Peter the Cat (The King of /b/)
Part of a series on Cats. [View Related Entries]

Peter is a calico Scottish Fold cat who is known on 4chan as The King of /b/ due to a 10,000 post thread.[1] When his photo is posted, people tend to respond with "Hello, Peter." He is often confused with Starecat.[2]
Peter, whose real name is Sesame[3], first appeared online in early 2006[4] in a photo that would be used as the base image for Lenin Cat. His owner, YouTuber gomaneshi[5], has referred to him as Peter in a few videos.
Peter first appeared on 4chan on April 9th, 2009, when someone posted Peter's photo to 4chan's /b/ (random) board with an unrelated post seeking romantic advice. The thread was not archived.
![Originalpeter.jpg ile 1239313441 ipg-(90 KB, 640x480) □ Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)17:44:01 No.130198230 [Reply] 24-year-old virgin here. Never even kissed a girl Not ugly either. Just have no game Am I alone here? Pic is my cat Peter 216 posts and 25 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)18:05:21 No. 130202645 PETER IS A BEAST Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)18:05:35 No. 130202710 130198230 I don't believe that is your cat judging by your pictures file name. Also by your description of yourself. Peter is too cool to hang out with a loser like you Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)18:05:45 No.130202731 Peter Peter Pumpkin eater ile 1239314316 ipg-(43 KB, 640x480) □Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)17:58:36 No.13020 1227 Reply] Anvone know this cat's name? 25 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click Reply to view Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)18:05:17 No. 130202638 if this post ends in 8, peter shall forever be a meme cs Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)18:05:31 No. 130202690 Peter, you should shave yourself, it's more attractive to the ladies Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)18:05:45 No.130202728 PETER YOUR MY GOD](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/038/907/Originalpeter.jpg)
Many 4chan users immediately saw the resemblance to Lenin Cat and argued over whether or not they were the same animal, due to Peter's lack of left eyebrow markings.

In May 2009, a Twitter[6] for Peter was created and abandoned later that month. In September, Peter appeared on the Giant Bomb[12] forums as a method of derailing a serious thread. On December 21st, 2009, a Hello Peter thread was made and within nine hours reached 10,000 posts. The next day, it was covered by the French newspaper Le Post.[13]

Between January and August 2010, 4chan user Signe[7] published six galleries of Peter related screencaps and images. That year, three 4chan threads were archived featuring Peter from /b/[9], /r9k/[10] (Robot9000), and /an/[11] (animals). He was also spotted on My[confined]Space[8]
Notable Examples

Search Interest
Search for Peter the Cat peaked in April 2009 and, overall, has been on the decline.
External References
[1] Chanarchive – "the first time peter the cat showed up, that thread got fucking 10k posts."
[2] Chanarchive – Hello Peter (Starecat)
[3] Yahoo! Japan – Sesame's profile
[4] Pookey's Gallery – 1160859760495
[5] YouTube – Gomaneshi's YouTube channel
[6] Twitter – @PeterTheCat
[7] The Mega Awesum Awesomness Blog of Awsom – Peter the Cat galleries 1-6
[8] My[confined]Space – All Hail King Peter!
[9] Chanarchive – Cat hookup thread
[10] Chanarchive – Most pathetic person on r9k contest
[11] Chanarchive – Cat reaction faces
[12] Giant Bomb – How would you react?
[13] Le Post.fr – L'irrésistible ascension de Peter le chat, roi de l'internet
Top Comment
Mar 13, 2012 at 12:43AM EDT