Smiling Man / Wrongly Named Memes
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Smiling Man a very basic method of trolling in which you enrage other users by referring to Trollface and other memes by an incorrect name.
As seen on 4chan
On the 12th of April 2011, the reply "smiling man" was posted to the question "What is your favourite meme /b/?". This instantly sparked a combination of outrage and a flow of more misnamed memes to appear in the thread. Along with "Smiling Man", there also appeared "The blue haired guy" (Milhouse), "Running bear" (Pedobear), "Potato Man" (Forever alone), "Rabid Dog that gives good advice" (Insanity Wolf), and many others.
![910.jpg File 1302611583.ipg-(60 KB, 593x647) □Anonymous 04/12/11(Tue)08:33:03 No.322129366 Reply] What is your favourite meme /b/? Pic related. 10 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click Reply to vieww 0os FoR [-] Anonymous 04/12/11Tue)08:44:32 No.322130435 File 1302612272 jpg-(99 KB, 392x300) smiling marn](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/117/989/910.jpg)
This appeared to be a extremely effective method of trolling, as those posting were genuinely outraged that their precious memes were being misused by these "obviously non-4chan users", and defended the use of correct terminology for the memes.
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Aug 22, 2012 at 09:02PM EDT
Dr. Gregory Horse The Pony Medic
Sep 10, 2012 at 01:04PM EDT