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Part of a series on Team Fortress 2. [View Related Entries]

Related Explainer: Who Is 'Madcap (TF2)'? The Rejected Team Fortress 2 Character That Became A Meme Explained


Madcap is a rejected Steam Workshop submission for the multiplayer shooter video game Team Fortress 2 that achieved notoriety in the community due to its extreme crudeness, becoming a subject of references and fan art. In October 2023, the /r/tf2 subreddit engaged in a spontaneous unreality campaign similar to Goncharov as they collectively imagined Madcap to be a Team Fortress 2 class that was removed shortly after the game's release.


On May 16th, 2012, Steam user Bog submitted Madcap, a cosmetic item for the Scout class in Team Fortress 2, to Steam Workshop.[1] The item consisted of a crudely made, low-polygonal and janky oversized jacket with large spiky epaulets and a red spiky helmet of the same production quality (images shown below). In 11 years, the item received multiple community awards and accumulated over 880 comments, mostly owing to its meme popularity.

ப்ப்ப்ப் Tharstresly

The item first achieved notoriety within the community sometime around May 2015. On May 3rd, 2015, YouTube[2] user Wolfcl0ck posted a video titled "Mr. Madcap" that gained over 17,000 views in eight years (shown below). On May 20th, Redditor DeerJesus made a post about the author of the item and their other creations that received over 60 upvotes in the /r/tf2[3] subreddit in eight years. On September 26th, Redditor gvarados joked that they wanted Valve to add the item for that year's Halloween update. The post received over 230 upvotes in /r/tf2.[4]


In the second half of the 2010s, Madcap was repeatedly mentioned in the /r/tf2 subreddit, with some users creating fan art of the item. For example, on September 23rd, 2016, Redditor demi-sfm shared a Source Filmmaker still of Scout with the item equipped that gained over 330 upvotes in the /r/tf2[5] subreddit in seven years (shown below, left). On August 9th, 2018, Redditor Mallraider-sixtyfour posted[6] a promotional image of Madcap from Steam Workshop, commenting, "Reminding of the best cosmetic to grace to steam workshop." The post (shown below, right) received over 2,700 upvotes in five years.

Reminder of the best cosmetic to grace to steam workshop III

October 2023 Resurgence

On October 4th, 2023, Redditor Doksumar posted a fan-made render of Madcap, pretending that it was the 10th playable class in the game back in 2008 and inquiring about what happened to it. The post gained over 4,100 upvotes in /r/tf2[7] 10 days (post and image shown below, left and right).

What happened to Madcap? I Haven't played since 2008 if that matters. He was my favorite class and I was quite taken aback not seeing him ingame. TEAM FORTRESS 2 16 PGT PC DVD-ROM Mac www.pegs.info SOFTWARE VALVE

In the following days, multiple users in the subreddit joined in on the joke, supporting the idea that Madcap was once a playable character in the game with memes, fan art and doctored images. Notably, on October 5th, 2023, Redditor[8] i-am-sandvich posted a 10-panel retrospective analysis of the character, with the post garnering over 3,100 upvotes in nine days (shown below).

Madcap in retrospect A tf2 slideshow u/l-am-sandvich Who was madcap? Pt2 His weapons consisted of SMG An smg that was like the snipers GREASE GUN A slow grease gun that inflicted min-critson hit Should madcap have been removed? I'm on the side of no, let's address the complaints one by one BASHER And A 75 damage melee with a bleed-on-hit effect Grease gun was too strong While minicrits on hit sounds busted on paper, the grease gun had a slow projectile and a really slow reload speed, with no switch speed buff, it was quite a risky move to hit a player with your grease gun, and even riskier to follow up on it yourself, as you just told the enemy that your there, and you have to wait for the bashers draw animation to complete, then close the distance, speaking of closing the distance, And for the complaints about spy countering and wm1, FR We kept that, Who was madcap? TEAM FORTRESS 2 Madcap was the 10th class in tf2, he focused on a melee based playstyle, had 225 health and ran as fast as a modern day medic. He also had an ability to go as fast as a scout when a player was in his crosshairs called a sprint. In 2008 he was removed from tf2 due to complaints. What complaints? Here were some common complaints about madcap • He had too much health ● ● ● He countered spy too hard Credit to u/doksumar for the above image His w+m1 was too effective • His grease gun was too strong His sprint was too gimmicky and janky Too much health I don't see this as a reason to remove him, as this can be changed with a simple nerf The sprint The madcaps sprint was very simple, if there's an enemy on your crosshair and you are moving foreward, you move faster, the problem, as often, was source engine jank. sprinting was supposed to halt when you attacked, but often it just got all jittery and messy, as the game thought you were trying to sprint again when it ended, causing you to just continue, also, sometimes when you are in close range, the game with think your trying to sprint and have the sprint begin animation halt your attack pattern, causing you to die unfairly. It was very buggy for something that wasn't even that useful. I feel like a good way to fix madcap sprinting when you didn't want him to would be to have the sprint begin animation not interrupt your attack. the sprint was good for closing the distance, and was better than just having him move faster, as that would make madcap to similar to scout. So should madcap have been removed? No, he provided an intresting playstyle and wasn't that messy of a character. if spy and pyro were both kept and improved, I don't see why we can't do the same with madcap

On October 11th, PC Gamer[9] reported on the trend, quoting a comment stating that Team Fortress 2 community was on its way to "meme a character into existence through the power of mass gaslighting." On October 12th, X[10] / Twitter account @heavyfortres shared a snippet of the article, with the post garnering over 1,100 reposts and 15,700 likes in one day.

Various Examples

Sniper mains when the enemy team has 3 madcaps (they cant play their class they spent 1500 hours on) mematic & Tenor ONE TALKS ABOUT WAR WITH SCOTT 蕙 ADOLLAR OPIKE
r/TF2 forgetting madcap the second scream fortress starts
madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcapreal the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcapereal the madcap is real the madcap is real the madeep is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcapi-sel the madcap is real she madcap is real the madcap is real the madcapra peal the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcaps real the madcap is real the madcanis real the madcap is real the madcan is real the

Team Fortress 2 community loses it, decides to 'meme a character into existence through the power of mass gaslighting' while Valve focuses on Counter-Strike By Joshua Wolens published about 6 hours ago Bring back the Madcap, Valve. f M O P (Image credit: MadCap_Offical / Valve) |||| COMMENTS H

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Madcap team fortress 2 item.

Madcap (TF2)

Part of a series on Team Fortress 2. [View Related Entries]

Updated Dec 06, 2023 at 04:29PM EST by Philipp.

Added Oct 13, 2023 at 10:50AM EDT by Philipp.

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Related Explainer: Who Is 'Madcap (TF2)'? The Rejected Team Fortress 2 Character That Became A Meme Explained

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Madcap is a rejected Steam Workshop submission for the multiplayer shooter video game Team Fortress 2 that achieved notoriety in the community due to its extreme crudeness, becoming a subject of references and fan art. In October 2023, the /r/tf2 subreddit engaged in a spontaneous unreality campaign similar to Goncharov as they collectively imagined Madcap to be a Team Fortress 2 class that was removed shortly after the game's release.


On May 16th, 2012, Steam user Bog submitted Madcap, a cosmetic item for the Scout class in Team Fortress 2, to Steam Workshop.[1] The item consisted of a crudely made, low-polygonal and janky oversized jacket with large spiky epaulets and a red spiky helmet of the same production quality (images shown below). In 11 years, the item received multiple community awards and accumulated over 880 comments, mostly owing to its meme popularity.

IIII IIIK ப்ப்ப்ப் Tharstresly

The item first achieved notoriety within the community sometime around May 2015. On May 3rd, 2015, YouTube[2] user Wolfcl0ck posted a video titled "Mr. Madcap" that gained over 17,000 views in eight years (shown below). On May 20th, Redditor DeerJesus made a post about the author of the item and their other creations that received over 60 upvotes in the /r/tf2[3] subreddit in eight years. On September 26th, Redditor gvarados joked that they wanted Valve to add the item for that year's Halloween update. The post received over 230 upvotes in /r/tf2.[4]


In the second half of the 2010s, Madcap was repeatedly mentioned in the /r/tf2 subreddit, with some users creating fan art of the item. For example, on September 23rd, 2016, Redditor demi-sfm shared a Source Filmmaker still of Scout with the item equipped that gained over 330 upvotes in the /r/tf2[5] subreddit in seven years (shown below, left). On August 9th, 2018, Redditor Mallraider-sixtyfour posted[6] a promotional image of Madcap from Steam Workshop, commenting, "Reminding of the best cosmetic to grace to steam workshop." The post (shown below, right) received over 2,700 upvotes in five years.

Reminder of the best cosmetic to grace to steam workshop III

October 2023 Resurgence

On October 4th, 2023, Redditor Doksumar posted a fan-made render of Madcap, pretending that it was the 10th playable class in the game back in 2008 and inquiring about what happened to it. The post gained over 4,100 upvotes in /r/tf2[7] 10 days (post and image shown below, left and right).

What happened to Madcap? I Haven't played since 2008 if that matters. He was my favorite class and I was quite taken aback not seeing him ingame. TEAM FORTRESS 2 16 PGT PC DVD-ROM Mac www.pegs.info SOFTWARE VALVE TEAM FORTRESS 2 16 PC DVD-ROM Mac www.pegi.info SOFTWARE VALVE

In the following days, multiple users in the subreddit joined in on the joke, supporting the idea that Madcap was once a playable character in the game with memes, fan art and doctored images. Notably, on October 5th, 2023, Redditor[8] i-am-sandvich posted a 10-panel retrospective analysis of the character, with the post garnering over 3,100 upvotes in nine days (shown below).

Madcap in retrospect A tf2 slideshow u/l-am-sandvich Who was madcap? Pt2 His weapons consisted of SMG An smg that was like the snipers GREASE GUN A slow grease gun that inflicted min-critson hit Should madcap have been removed? I'm on the side of no, let's address the complaints one by one BASHER And A 75 damage melee with a bleed-on-hit effect Grease gun was too strong While minicrits on hit sounds busted on paper, the grease gun had a slow projectile and a really slow reload speed, with no switch speed buff, it was quite a risky move to hit a player with your grease gun, and even riskier to follow up on it yourself, as you just told the enemy that your there, and you have to wait for the bashers draw animation to complete, then close the distance, speaking of closing the distance, And for the complaints about spy countering and wm1, FR We kept that, Who was madcap? TEAM FORTRESS 2 Madcap was the 10th class in tf2, he focused on a melee based playstyle, had 225 health and ran as fast as a modern day medic. He also had an ability to go as fast as a scout when a player was in his crosshairs called a sprint. In 2008 he was removed from tf2 due to complaints. What complaints? Here were some common complaints about madcap • He had too much health ● ● ● He countered spy too hard Credit to u/doksumar for the above image His w+m1 was too effective • His grease gun was too strong His sprint was too gimmicky and janky Too much health I don't see this as a reason to remove him, as this can be changed with a simple nerf The sprint The madcaps sprint was very simple, if there's an enemy on your crosshair and you are moving foreward, you move faster, the problem, as often, was source engine jank. sprinting was supposed to halt when you attacked, but often it just got all jittery and messy, as the game thought you were trying to sprint again when it ended, causing you to just continue, also, sometimes when you are in close range, the game with think your trying to sprint and have the sprint begin animation halt your attack pattern, causing you to die unfairly. It was very buggy for something that wasn't even that useful. I feel like a good way to fix madcap sprinting when you didn't want him to would be to have the sprint begin animation not interrupt your attack. the sprint was good for closing the distance, and was better than just having him move faster, as that would make madcap to similar to scout. So should madcap have been removed? No, he provided an intresting playstyle and wasn't that messy of a character. if spy and pyro were both kept and improved, I don't see why we can't do the same with madcap

On October 11th, PC Gamer[9] reported on the trend, quoting a comment stating that Team Fortress 2 community was on its way to "meme a character into existence through the power of mass gaslighting." On October 12th, X[10] / Twitter account @heavyfortres shared a snippet of the article, with the post garnering over 1,100 reposts and 15,700 likes in one day.

Various Examples

Sniper mains when the enemy team has 3 madcaps (they cant play their class they spent 1500 hours on) mematic & Tenor ONE TALKS ABOUT WAR WITH SCOTT 蕙 ADOLLAR OPIKE r/TF2 forgetting madcap the second scream fortress starts madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcapreal the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcapereal the madcap is real the madcap is real the madeep is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcapi-sel the madcap is real she madcap is real the madcap is real the madcapra peal the madcap is real the madcap is real the madcaps real the madcap is real the madcanis real the madcap is real the madcan is real the
MADCAP TEAM FORTRESS 2 e NOO YOU CAN'T JUST MAKE ME BLEED AND REVEAL MY LOCATION BY BLINDLY THROWING YOUR BAT AROUND!!!1 THAT TAKES NO SKILL! BLEED DAMAGE GOES BRRRRR Team Fortress 2 community loses it, decides to 'meme a character into existence through the power of mass gaslighting' while Valve focuses on Counter-Strike By Joshua Wolens published about 6 hours ago Bring back the Madcap, Valve. f M O P (Image credit: MadCap_Offical / Valve) |||| COMMENTS H

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