google yandex iqdb wait >>120654883 (OP) Robert, I'm going to level with you. I'm lonely. I've been lonely for a long time. That's why I kept sneaking in during no-singles nights And you always looked the other way. I appreciate that, you were a good friend. But as much as I love you as a friend, there are some holes no amount of crab legs can fill. That's why I had to finally admit defeat and ask out a girl with autism. She may not be all there but she likes me for me and for the first time in my life I like me for me too. Robert, my friend, my bro, my sole defender: I beg you Please let me be happy We can still hang out, I1l still shoot finger guns at you when I see you at the candy bar. Ill still tip you for pouring chocolate sauce on my popcorn. But I'm a worn man, I am tired of my solitude. Please don't tell on me.
Anonymous 09/07/19(Sat)15: 00: 41 No.120659928 >>120660097 >>12066 1102 robert defending the kinoplex.jpg (728 KB, 1024x718) google yandex iqdb wait >leave your 6th screening of Battle Angel Alita of the day walk to the snack bar to get your usual medium sized popcorn for the long bus ride home >hear explosions, screams and gunfire "ANON! The arthouse cinema next door has finally launched that fall offensive I kept talking about!" >"Grab a gun and help out, will ya? There's a 15% off coupon in it for you!"
View Same Google iqdb SauceNAO Trace 1567728069289.png, 1MIB, 1076x755 Anonymous Fri 06 Sep 2019 11:05:01 No.120606455 Report Quoted By: >>120606516 >>120606613 >>120612202 >H-hey Anon.. no gf again?Haha... yeah... Hey, you remember I always had your back, right?

Anonymous 07/15/17(Sat)23:20:13 No.85004399 File: rofjpg (92 KB, 612x429) >85004511 >>85004909 ges Popo 78722550 >In vacation in Paris The city is boring and full of refugees so I decide to pay a visit to the local kinoplex >A black guy is standing behind the counter Hello Monsieur.Welcome to the kineaux-habitat.My name is Ro-Bear.How can I help you?" >It's clearly writte n Robert on his shirt.This guy must be f------ with me. "A bucket of your finest crab legs and a Coke zero please" >"Hon hon hon.You mean frog legs Monsieun This crazy n---- proceeds to pour melted camembert in top of the bucket as I'm watching in terror. "Et voila!Le frog legs du fromage!Would you like extra snails with this Monsieur?" "N-no I'm fine" >l walk away from the madman with my disgusting food and a can of diet redwine >I take my seat directly after that because there are no showers in France. >As the commercials begin, a guy scream allah wakbar and explode. F--- you France.
ΚΙΝΟΠΛΕΞ gettyimages Fuse Popeot 78722550

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External References

[1] 4archive.org – earliest known usage

[2] Facebook – kinoplex

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Kinoplex Robert

Kinoplex Robert

Part of a series on /tv/. [View Related Entries]

Updated Apr 07, 2021 at 04:35PM EDT by Matt.

Added Sep 07, 2019 at 06:17PM EDT by Old Man GigaChad.

PROTIP: Press 'i' to view the image gallery, 'v' to view the video gallery, or 'r' to view a random entry.


Kinoplex Robert or just simply Robert, is Stock Photography meme originating on 4chan's /tv/ board. The original stock photo features an African-American man standing behind a movie theater concession stand, wearing a name-tag identifying him as "Robert". The meme is generally features a photoshopped variation of the stock photo accompanied by text mocking embarrassing or bizarre behaviors done in a movie theater, with Robert maintaining a friendly demeanor and often aiding the reader in overcoming their odd behaviors.


The earliest known use of the meme on 4chan's /tv/ board is in November 2015, with a post using the photo of Robert presenting the viewer with popcorn accompanied by text implying that the reader's mother would be buying the popcorn for them. [1]

File: black popcorn.jpg (47KB, 300x400px) Image search: [iqdb] [SauceNao] [Google] Anonymous 2015-11-16 10:53:19 Post No. 62769634 [Report] Quoted by: 6277097962771085 »6277124262771967 »62772015»62772139627729516277445 »62773563 62773637 Here's your popcorn sir, I presume your mother will be paying? Anonymous 2015-11-16 10:56:12 Post No.62769674 [Report] Quoted by:62770894»62772049 File: empty.jpg (32KB, 300x400px) Image search: [iqdb] [SauceNao] [Google] No more popcorn sir Popeot >>Anonymous 2015-11-16 11:04:40 Post No.62769770 [Report] Quoted by:62769808>62770435 »627706796277070162774667 Black people don't say "presume" Anonymous 2015-11-16 11:06:59 Post No.62769790 [Report] Quoted by:62771801 She is not my mother


Various edits of the original photo were made, and it quickly became associated with other /tv/ memes related to the kinoplex, such as the "no singles policy", "designated shooter", "crab legs", and the "popcorn mines," seeing consistent use over four years. Recent posts in the meme include a September 8th, 2019 post referencing Joker (shown below, left) and a Baneposting post from September 6th (shown below, right).

Anonymous Sun 08 Sep 2019 19:12:52 No.120719354 Quoted By: >> 120719420 >> 1207 19460 >>120719566>>120719626>>120719675>>120719716>>120719723 >>120719975 View Reply Original Report >>120720608 Enjoy Joker sir Anonymous Sun 08 Sep 2019 19:14:14 No.120719420 Report >>120719354 Be safe, Robert. I heard there are incels about. Anonymous Sun 08 Sep 2019 19:15:04 No. 120719460 Report Quoted By: >>120719483 olttvimages 53KIB, 600x554, d84.jpg >120719354 View Same Google iqdb SauceNAO Trace remember the safe word robert;) you know i would never hurt you [29 13/21 Anonymous Fri 06 Sep 2019 18:18:05 No. 120621370 Quoted By: >> 120621767 >> 12062 1807 >>120621850 >>120622670 >>120622948 View Reply Original Report Oh hey anon, good to see you finally showed up after reopening, don't blame yourself for what happened no one could have predicted the reactions to Joker. SauceNAO Trace 1515032943015.jpg, 238KIB, 1024x718 View Same Google iqdb Anonymous Fri 06 Sep 2019 18:21:26 No.120621489 Report Quoted By: >120623174 Pupente It's on the house, anon. View Same Google iqdb SauceNAO Trace Spidey-1.jpg, 42KIB, 700x394 42KIB, 300x397, 1471743698090.jpg View Same Google iqdb SauceNAO Anonymous Fri 06 Sep 2019 18:28:54 No.120621767 Report Trace >>120621370 I'm responsible. Robert directed me to theater number 9, but I never went in. I went someplace else.

On August 14th 2019, moderators from the popular 'Implying Movies Are Good' Facebook page (130,000 likes pre-deletion) created 'The Kinoplex'[1] a film discussion and meme group which would grow in popularity over the following few years.
As of 2021 it sits at over 11,000 current members.


You're welcome You're welcome

Various Examples

1545218758820.png (484 KB, 800x533) google yandex iqdb wait Anonymous 09/04/19(Wed)16:08:15 No.120526936 120528314 >>120528400 >>120528526 >>120529007 >>120530133 >>120530325 >>120530448 >>120530592 ATTENTION ALL PATRONS OF THE KINOPLEX. THIS IS YOUR USHER ROBERT ANDI HAVE A VERY IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT TO MAKE BEFORE THE START OF THE FILM IT HAS COME TO MY ATTENTION THAT A SINGLES TICKET WAS INADVERTENTLY SOLD TO THIS SHOWING. PLEASE LOOK TO YOUR LEFET. AND RIGHT AND POINT OUT THE SINGLE THEATERGOER SO THEY CAN BE ESCORTED OUT BY SECURITY THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION THIS WILL BE OVER SOON AND I HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS SHOWING OF "JOKER" Anonymous 09/04/19(Wed)16:41: 14 No.120528314 >120526936 (OP) starts shooting Anonymous 09/04/19(Wed) 16:43: 23 No. 120528400 >120526936 (OP) No, Robert, you were supposed to cover for me Anonymous 09/04/19(Wed)16:44:49 No.120528478 Naw it's not me. My date just went out to the... bathroom, she will be back soon Anonymous 09/07/19(Sat)13:04:26 No.120654883 >>120660772 >>120663021>>120663194>>120666574 >>120668685 >>120655012 >>120655107 »120655328 >>120655343 >>120655601 >Anon, your girlfriend is only 16 and suffers from Aspergers, this is highly inappropriate. I have to ask you to leave the kinoplex Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous 09/07/19(Sat)13:07:45 No.120655012>>120655950 >>120656574 >>120657190 >>120657324 >>120657985 >>120660266 >>120660328 >>120660591 >>1206606 18 >>120660646 >>1206606 50 >>1206 60 700 >>120660714 >>120660743 >>120661124 >>12066 1170 >>120661192>>120661386 >> 1206 62 113 >> 12066 2499 >> 1206 6 255 6 >>1206626 74 >>12066 3314 > >>120668701 >>120669862 >>120670028 >>120670120 5633653663.jpg (21 KB, 362x362) google yandex iqdb wait >>120654883 (OP) Robert, I'm going to level with you. I'm lonely. I've been lonely for a long time. That's why I kept sneaking in during no-singles nights And you always looked the other way. I appreciate that, you were a good friend. But as much as I love you as a friend, there are some holes no amount of crab legs can fill. That's why I had to finally admit defeat and ask out a girl with autism. She may not be all there but she likes me for me and for the first time in my life I like me for me too. Robert, my friend, my bro, my sole defender: I beg you Please let me be happy We can still hang out, I1l still shoot finger guns at you when I see you at the candy bar. Ill still tip you for pouring chocolate sauce on my popcorn. But I'm a worn man, I am tired of my solitude. Please don't tell on me. Anonymous 09/07/19(Sat)15: 00: 41 No.120659928 >>120660097 >>12066 1102 robert defending the kinoplex.jpg (728 KB, 1024x718) google yandex iqdb wait >leave your 6th screening of Battle Angel Alita of the day walk to the snack bar to get your usual medium sized popcorn for the long bus ride home >hear explosions, screams and gunfire "ANON! The arthouse cinema next door has finally launched that fall offensive I kept talking about!" >"Grab a gun and help out, will ya? There's a 15% off coupon in it for you!" View Same Google iqdb SauceNAO Trace 1567728069289.png, 1MIB, 1076x755 Anonymous Fri 06 Sep 2019 11:05:01 No.120606455 Report Quoted By: >>120606516 >>120606613 >>120612202 >H-hey Anon.. no gf again?Haha... yeah... Hey, you remember I always had your back, right?

Anonymous 07/15/17(Sat)23:20:13 No.85004399 File: rofjpg (92 KB, 612x429) >85004511 >>85004909 ges Popo 78722550 >In vacation in Paris The city is boring and full of refugees so I decide to pay a visit to the local kinoplex >A black guy is standing behind the counter Hello Monsieur.Welcome to the kineaux-habitat.My name is Ro-Bear.How can I help you?" >It's clearly writte n Robert on his shirt.This guy must be f------ with me. "A bucket of your finest crab legs and a Coke zero please" >"Hon hon hon.You mean frog legs Monsieun This crazy n---- proceeds to pour melted camembert in top of the bucket as I'm watching in terror. "Et voila!Le frog legs du fromage!Would you like extra snails with this Monsieur?" "N-no I'm fine" >l walk away from the madman with my disgusting food and a can of diet redwine >I take my seat directly after that because there are no showers in France. >As the commercials begin, a guy scream allah wakbar and explode. F--- you France. BEGT CRAB LEG6 IN THE WEGT KINO CINEMA 139 MEME BLVD CASHIER ROBERT CUSTOMER ANON PURCHAGE $54.75 $84.99 $17.00 $39.00 $22.08 $5.08 $15.10 EXTRA LARGE POPCORN 60 0Z DRINK GINGLEG GUBCHARGE NEET GUBCHARGE AUTISM GUBCHARGE TAX GTORE +8.00% TAX BLM +9.00% TOTAL$107.07 PAYMENT METHOD CASH TRANGACTION#1469692562-001 DATE 28/07/2016 12.5150 AM NO RETURNS Yopo THANK YOU ΚΙΝΟΠΛΕΞ gettyimages Fuse Popeot 78722550

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External References

[1] 4archive.org – earliest known usage

[2] Facebook – kinoplex

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