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Meme Encyclopedia

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The Ghost of The Goon / Goonmobile meme examples depicting two pictures of a black Dodge Challenger car.

The Ghost of The Goon / Goonmobile

Mateus Lima

Mateus Lima • 4 days ago

Ashton Hall Morning Routine meme and viral video image examples.

Ashton Hall's Morning Routine

Sakshi Rakshale

Sakshi Rakshale • 2 days ago

Italian Brainrot / AI Italian Animals image and meme examples.

Italian Brainrot / AI Italian Animals

Mateus Lima

Mateus Lima • 6 days ago

Tralalero Tralala meme example.

Tralalero Tralala

Sakshi Rakshale

Sakshi Rakshale • about a month ago

AI image of a crocodile's face merged with a military bomber.

Bombardiro Crocodilo (Italian Brainrot)

Mateus Lima

Mateus Lima • 15 days ago

Know Your Meme is the property of Literally Media ©2024 Literally Media. All Rights Reserved.

Confirmed   60,794

Part of a series on Pokémon. [View Related Entries]


Showing Grandma My Shiny Dusknoir refers to a 4chan post in which an anonymous user showed off their Shiny Pokémon Dusknoir while looming over their presumably deceased grandmother. In memes, the image is used as an exploitable and photoshopped into other pictures or memes, typically poking fun at the context of the original.


On October 15th, 2020, on the Pokémon-themed 4chan[1] board /vp/, an anonymous user made a thread with a photo of their Nintendo Switch playing Pokémon Sword and Shield alongside the caption "Playing Pokémon in memory of grandma / Rip grandma," (shown below). The photo appeared to have been taken at an open-casket service.


OP then posted a time-stamped photo of their Shiny Dusknoir on the Switch juxtaposed with what is assumed to be their deceased grandmother.[2] Many users expressed their disbelief, shock, and amusement at OP's post, which received over 600 (You)s, making it one of the most replied-to posts in /vp/ history (seen below). In total, the thread received over 2,900 replies before being archived, an extremely large amount for a non-stickied 4chan thread.

Dusknoir Lv. 94 900 673,799 2.10ה O AI V 4509920 A Held Item Change Marking B Back Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)11:40:59 No.45099549 >৯45099551 ১১45099568 >৯45099573 >৯45099581 ১৯45099584 >১45099588 ১১45099592 ১৯45099597 >৯45099601 ১১45099605 >৯45099607 >৯45099613 ১৯45099614 >>45099615 ১৯45099625 ১৯45099631 >৯45099633 >৯45099648 >৯45099651 >»45099654 >৯45099660৯45099671>৯45099672>*45099708 x945099715 >৯45099732 >245099755 x945099790 x945099824>৯450998342৯45099847 >»45099874 x৯45099897>>45099931 >>45099937 ১৯45099944 >৯45099968 ১৯45099970 >৯45099971 >৯45099976 >>45099978>>45100048 >১45100061 ১৯45100071 >৯45100072 >৯45100097 >৯45100129 >x45100150 >>45100184 >১45100188>১45100195 >৯45100243 >৯45100255 >৯45100313 >৯45100321 ১৯45100343 >৯45100350 >>45100478xx45100548>>45100549 >>45100589>>45100590 >>45100647 >১45100685 >845100685 >>45100709 >>45100745>>45100888 >>45100898 >>45100911 >>45100923 2৯45100927 ১৯45100937 >*45100945 >৯45100959 ১৯45100973 >৯45100977 >৯45100984 >৯45100994 >৯45101028 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On October 15th, shortly after the original upload, news of the Dusknoir post spread soon after the image was posted and users flooded in from different 4chan[3] boards and websites to see the post. That same day, Redditor blitzstriker7 reposted an excerpt of the discussion to the /r/4chan[4] subreddit, receiving over 7,700 upvotes, 176 comments and several Reddit awards in 28 hours (seen below).

>> Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)14:40:59 No.45099549 >>45099551>>45099568 >>45099573 >>45099581 >>45099584 >>45099588 >>45099592 >>45099597 >>45099601 >>45099605 >>45099607 >>45099613 >>45099614 >>45099615 >>45099625 >>45099631 >>45099633 >>45099648 >>45099651 >>45099654 >>45099660 >>45099671 >>45099672 >>45099708 >>45099715 >>45099732 >>45099755 >>45099790 >>45099824 >>45099834 >>45099847 >>45099874 >>45099897 >>45099931 >>45099937 >>45099944 >>45099968 >>45099970 >>45099971 >>45099976 >>45099978 >>45100048 >>45100061 >>45100071 >>45100072 >>45100097 >>45100129 >>45100150 >>45100184 >>45100188 >>45100195 >>45100243 >>45100255 >>45100313 >>45100321 >>45100343 >>45100350 >>45100478 >>45100548 >>45100549 >>45100589 >>45100590 >>45100647 >>45100685 >>45100686 >>45100709 >>45100745 File: IMG 20201015_143928.jpg (2.73 MB, 3000x4000) Showing grandma my shiny dusknoir. >> Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)14:41:29 No.45099551 >>45099549 # OH MY F------ GOD Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)14:41:30 No.45099552 File: 1595557316539.png (161 KB, 300x339) >>45099200 (OP) # >zero results with reverse image search What the f--- is wrong with you?

A minor meme emerged of OP's Switch being used as an exploitable image where it was then photoshopped into other scenes or the screen itself, which were widely shared across 4chan[5][6] (shown below).

Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)11:14:12 No.45099222 File: 1574218920262.png (14 KB, 128x128) File: IMG 20201015 122950.jpg (3.35 MB, 4000x3000) Playing Pokemon in memory of grandma >>45099251 Rp grandma Stop. Just stop, anon. >>45099200 (OP) >reverse image search >0 results Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)11:11:55 No.45099200 ► >>45099222 >>45099240 >>45099249 >>45099256 >>45099264 >>45099275 >>45099288 >>45099290 >>45099298 >>45099306 >>45099311 >>45099425 >>45099450 >>45099473 >>45099517 >>45099544 >>45099552 >>45099685 >>45099748 >>45099854 >>45099859 >>45099897 U Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)11:16:39 No.45099251 ile: IMG 20201015 122955.jpg (3.21 MB, 4000x3000) >>45099259 >>45099284 >>45099330 >>45099473 >>45099897 O Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)11:13:12 No.45099215 ► >45099251 Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)11:18:05 No.45099264 File: A72.jpg (20 KB, 420x315) This is a joke right Galladea L 50 U Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)12:15:37 No.45099933 Fight Pokáman Gy 50 125/159 Run >>45099200 (OP) PLEASE SAY SIKE >45099215 Nah bro. Dementia is a real bitch. My gyarados (adamant, perf iv, moxie) keeps me going, though! :D :D O Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)11:40:59 No.45099549 ► >>45099551 >>45099568 >>45099573 >>45099581 >>45099584 >>45099588 >>45099592 >>45099597 >>45099601 >>45099605 >>45099607 >>45099613 >>45099614 >>45099615 >>45099625 >>45099631 >>45099633 >>45099648 >>45099651 >>45099654 >>45099660 >>45099671 >>45099672 >>45099708 >>45099715 >>45099732 >>45099755 >>45099790 >>45099824 >>45099834 >>45099847 >>45099874 >>45099897 >>45099931 >>45099937 >>45099944 >>45099968 >>45099970 >>45099971 >>45099976 >>45099978 >>45100048 >>45100061 >>45100071 >>45100072 >>45100097 >>45100129 >>45100150 >>45100184 >>45100188 >>45100195 >>45100243 >>45100255 >>45100313 >>45100321 >>45100343 >>45100350 >>45100478 >>45100548 >>45100549 >>45100589 >>45100590 >>45100647 >>45100685 >>45100686 >>45100709 >>45100745 >>45100888 >>45100898 >>45100911 >>45100923 >>45100927 >>45100937 >>45100945 >>45100959 >>45100973 >>45100977 >>45100984 >>45100994 >>45101028 >>45101031 >>45101035 >>45101038 >>45101047 >>45101050 >>45101052 >>45101053 >>45101063 >>45101066 >>45101067 >>45101068 >>45101074 >>45101075 >>45101076 >>45101077 >>45101079 >>45101081 >>45101083 >>45101097 >>45101105 >>45101111 >>45101119 >>45101124 >>45101126 >>45101132 >>45101133 >>45101134 >>45101136 >>45101137 >>45101142 >>45101143 >>45101145 >>45101146 >>45101147>>45101152 >>45099200 (OP) is what she would have wanted >>45101154 >>45101156 >>45101158 >>45101161 >>45101163 >>45101164 >>45101167 >>45101169 >>45101171 >>45101174 >>45101175 >>45101178 >>45101179 >>45101181 >>45101182 >>45101185 >>45101189 >>45101196 >>45101199 >>45101202 >>45101210 >>45101211 >>45101223 >>45101229 >>45101230 >>45101234 >>45101248 >>45101251 >>45101256 >>45101257 >>45101259 >>45101262 >>45101263 >>45101268 >>45101273 >>45101274 >>45101275 >>45101276 >>45101278 >>45101280 >>45101281 >>45101282 >>45101287 >>45101288 >>45101291 >>45101293 >>45101294 >>45101296 >>45101297 >>45101298 >>45101302 >>45101307 >>45101313 >>45101314 >>45101315 >>45101316 >>45101318 >>45101323 >>45101324 >>45101326 >>45101332 >>45101333 >>45101337 >>45101340 >>45101341 >>45101346 >>45101347 >>45101352 >>45101355 >>45101356 >>45101357 >>45101359 >>45101362 >>45101365 >>45101374 >>45101377 >>45101379 >>45101380 >>45101383 >>45101385 >>45101386 >>45101391 >>45101393 >>45101398 >>45101401 >>45101402 >>45101409 >>45101418 >>45101419 >>45101420 >>45101422 >>45101425 >>45101427 >>45101428 >>45101433 >>45101438 >>45101440 >>45101445 >>45101447 >>45101451 >>45101452 >>45101455 >>45101457 >>45101458 >>45101459 >>45101460 >>45101462 >>45101463 >>45101465 >>45101467 File: IMG 20201015 143928.jpg (2.73 MB, 3000x4000) Showing grandma ny shiny dusknor. Dusknoir 673,799 22,103 I, Cyrus, won't have any more interferererererere...! Held m Change Marings ack >>45099549 the absolute madman ODYSSEY ODYSSEY ODYSSEY ODYSSEY ODYSSEY BODYSSEYC3 MANDER FLIGHT COMMANDER Contral PARLE TITA ATARL wME BOY >>45099200 (OP| CTON YIKES! Thank you for reminding us all why we're still here. To suffer O Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)12:34:31 No.45100127 ► File: gengar.gif (1.34 MB, 480x368) | was based enough /vp/ 10-15-20 »45099588 to take >showing ghost pokemon o the deceased not only a ghost, IT'S F------ DUSKNOIR >ltis said to take lost spirts into its pliant body and guide them home are you planning to take grandma to pokemon home op? advantage of an isolated dead body.
File: IMG 20201015_122950.jpg (3.35 MB, 4000x3000) O Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)13:11:55 No.45099200 ► >>45099222 >>45099240 >>45099249 >>45099256 >>45099264 >>45099275 >>45099288 >>45099290 >>45099298 >>45099306 >>45099311 >>45099425 >>45099450 >>45099473 >>45099517 >>45099544 >>45099552 >>45099685 >>45099748 >>45099854 >>45099859 >>45099897 >>45099907 >>45099933 >>45099939 >>45100002 Playing Pokemon in memory of grandma Rip grandma >> Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)13:12:42 No.45099207 oh my good. the casket in the back O Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)13:13:12 No.45099215 >>45099251 This is a joke right O Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)13:14:04 No.45099221 File: 1479151093997.jpg (67 KB, 348x383) O Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)13:14:12 No.45099222 File: 1574218920262.png (14 KB, 128x128) >>45099200 (OP) >reverse image search >0 results O Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)13:16:39 No.45099251 >>45099259 >>45099284 >>45099330 >>45099473 >>45099897 File: IMG 20201015_122955.jpg (3.21 MB, 4000x3000) >>45099215 Nah bro. Dementia is a real bitch. My gyarados (adamant, perf iv, moxie) keeps me going, though! :D * O Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)13:17:19 No.45099256 >>45099269 >>45099200 (OP) I've seen a lot of s--- on /vp/. But (You) won OP. >> O Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)13:18:25 No.45099269 >>45099277 >>45099256 IF it's real, mind. O Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)13:19:15 No.45099277 > >>45099269 l'll go back to the funeral home and post proof. Give me 20 minutes >> O Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)13:40:59 No.45099549 >>45099551 >>45099568 >>45099573 >>45099581 >>45099584 >>45099588 >>45099592 >>45099597 >>45099601 >>45099605 >>45099607 >>45099613 >>45099614 >>45099615 >>45099625 >>45099631 >>45099633 >>45099648 >>45099651 >>45099654 >>45099660 >>45099671 >>45099672 >>45099708 >>45099715 >>45099732 >>45099755 >>45099790 >>45099824 >>45099834 >>45099847 >>45099874 >>45099897 >>45099931 >>45099937 >>45099944 >>45099968 >>45099970 >>45099971 >>45099976 >>45099978 >>45100048 >>45100061 >>45100071 >>45100072 File: IMG 20201015_143928.jpg (2.73 MB, 3000x4000) Showing grandma my shiny dusknoir. O Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)13:41:29 No.45099551 >>45099549 OH MY F------ GOD O Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)13:45:57 No.45099611 >45099623 >>45099630 >>45099634 >>45099651 File: IMG_20201015_144229.jpg (3.35 MB, 3000x4000) I want to be remembered as the OP who delivered. This will be my last comment in this thread. Have a nice day and beg to be in the screen cap UP/ * O Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)13:49:20 No.45099651 >45099684 >>45099702 >>45099747 >>45099611 >>45099549 I'm really hoping this is some dude who got a job in a funeral home and is f------ around with another person's dead grandma pre-wake. Although I don't know if that's better or worst honestly. O Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)13:52:39 No.45099702 >>45099747 >>45099651 This was my thought too, I've been to two of these ceremonies and both were full of people roaming around, from family to friends to acquaintances. Even after people started leaving, it'd be enough to still fill the room. OP's pics are too empty, and I doubt the rest of the family would just allow him to approach and take a picture of him putting the Switch over the deceased's head. This has to be someone who works there and took a chance to take these pics pre ceremony. Still f----- up, though. >> O Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)13:57:02 No.45099747 ► >>45099770 >>45099772 >>45099774 >>45099775 >>45099776 >>45099781 >>45099785 >>45099787 >>45099791 >>45099796 >>45099801 >>45099803 >>45099897 >>45100009 >>45100134 >>45100356 >>45100371 >>45100388 File: IMG 20201015_145026-01.jpg (2.21 MB, 4656x3496) >>45099651 >>45099702 Op here. Wanna make one more post to make sure you guys know l'm autistic and not just taking advantage of an isolated dead body. I was based enough to pull my switch out in front of everybody and take the dusknoir pic. Most people are still at work, EST. It's mostly only immediate family here. /vp/ 10-15-20

A Twitter[7] post featuring the thread was retweeted by YouTuber Justin Whang that gained over 4,900 likes in less than 12 hours (shown below).

Various Examples

Don't infect other peoples grandmas.
Duknoi 94 1210 A Ouge Maing O



Dusknoir Lv. 94 900 673,799 12,101 4509920 Held Item Change Markings Back


Search Interest


External References

[1] Nyafuu Archive – /vp/ post #45099200

[2] Nyafuu Archive – /vp/ post #45099251

[3] Nyafuu Archive – /vp/ post #45099549

[4] Reddit – blitzstriker7

[5] yuki.la – /vp/ post #45105417

[6] yuki.la – /vp/ post #45105363

[7] Twitter – PiggPunished

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Showing Grandma My Shiny Dusknoir meme with a guy holding his Nintendo Switch playing Pokemon Sword and Shield

Showing Grandma My Shiny Dusknoir

Part of a series on Pokémon. [View Related Entries]

Updated Oct 19, 2020 at 04:15AM EDT by andcallmeshirley.

Added Oct 16, 2020 at 03:42AM EDT by Jel.

PROTIP: Press 'i' to view the image gallery, 'v' to view the video gallery, or 'r' to view a random entry.


Showing Grandma My Shiny Dusknoir refers to a 4chan post in which an anonymous user showed off their Shiny Pokémon Dusknoir while looming over their presumably deceased grandmother. In memes, the image is used as an exploitable and photoshopped into other pictures or memes, typically poking fun at the context of the original.


On October 15th, 2020, on the Pokémon-themed 4chan[1] board /vp/, an anonymous user made a thread with a photo of their Nintendo Switch playing Pokémon Sword and Shield alongside the caption "Playing Pokémon in memory of grandma / Rip grandma," (shown below). The photo appeared to have been taken at an open-casket service.


OP then posted a time-stamped photo of their Shiny Dusknoir on the Switch juxtaposed with what is assumed to be their deceased grandmother.[2] Many users expressed their disbelief, shock, and amusement at OP's post, which received over 600 (You)s, making it one of the most replied-to posts in /vp/ history (seen below). In total, the thread received over 2,900 replies before being archived, an extremely large amount for a non-stickied 4chan thread.

Dusknoir Lv. 94 900 673,799 2.10ה O AI V 4509920 A Held Item Change Marking B Back Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)11:40:59 No.45099549 >৯45099551 ১১45099568 >৯45099573 >৯45099581 ১৯45099584 >১45099588 ১১45099592 ১৯45099597 >৯45099601 ১১45099605 >৯45099607 >৯45099613 ১৯45099614 >>45099615 ১৯45099625 ১৯45099631 >৯45099633 >৯45099648 >৯45099651 >»45099654 >৯45099660৯45099671>৯45099672>*45099708 x945099715 >৯45099732 >245099755 x945099790 x945099824>৯450998342৯45099847 >»45099874 x৯45099897>>45099931 >>45099937 ১৯45099944 >৯45099968 ১৯45099970 >৯45099971 >৯45099976 >>45099978>>45100048 >১45100061 ১৯45100071 >৯45100072 >৯45100097 >৯45100129 >x45100150 >>45100184 >১45100188>১45100195 >৯45100243 >৯45100255 >৯45100313 >৯45100321 ১৯45100343 >৯45100350 >>45100478xx45100548>>45100549 >>45100589>>45100590 >>45100647 >১45100685 >845100685 >>45100709 >>45100745>>45100888 >>45100898 >>45100911 >>45100923 2৯45100927 ১৯45100937 >*45100945 >৯45100959 ১৯45100973 >৯45100977 >৯45100984 >৯45100994 >৯45101028 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On October 15th, shortly after the original upload, news of the Dusknoir post spread soon after the image was posted and users flooded in from different 4chan[3] boards and websites to see the post. That same day, Redditor blitzstriker7 reposted an excerpt of the discussion to the /r/4chan[4] subreddit, receiving over 7,700 upvotes, 176 comments and several Reddit awards in 28 hours (seen below).

>> Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)14:40:59 No.45099549 >>45099551>>45099568 >>45099573 >>45099581 >>45099584 >>45099588 >>45099592 >>45099597 >>45099601 >>45099605 >>45099607 >>45099613 >>45099614 >>45099615 >>45099625 >>45099631 >>45099633 >>45099648 >>45099651 >>45099654 >>45099660 >>45099671 >>45099672 >>45099708 >>45099715 >>45099732 >>45099755 >>45099790 >>45099824 >>45099834 >>45099847 >>45099874 >>45099897 >>45099931 >>45099937 >>45099944 >>45099968 >>45099970 >>45099971 >>45099976 >>45099978 >>45100048 >>45100061 >>45100071 >>45100072 >>45100097 >>45100129 >>45100150 >>45100184 >>45100188 >>45100195 >>45100243 >>45100255 >>45100313 >>45100321 >>45100343 >>45100350 >>45100478 >>45100548 >>45100549 >>45100589 >>45100590 >>45100647 >>45100685 >>45100686 >>45100709 >>45100745 File: IMG 20201015_143928.jpg (2.73 MB, 3000x4000) Showing grandma my shiny dusknoir. >> Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)14:41:29 No.45099551 >>45099549 # OH MY F------ GOD Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)14:41:30 No.45099552 File: 1595557316539.png (161 KB, 300x339) >>45099200 (OP) # >zero results with reverse image search What the f--- is wrong with you?

A minor meme emerged of OP's Switch being used as an exploitable image where it was then photoshopped into other scenes or the screen itself, which were widely shared across 4chan[5][6] (shown below).

Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)11:14:12 No.45099222 File: 1574218920262.png (14 KB, 128x128) File: IMG 20201015 122950.jpg (3.35 MB, 4000x3000) Playing Pokemon in memory of grandma >>45099251 Rp grandma Stop. Just stop, anon. >>45099200 (OP) >reverse image search >0 results Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)11:11:55 No.45099200 ► >>45099222 >>45099240 >>45099249 >>45099256 >>45099264 >>45099275 >>45099288 >>45099290 >>45099298 >>45099306 >>45099311 >>45099425 >>45099450 >>45099473 >>45099517 >>45099544 >>45099552 >>45099685 >>45099748 >>45099854 >>45099859 >>45099897 U Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)11:16:39 No.45099251 ile: IMG 20201015 122955.jpg (3.21 MB, 4000x3000) >>45099259 >>45099284 >>45099330 >>45099473 >>45099897 O Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)11:13:12 No.45099215 ► >45099251 Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)11:18:05 No.45099264 File: A72.jpg (20 KB, 420x315) This is a joke right Galladea L 50 U Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)12:15:37 No.45099933 Fight Pokáman Gy 50 125/159 Run >>45099200 (OP) PLEASE SAY SIKE >45099215 Nah bro. Dementia is a real bitch. My gyarados (adamant, perf iv, moxie) keeps me going, though! :D :D O Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)11:40:59 No.45099549 ► >>45099551 >>45099568 >>45099573 >>45099581 >>45099584 >>45099588 >>45099592 >>45099597 >>45099601 >>45099605 >>45099607 >>45099613 >>45099614 >>45099615 >>45099625 >>45099631 >>45099633 >>45099648 >>45099651 >>45099654 >>45099660 >>45099671 >>45099672 >>45099708 >>45099715 >>45099732 >>45099755 >>45099790 >>45099824 >>45099834 >>45099847 >>45099874 >>45099897 >>45099931 >>45099937 >>45099944 >>45099968 >>45099970 >>45099971 >>45099976 >>45099978 >>45100048 >>45100061 >>45100071 >>45100072 >>45100097 >>45100129 >>45100150 >>45100184 >>45100188 >>45100195 >>45100243 >>45100255 >>45100313 >>45100321 >>45100343 >>45100350 >>45100478 >>45100548 >>45100549 >>45100589 >>45100590 >>45100647 >>45100685 >>45100686 >>45100709 >>45100745 >>45100888 >>45100898 >>45100911 >>45100923 >>45100927 >>45100937 >>45100945 >>45100959 >>45100973 >>45100977 >>45100984 >>45100994 >>45101028 >>45101031 >>45101035 >>45101038 >>45101047 >>45101050 >>45101052 >>45101053 >>45101063 >>45101066 >>45101067 >>45101068 >>45101074 >>45101075 >>45101076 >>45101077 >>45101079 >>45101081 >>45101083 >>45101097 >>45101105 >>45101111 >>45101119 >>45101124 >>45101126 >>45101132 >>45101133 >>45101134 >>45101136 >>45101137 >>45101142 >>45101143 >>45101145 >>45101146 >>45101147>>45101152 >>45099200 (OP) is what she would have wanted >>45101154 >>45101156 >>45101158 >>45101161 >>45101163 >>45101164 >>45101167 >>45101169 >>45101171 >>45101174 >>45101175 >>45101178 >>45101179 >>45101181 >>45101182 >>45101185 >>45101189 >>45101196 >>45101199 >>45101202 >>45101210 >>45101211 >>45101223 >>45101229 >>45101230 >>45101234 >>45101248 >>45101251 >>45101256 >>45101257 >>45101259 >>45101262 >>45101263 >>45101268 >>45101273 >>45101274 >>45101275 >>45101276 >>45101278 >>45101280 >>45101281 >>45101282 >>45101287 >>45101288 >>45101291 >>45101293 >>45101294 >>45101296 >>45101297 >>45101298 >>45101302 >>45101307 >>45101313 >>45101314 >>45101315 >>45101316 >>45101318 >>45101323 >>45101324 >>45101326 >>45101332 >>45101333 >>45101337 >>45101340 >>45101341 >>45101346 >>45101347 >>45101352 >>45101355 >>45101356 >>45101357 >>45101359 >>45101362 >>45101365 >>45101374 >>45101377 >>45101379 >>45101380 >>45101383 >>45101385 >>45101386 >>45101391 >>45101393 >>45101398 >>45101401 >>45101402 >>45101409 >>45101418 >>45101419 >>45101420 >>45101422 >>45101425 >>45101427 >>45101428 >>45101433 >>45101438 >>45101440 >>45101445 >>45101447 >>45101451 >>45101452 >>45101455 >>45101457 >>45101458 >>45101459 >>45101460 >>45101462 >>45101463 >>45101465 >>45101467 File: IMG 20201015 143928.jpg (2.73 MB, 3000x4000) Showing grandma ny shiny dusknor. Dusknoir 673,799 22,103 I, Cyrus, won't have any more interferererererere...! Held m Change Marings ack >>45099549 the absolute madman ODYSSEY ODYSSEY ODYSSEY ODYSSEY ODYSSEY BODYSSEYC3 MANDER FLIGHT COMMANDER Contral PARLE TITA ATARL wME BOY >>45099200 (OP| CTON YIKES! Thank you for reminding us all why we're still here. To suffer O Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)12:34:31 No.45100127 ► File: gengar.gif (1.34 MB, 480x368) | was based enough /vp/ 10-15-20 »45099588 to take >showing ghost pokemon o the deceased not only a ghost, IT'S F------ DUSKNOIR >ltis said to take lost spirts into its pliant body and guide them home are you planning to take grandma to pokemon home op? advantage of an isolated dead body. File: IMG 20201015_122950.jpg (3.35 MB, 4000x3000) O Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)13:11:55 No.45099200 ► >>45099222 >>45099240 >>45099249 >>45099256 >>45099264 >>45099275 >>45099288 >>45099290 >>45099298 >>45099306 >>45099311 >>45099425 >>45099450 >>45099473 >>45099517 >>45099544 >>45099552 >>45099685 >>45099748 >>45099854 >>45099859 >>45099897 >>45099907 >>45099933 >>45099939 >>45100002 Playing Pokemon in memory of grandma Rip grandma >> Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)13:12:42 No.45099207 oh my good. the casket in the back O Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)13:13:12 No.45099215 >>45099251 This is a joke right O Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)13:14:04 No.45099221 File: 1479151093997.jpg (67 KB, 348x383) O Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)13:14:12 No.45099222 File: 1574218920262.png (14 KB, 128x128) >>45099200 (OP) >reverse image search >0 results O Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)13:16:39 No.45099251 >>45099259 >>45099284 >>45099330 >>45099473 >>45099897 File: IMG 20201015_122955.jpg (3.21 MB, 4000x3000) >>45099215 Nah bro. Dementia is a real bitch. My gyarados (adamant, perf iv, moxie) keeps me going, though! :D * O Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)13:17:19 No.45099256 >>45099269 >>45099200 (OP) I've seen a lot of s--- on /vp/. But (You) won OP. >> O Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)13:18:25 No.45099269 >>45099277 >>45099256 IF it's real, mind. O Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)13:19:15 No.45099277 > >>45099269 l'll go back to the funeral home and post proof. Give me 20 minutes >> O Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)13:40:59 No.45099549 >>45099551 >>45099568 >>45099573 >>45099581 >>45099584 >>45099588 >>45099592 >>45099597 >>45099601 >>45099605 >>45099607 >>45099613 >>45099614 >>45099615 >>45099625 >>45099631 >>45099633 >>45099648 >>45099651 >>45099654 >>45099660 >>45099671 >>45099672 >>45099708 >>45099715 >>45099732 >>45099755 >>45099790 >>45099824 >>45099834 >>45099847 >>45099874 >>45099897 >>45099931 >>45099937 >>45099944 >>45099968 >>45099970 >>45099971 >>45099976 >>45099978 >>45100048 >>45100061 >>45100071 >>45100072 File: IMG 20201015_143928.jpg (2.73 MB, 3000x4000) Showing grandma my shiny dusknoir. O Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)13:41:29 No.45099551 >>45099549 OH MY F------ GOD O Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)13:45:57 No.45099611 >45099623 >>45099630 >>45099634 >>45099651 File: IMG_20201015_144229.jpg (3.35 MB, 3000x4000) I want to be remembered as the OP who delivered. This will be my last comment in this thread. Have a nice day and beg to be in the screen cap UP/ * O Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)13:49:20 No.45099651 >45099684 >>45099702 >>45099747 >>45099611 >>45099549 I'm really hoping this is some dude who got a job in a funeral home and is f------ around with another person's dead grandma pre-wake. Although I don't know if that's better or worst honestly. O Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)13:52:39 No.45099702 >>45099747 >>45099651 This was my thought too, I've been to two of these ceremonies and both were full of people roaming around, from family to friends to acquaintances. Even after people started leaving, it'd be enough to still fill the room. OP's pics are too empty, and I doubt the rest of the family would just allow him to approach and take a picture of him putting the Switch over the deceased's head. This has to be someone who works there and took a chance to take these pics pre ceremony. Still f----- up, though. >> O Anonymous 10/15/20(Thu)13:57:02 No.45099747 ► >>45099770 >>45099772 >>45099774 >>45099775 >>45099776 >>45099781 >>45099785 >>45099787 >>45099791 >>45099796 >>45099801 >>45099803 >>45099897 >>45100009 >>45100134 >>45100356 >>45100371 >>45100388 File: IMG 20201015_145026-01.jpg (2.21 MB, 4656x3496) >>45099651 >>45099702 Op here. Wanna make one more post to make sure you guys know l'm autistic and not just taking advantage of an isolated dead body. I was based enough to pull my switch out in front of everybody and take the dusknoir pic. Most people are still at work, EST. It's mostly only immediate family here. /vp/ 10-15-20

A Twitter[7] post featuring the thread was retweeted by YouTuber Justin Whang that gained over 4,900 likes in less than 12 hours (shown below).

Various Examples

Don't infect other peoples grandmas. Duknoi 94 1210 A Ouge Maing O ENGINE DEAD BODY REPORTED



Dusknoir Lv. 94 900 673,799 12,101 4509920 Held Item Change Markings Back


Search Interest


External References

[1] Nyafuu Archive – /vp/ post #45099200

[2] Nyafuu Archive – /vp/ post #45099251

[3] Nyafuu Archive – /vp/ post #45099549

[4] Reddit – blitzstriker7

[5] yuki.la – /vp/ post #45105417

[6] yuki.la – /vp/ post #45105363

[7] Twitter – PiggPunished

Recent Videos 2 total

Recent Images 26 total

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On one hand, it's pretty distasteful, but on the other, I can't help get a weird feeling of guilty nostalgia from this. This is classic 2000's internet levels of fucked up. It's exactly the sort of thing I'd expect from 4chan back in those days. At least no one was hurt. I mean, yeah there was a dead body, but it's not like this incident killed her.


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