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Part of a series on Honkai Star Rail. [View Related Entries]

Related Explainer: What's Up With Sunday From 'Honkai Star Rail' And His 'Charmony Dove' Copypasta? The Meme Explained


Sunday's Charmony Dove Copypasta refers to brainrot memes and jokes about a monologue from the action game Honkai Star Rail character Sunday in which he talks about how he and his sister once found an abandoned baby dove and were presented with the choice of either building it a shelter where it lay or taking it in and nurturing it by hand in a cage. The copypasta begins with the line, "One day, after dinner, while my younger sister and I were lounging about." The copypasta was popularized in late 2024 after Sunday was announced as an upcoming playable character.


On May 7th, 2024 YouTuber[1] Gaming With Abyss posted the cutscene containing the Honkai Star Rail character Sunday's "Charmony Dove" monologue. The video gathered over 11,000 views in six months. The speech recounts Sunday's childhood attempt to rescue a fragile dove, reflecting on whether to nurture it in captivity or leave it to nature’s whims. Ultimately, it becomes a metaphor for moral dilemmas and fate, with Sunday choosing "Order" instead of "Harmony" in the game and assuming the role of a villain.

The monologue reads:

One day, after dinner, while my younger sister and I were lounging about in Mr. Gopher Wood's yard, we spotted a fledgling Charmony Dove all on its own. That baby bird was tiny, it didn't even have all of its feathers, and it couldn't sing. When we found it, it was already on its last breath, having fallen into a shrub -- probably abandoned by its parents. We decided to build a nest for it right there and then. However, thinking back, that winter was unusually cold, with fierce winds at night in the yard, not to mention the many poisonous bugs and wild beasts in the vicinity… It was clear that if we left the fledgling in the yard, it stood no chance of surviving until spring. So, I suggested we take it inside, place it on the shelf by the window, and asked the adults to fashion a cage for it. We decided that when it regained its strength enough to spread its wings, we would release it back into the wild. The tragic part -- something that we'd never considered -- was that this bird's fate had already been determined long before this moment… Its destiny was determined by our momentary whim. Now, I pass the power of choice to you all. Faced with this situation, what choice would you make? Stick to the original plan, and build a nest with soft net where the Charmony Dove fell? Or build a cage for it, and feed it, giving it the utmost care from within the warmth of a home? I eagerly await your answer.

Sunday mentioned the dove thrice in the span of an hour in Honkai Star Rail gameplay, leading fans of the game to make facetious jokes about him being obsessed with doves for seemingly unknown reasons.

The earliest known post containing the entire monologue presented as a copypasta is a September 8th, 2024, Reddit post on the subreddit /r/copypasta[2] by Redditor u/stxrrynights240, which gathered over 200 upvotes in two months.

Earliest known "copypasta": post about Sunday from _Honkai Star Rail_ and his "charmony dove": monologue. The copypasta became a "brainrot": spam meme in the _HSR_ fandom in 2024.


In September 2024, Redditors and Honkai Star Rail fans began sharing memes and jokes about Sunday's seeming obsession with doves, as seen in a September 22nd, 2024, post to the subreddit /r/HonkaiStarRail[3] by Redditor /u/Fancy-Shopping-327.[3] The meme gathered over 9,000 upvotes in two months.

An early Reddit post about the character Sunday from _Honkai Star Rail_ and his "charmony dove": monologue. The copypasta became a "brainrot": spam meme in the _HSR_ fandom in 2024.

On September 23rd, Redditor[4] /u/libertoasz posted a absolutenutcase162 meme to joke about Sunday repeatedly mentioning the Charmony Dove, gathering over 900 upvotes in two months.

An "absolutenutcase162 meme": about the character Sunday from _Honkai Star Rail_ and his "charmony dove": monologue. The copypasta became a "brainrot": spam meme in the _HSR_ fandom in 2024.

Once Sunday was announced as an upcoming playable character in Honkai Star Rail in early October 2024, the copypasta began gaining more traction online. For instance, an October 7th post on /r/HonkaiStarRail_leaks[5] saw the copypasta being spammed in multiple languages in the replies.

On September 4th, 2024, Redditor[6] /u/oatmealcookie02 posted to /r/HonkaiStarRail, calling the meme "forced," alongside a Say The Line Bart edit featuring Sunday. The post gathered over 2,000 upvotes in two months.

A "Say The Line Bart!": meme about the character Sunday from _Honkai Star Rail_ and his "charmony dove": monologue. The copypasta became a "brainrot": spam meme in the _HSR_ fandom in 2024.

On October 8th, several Redditors contributed to a thread[7] on /r/HonkaiStarRail where they shared different versions of the copypasta, translated into different languages. Some examples of these copypasta variations are shown below.

One ☝️ day ☀️, after ⏱️ dinner 🍽, while ⌛️ my 🫵 younger 🧒 sister 🦢 and I 📆 were lounging 🥱 about in Mr. Gopher 🦫 Wood’s 🪵 yard 📏, we 🦢📆 spotted 🐆 a fledgling 🐣 Charmony 🎶 Dove 🕊 all 🕵️‍♂️ on its own 😔. That baby 👶 bird 🕊 was tiny 🐥, it didn’t even ❌ have all 🔄 of its feathers 🪶, and it couldn’t sing 🎶. When we found 🧐 it, it was already ⚠️ on its last 😢 breath 💨, having fallen ⬇️ into a shrub 🌳-- probably 🤔 abandoned 🏃‍♂️ by its parents 👨‍👩‍👧. We decided 💡 to build 🏗 a nest 🪺 for it right 🕰 there and then ⌚️. However 🛑, thinking 💭 back 🕰, that winter ❄️ was unusually ⛔️ cold 🥶, with fierce 🐯 winds 🌬 at night 🌙 in the yard 🏡, not to mention 🗣 the many 🍀 poisonous ☠️ bugs 🦟 and wild 🐗 beasts 🐻 in the vicinity 📍… It was clear 🧐 that if we left 🚶‍♂️ the fledgling 🐣 in the yard 🌳, it stood 🚫 no chance 🎰 of surviving 💀 until spring 🌼. So 🌐, I suggested 💬 we take 🛐 it inside 🏠, place 🛋 it on the shelf 🗄 by the window 🪟, and asked 🫵 the adults 👨‍👩‍👧 to fashion 🧵 a cage 🦜 for it. We decided 🧠 that when it regained 💪 its strength 🦾 enough to spread 👐 its wings 🪽, we would release 🏃 it back 🔙 into the wild 🌳. The tragic 😢 part -- something 🧠 that we’d never ❌ considered 🤔-- was that this bird 🕊’s fate 🎭 had already ⚠️ been determined 📝 long 🕰 before 🕛 this moment 🔴… Its destiny 🔮 was determined 🗣 by our momentary ⏳ whim 🌬. Now 🕰, I pass 🎁 the power 💪 of choice ⚖️ to you all 🫵. Faced with this situation 🚨, what choice ⚖️ would you make 🤔? Stick to 🖇 the original 🏁 plan 🗺, and build 🛠 a nest 🪺 with soft 💫 net 🎣 where the Charmony 🎶 Dove 🕊 fell ⬇️? Or build 🏗 a cage 🦜 for it, and feed 🍽 it, giving 👐 it the utmost 🏆 care 🫂 from within 🔄 the warmth 🔥 of a home 🏠?
I eagerly ⏳ await ⏱️ your answer 🗣

- . . / -.. . .- -..- / .- ..-. – . .-. / .. .. -. -. . .. -..- / .-- …. .. .-.. . / - -.- / .- - ..- . -. . .-. / … .. … – . .-. / .- . -.. / .. / .- . .-. . / .-.. - ..- . -. .. . -. / .- … -- ..- – / .. . / - .-. .-.-.- / -. -- .--. …. . .-. / .-- - - .. .---. … / .- .- .-. .. -..-- / .-- . / … .--. - – - . .. / . / ..-. .-.. . .. -. .-.. .. . -. / .. …. .- .-. - -- . -.- / .. -- …- . / .- .-.. .-.. / - . / .. – … / -- .-- . ..-.- / – …. .- – / … . … -.- / … .. .. .. / .- .- … / – .. . -.- -..- / .. – / .. .. -.. -. .---. – / . …- . . / …. . …- . / .- .-.. .-.. / - ..-. / .. – … / ..-. . .- – …. . .-. … -..- / .- . -.. / .. – / -.. - ..- .-.. .. -. .---. – / … .. . -. .-.-.- / .-- …. . . / .- . / ..-. - ..- . -.. / .. – -..-- / .. – / .-- .- … / .- .-.. .-. . .- .. -.- / - . / .. – … / ... .- … – / … .. . .- – …. -..- / …. .- …- .. . -. / ..-. .- .-.. .-.. . . / .. -. – -- / .- / … …. .-. ..- … / .-. .-. - … . … ... .- / .- … . . -.. -- . . -.. / -… -.- / .. – … / .--. .- .-. . . – … ..-.- / .-- . / .. . -.. .. .. . -.. / – -- / … .. .. .-.. .. / . / . . … – / ... - .-. / .. – / .-. .. -. …. – / – …. . .. . / .- . -.. / – …. . -. ..-.- / …. - .-- . …- . .-. -..- / – …. .. . -. .. . -. / … . .. . -..- / – …. .- – / .-- .. . – . .. / .-- .- … / ..- . .. … ..- .- .-.. .-.. .- / .. - .-.. .. -..-- / .-- .. – …. / ..-. .. . .-. .. . / .-- .. . -.. … / . – / . .. -. …. – / .. . / – …. . / -.- .- .-. .. -..-- / . -- – / – --- / - . -. – .. -- . / – …. . / - .- . -.- / .--. - .. … - . -- ..- … / … .. -. … / . . -.. / .- .. .-.. .. / -… . . … – … / .. . / – …. . / … .. .. .. . .. – -.- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- / .. – / .-- .- … / .. .-.. . .- .-. / – …. .- – / .. ..-. / .-- . / .-.. . ..-. – / – …. . / ..-. .-.. . .. -. .-.. .. . -. / .. . / – …. . / -.- .- .-. .. -..-- / .. – / … – --- - .. / -. -- / .. …. .- . -.. . / - ..-. / … ..- .-. …- .. …- .. . -. / ..- . – .. ... / … .--. .-. .. . -. .-.-.- / … - -..- / .. / … ..- -. -. . … – . .. / .- . / – .- . . / .. – / .. . … .. -.. . -..-- / .--. .-.. .- .. . / .. – / - . / – …. . / … …. . ... ..-. / … -.- / – …. . / .-- .. . -.. -- .-- -..- / .- . -.. / .. . .. / – …. . / . .. .. .-.. – … / – --- / ..-. .- … …. .. - . / . / .. .- -. . / ... - .-. / .. – .-.-.- / .-- . / .. . -.. .. .. . -.. / – …. . – / .-- …. . . / .. – / .. . -. . .. . . -.. / .. – … / … – .. . . -. – …. / . . -- ..- -. …. / – -- / … .--. .-. . .- .. / .. – … / .- .. . -. … -..- / .-- . / .-- - ..- .-.. .. / .. . .-.. . .- … . / .. – / … . .. . / .. . – -- / – …. . / .-- .. .-.. .. ..-.- / – …. . / – .-. .- -. .. -.. / .--. .- .-. – / … - - . – …. .. -. -. / – …. .- – / .-- . .----. .. / -. . … . .-. / .. - . … .. -.. . .. . .. / .- .- … / – …. .- – / – …. .. … / … .. .. .. .---. … / ..-. .- – . / …. .- .. / . .-.. .-. . .- .. -.- / … . . -. / -.. . – . .. - .. -. . -.. / ... - . -. / … . ... - .-. . / – …. .. … / - -- - . -. – ..-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- / .. – … / .. . … – .. -. -.- / .-- .- … / .. . – . .. - .. -. . -.. / -… -.- / - ..- .-. / - -- - . -. – . .-. .- / .-- …. .. - ..-.- / . -- .-- -..- / .. / .--. .- … … / – …. . / .--. - .-- . .-. / - ..-. / .. …. - .. .. . / – --- / .- - ..- / .- .-.. .-.. .-.-.- / ..-. .- .. . .. / .- .. – …. / – …. .. … / … .. – ..- .- – .. - . -..-- / .-- …. .- – / .. …. - .. .. . / .-- - ..- .-.. .. / -.- - ..- / - . . . ..--.. / … – .. .. . / – --- / – …. . / - .-. .. -. .. -. . .-.. / .--. .-.. .- . -..-- / .- . -.. / -… .. .. .-.. .. / . / . . … – / .- .. – …. / … - ..-. – / . . – / .- …. . .-. . / – …. . / .. …. .- .-. - -- . -.- / .. -- …- . / ..-. . .-.. .-.. ..--.. / - .-. / … .. .. .-.. .. / . / .. .- -. . / ... - .-. / .. – --..-- / .- . -.. / ... . . .. / .. – -..-- / -. .. … .. . -. / .. – / – …. . / ..- – -- - … – / .. .- .-. . / ..-. .-. - - / .- .. – …. .. . / – …. . / .- .- .-. - – …. / -- ..-. / .- / …. - - . ..-.. / .. / . .- -. . .. .-.. .- / .- .-- .- .. – / .- - ..- .-. / .- . … .- . .-. .-.-.-

One day, after dinner, while my younger sister and I were vibing in Mr. Goated Wood's yard, we spotted a lowkey Charmony Dove all on its own. That baby bird was mid, it didn't even have all of its drip, and it couldn't rizz. When we found it, it was already on its L, having yeeted into a shrub -- probably ghosted by its fam. We decided to stan for it right there and then. However, thinking back, that winter hit different, with cringe winds at night in the yard, not to mention the many sus bugs and based beasts amogus… It was clear that if we let the fledgling cook, it's giving no chance of glow-up. So, I suggested we take it inside, place it on the shelf by the window, and asked the oomfs to F in the chat. We decided that when it regained its strength enough to flex, we would let it touch grass. The oof part -- something that we'd never considered -- was that this NPC's fate had already been cooked long before this moment… Its destiny was caught in 4k. Now, I pass the clout of choice to you all. Faced with this L+Ratio, what choice would you make? Stick to the delulu plan, and cope where Charmony Dove fell? Or cagemaxx for and stan it, giving it the bussin care from within the boujee of a home? I eagerly await your hot takes.

One day, after grub, while me younger sister ‘n I were slackin’ about in Cap’n Gopher Wood’s yard, we spotted a fledglin’ Charmony Dove all by its lonesome. That bird were a wee thing, it didn’ even ‘ave all o’ its feathers, ‘n it couldn’t sing a single sea shanty. When we found it, ‘twas already one foot in Davy Jones’ Locker, havin’ fallen into a shrub -- prolly marooned by its scallywag parents, yarr. We decided t’ build a nest fer it right thar ‘n then. Howe’er, thinkin’ back, that winter were mighty cold, wit’ fierce winds at night in the yard, nah t’ mention the many poisonous bugs ‘n wild beasts lurkin’ about… Aye, ‘twas clear that if we left the fledglin’ in the yard, it be fish food by spring. So, I suggested we take it aboard, place it on the shelf by the porthole, ‘n asked the crew t’ fashion a cage fer it. We decided that when it regained its strength enough t’ spread its wings, we would send it back into the salty sea air. The tragic part -- somethin’ we’d ne’er considered -- was this here bird’s fate be determined long afore now… Its destiny be determined by our momentary whim. Now, I pass the power o’ choice t’ ye all. Faced wit’ yon situation, wha’ choice would ye make? Stick t’ the original plan, ‘n build a nest wit’ soft net where that there Charmony Dove fell? Or build a cage fer it, ‘n feed it, givin’ it the utmost care from within the warmth o’ a ship? I eagerly await yer answer, mateys.

Various Examples

...Now, I pass the power of choice to you all. Faced with this situation, what choice Would you make? Stick to the original plan, and build a nest with soft net where the Charmony Dove fell? Or build a cage for it, and feed it, giving it the utmost care from within the warmth of a home? I eagerly await your answer. Ok Sunday, let's get you to bed.

иш charmony dove BOOO! GET BETTER MATERIAL!
Robin Let's share our wings with one another. Robin Hey Sunday are you alright? Robin ok Sunday Sunday The charmony dove.

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External References

[1] YouTube – Gaming With Abyss

[2] Reddit – /r/copypasta

[3] Reddit – /r/HonkaiStarRail

[4]  Reddit – /r/SundayMainsHSR

[5] Reddit – /r/HonkaiStarRail_leaks

[6] Reddit – /r/HonkaiStarRail

[7] Reddit – /r/HonkaiStarRail

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Sunday Charmony Dove Copypasta image example.

Sunday's "Charmony Dove" Copypasta

Part of a series on Honkai Star Rail. [View Related Entries]

Updated Nov 20, 2024 at 02:37PM EST by Zach.

Added Nov 20, 2024 at 02:48AM EST by sakshi.

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Related Explainer: What's Up With Sunday From 'Honkai Star Rail' And His 'Charmony Dove' Copypasta? The Meme Explained

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Sunday's Charmony Dove Copypasta refers to brainrot memes and jokes about a monologue from the action game Honkai Star Rail character Sunday in which he talks about how he and his sister once found an abandoned baby dove and were presented with the choice of either building it a shelter where it lay or taking it in and nurturing it by hand in a cage. The copypasta begins with the line, "One day, after dinner, while my younger sister and I were lounging about." The copypasta was popularized in late 2024 after Sunday was announced as an upcoming playable character.


On May 7th, 2024 YouTuber[1] Gaming With Abyss posted the cutscene containing the Honkai Star Rail character Sunday's "Charmony Dove" monologue. The video gathered over 11,000 views in six months. The speech recounts Sunday's childhood attempt to rescue a fragile dove, reflecting on whether to nurture it in captivity or leave it to nature’s whims. Ultimately, it becomes a metaphor for moral dilemmas and fate, with Sunday choosing "Order" instead of "Harmony" in the game and assuming the role of a villain.

The monologue reads:

One day, after dinner, while my younger sister and I were lounging about in Mr. Gopher Wood's yard, we spotted a fledgling Charmony Dove all on its own. That baby bird was tiny, it didn't even have all of its feathers, and it couldn't sing. When we found it, it was already on its last breath, having fallen into a shrub -- probably abandoned by its parents. We decided to build a nest for it right there and then. However, thinking back, that winter was unusually cold, with fierce winds at night in the yard, not to mention the many poisonous bugs and wild beasts in the vicinity… It was clear that if we left the fledgling in the yard, it stood no chance of surviving until spring. So, I suggested we take it inside, place it on the shelf by the window, and asked the adults to fashion a cage for it. We decided that when it regained its strength enough to spread its wings, we would release it back into the wild. The tragic part -- something that we'd never considered -- was that this bird's fate had already been determined long before this moment… Its destiny was determined by our momentary whim. Now, I pass the power of choice to you all. Faced with this situation, what choice would you make? Stick to the original plan, and build a nest with soft net where the Charmony Dove fell? Or build a cage for it, and feed it, giving it the utmost care from within the warmth of a home? I eagerly await your answer.

Sunday mentioned the dove thrice in the span of an hour in Honkai Star Rail gameplay, leading fans of the game to make facetious jokes about him being obsessed with doves for seemingly unknown reasons.

The earliest known post containing the entire monologue presented as a copypasta is a September 8th, 2024, Reddit post on the subreddit /r/copypasta[2] by Redditor u/stxrrynights240, which gathered over 200 upvotes in two months.

Earliest known "copypasta": post about Sunday from _Honkai Star Rail_ and his "charmony dove": monologue. The copypasta became a "brainrot": spam meme in the _HSR_ fandom in 2024.


In September 2024, Redditors and Honkai Star Rail fans began sharing memes and jokes about Sunday's seeming obsession with doves, as seen in a September 22nd, 2024, post to the subreddit /r/HonkaiStarRail[3] by Redditor /u/Fancy-Shopping-327.[3] The meme gathered over 9,000 upvotes in two months.

An early Reddit post about the character Sunday from _Honkai Star Rail_ and his "charmony dove": monologue. The copypasta became a "brainrot": spam meme in the _HSR_ fandom in 2024.

On September 23rd, Redditor[4] /u/libertoasz posted a absolutenutcase162 meme to joke about Sunday repeatedly mentioning the Charmony Dove, gathering over 900 upvotes in two months.

An "absolutenutcase162 meme": about the character Sunday from _Honkai Star Rail_ and his "charmony dove": monologue. The copypasta became a "brainrot": spam meme in the _HSR_ fandom in 2024.

Once Sunday was announced as an upcoming playable character in Honkai Star Rail in early October 2024, the copypasta began gaining more traction online. For instance, an October 7th post on /r/HonkaiStarRail_leaks[5] saw the copypasta being spammed in multiple languages in the replies.

On September 4th, 2024, Redditor[6] /u/oatmealcookie02 posted to /r/HonkaiStarRail, calling the meme "forced," alongside a Say The Line Bart edit featuring Sunday. The post gathered over 2,000 upvotes in two months.

A "Say The Line Bart!": meme about the character Sunday from _Honkai Star Rail_ and his "charmony dove": monologue. The copypasta became a "brainrot": spam meme in the _HSR_ fandom in 2024.

On October 8th, several Redditors contributed to a thread[7] on /r/HonkaiStarRail where they shared different versions of the copypasta, translated into different languages. Some examples of these copypasta variations are shown below.

One ☝️ day ☀️, after ⏱️ dinner 🍽, while ⌛️ my 🫵 younger 🧒 sister 🦢 and I 📆 were lounging 🥱 about in Mr. Gopher 🦫 Wood’s 🪵 yard 📏, we 🦢📆 spotted 🐆 a fledgling 🐣 Charmony 🎶 Dove 🕊 all 🕵️‍♂️ on its own 😔. That baby 👶 bird 🕊 was tiny 🐥, it didn’t even ❌ have all 🔄 of its feathers 🪶, and it couldn’t sing 🎶. When we found 🧐 it, it was already ⚠️ on its last 😢 breath 💨, having fallen ⬇️ into a shrub 🌳-- probably 🤔 abandoned 🏃‍♂️ by its parents 👨‍👩‍👧. We decided 💡 to build 🏗 a nest 🪺 for it right 🕰 there and then ⌚️. However 🛑, thinking 💭 back 🕰, that winter ❄️ was unusually ⛔️ cold 🥶, with fierce 🐯 winds 🌬 at night 🌙 in the yard 🏡, not to mention 🗣 the many 🍀 poisonous ☠️ bugs 🦟 and wild 🐗 beasts 🐻 in the vicinity 📍… It was clear 🧐 that if we left 🚶‍♂️ the fledgling 🐣 in the yard 🌳, it stood 🚫 no chance 🎰 of surviving 💀 until spring 🌼. So 🌐, I suggested 💬 we take 🛐 it inside 🏠, place 🛋 it on the shelf 🗄 by the window 🪟, and asked 🫵 the adults 👨‍👩‍👧 to fashion 🧵 a cage 🦜 for it. We decided 🧠 that when it regained 💪 its strength 🦾 enough to spread 👐 its wings 🪽, we would release 🏃 it back 🔙 into the wild 🌳. The tragic 😢 part -- something 🧠 that we’d never ❌ considered 🤔-- was that this bird 🕊’s fate 🎭 had already ⚠️ been determined 📝 long 🕰 before 🕛 this moment 🔴… Its destiny 🔮 was determined 🗣 by our momentary ⏳ whim 🌬. Now 🕰, I pass 🎁 the power 💪 of choice ⚖️ to you all 🫵. Faced with this situation 🚨, what choice ⚖️ would you make 🤔? Stick to 🖇 the original 🏁 plan 🗺, and build 🛠 a nest 🪺 with soft 💫 net 🎣 where the Charmony 🎶 Dove 🕊 fell ⬇️? Or build 🏗 a cage 🦜 for it, and feed 🍽 it, giving 👐 it the utmost 🏆 care 🫂 from within 🔄 the warmth 🔥 of a home 🏠?
I eagerly ⏳ await ⏱️ your answer 🗣

- . . / -.. . .- -..- / .- ..-. – . .-. / .. .. -. -. . .. -..- / .-- …. .. .-.. . / - -.- / .- - ..- . -. . .-. / … .. … – . .-. / .- . -.. / .. / .- . .-. . / .-.. - ..- . -. .. . -. / .- … -- ..- – / .. . / - .-. .-.-.- / -. -- .--. …. . .-. / .-- - - .. .---. … / .- .- .-. .. -..-- / .-- . / … .--. - – - . .. / . / ..-. .-.. . .. -. .-.. .. . -. / .. …. .- .-. - -- . -.- / .. -- …- . / .- .-.. .-.. / - . / .. – … / -- .-- . ..-.- / – …. .- – / … . … -.- / … .. .. .. / .- .- … / – .. . -.- -..- / .. – / .. .. -.. -. .---. – / . …- . . / …. . …- . / .- .-.. .-.. / - ..-. / .. – … / ..-. . .- – …. . .-. … -..- / .- . -.. / .. – / -.. - ..- .-.. .. -. .---. – / … .. . -. .-.-.- / .-- …. . . / .- . / ..-. - ..- . -.. / .. – -..-- / .. – / .-- .- … / .- .-.. .-. . .- .. -.- / - . / .. – … / ... .- … – / … .. . .- – …. -..- / …. .- …- .. . -. / ..-. .- .-.. .-.. . . / .. -. – -- / .- / … …. .-. ..- … / .-. .-. - … . … ... .- / .- … . . -.. -- . . -.. / -… -.- / .. – … / .--. .- .-. . . – … ..-.- / .-- . / .. . -.. .. .. . -.. / – -- / … .. .. .-.. .. / . / . . … – / ... - .-. / .. – / .-. .. -. …. – / – …. . .. . / .- . -.. / – …. . -. ..-.- / …. - .-- . …- . .-. -..- / – …. .. . -. .. . -. / … . .. . -..- / – …. .- – / .-- .. . – . .. / .-- .- … / ..- . .. … ..- .- .-.. .-.. .- / .. - .-.. .. -..-- / .-- .. – …. / ..-. .. . .-. .. . / .-- .. . -.. … / . – / . .. -. …. – / .. . / – …. . / -.- .- .-. .. -..-- / . -- – / – --- / - . -. – .. -- . / – …. . / - .- . -.- / .--. - .. … - . -- ..- … / … .. -. … / . . -.. / .- .. .-.. .. / -… . . … – … / .. . / – …. . / … .. .. .. . .. – -.- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- / .. – / .-- .- … / .. .-.. . .- .-. / – …. .- – / .. ..-. / .-- . / .-.. . ..-. – / – …. . / ..-. .-.. . .. -. .-.. .. . -. / .. . / – …. . / -.- .- .-. .. -..-- / .. – / … – --- - .. / -. -- / .. …. .- . -.. . / - ..-. / … ..- .-. …- .. …- .. . -. / ..- . – .. ... / … .--. .-. .. . -. .-.-.- / … - -..- / .. / … ..- -. -. . … – . .. / .- . / – .- . . / .. – / .. . … .. -.. . -..-- / .--. .-.. .- .. . / .. – / - . / – …. . / … …. . ... ..-. / … -.- / – …. . / .-- .. . -.. -- .-- -..- / .- . -.. / .. . .. / – …. . / . .. .. .-.. – … / – --- / ..-. .- … …. .. - . / . / .. .- -. . / ... - .-. / .. – .-.-.- / .-- . / .. . -.. .. .. . -.. / – …. . – / .-- …. . . / .. – / .. . -. . .. . . -.. / .. – … / … – .. . . -. – …. / . . -- ..- -. …. / – -- / … .--. .-. . .- .. / .. – … / .- .. . -. … -..- / .-- . / .-- - ..- .-.. .. / .. . .-.. . .- … . / .. – / … . .. . / .. . – -- / – …. . / .-- .. .-.. .. ..-.- / – …. . / – .-. .- -. .. -.. / .--. .- .-. – / … - - . – …. .. -. -. / – …. .- – / .-- . .----. .. / -. . … . .-. / .. - . … .. -.. . .. . .. / .- .- … / – …. .- – / – …. .. … / … .. .. .. .---. … / ..-. .- – . / …. .- .. / . .-.. .-. . .- .. -.- / … . . -. / -.. . – . .. - .. -. . -.. / ... - . -. / … . ... - .-. . / – …. .. … / - -- - . -. – ..-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- / .. – … / .. . … – .. -. -.- / .-- .- … / .. . – . .. - .. -. . -.. / -… -.- / - ..- .-. / - -- - . -. – . .-. .- / .-- …. .. - ..-.- / . -- .-- -..- / .. / .--. .- … … / – …. . / .--. - .-- . .-. / - ..-. / .. …. - .. .. . / – --- / .- - ..- / .- .-.. .-.. .-.-.- / ..-. .- .. . .. / .- .. – …. / – …. .. … / … .. – ..- .- – .. - . -..-- / .-- …. .- – / .. …. - .. .. . / .-- - ..- .-.. .. / -.- - ..- / - . . . ..--.. / … – .. .. . / – --- / – …. . / - .-. .. -. .. -. . .-.. / .--. .-.. .- . -..-- / .- . -.. / -… .. .. .-.. .. / . / . . … – / .- .. – …. / … - ..-. – / . . – / .- …. . .-. . / – …. . / .. …. .- .-. - -- . -.- / .. -- …- . / ..-. . .-.. .-.. ..--.. / - .-. / … .. .. .-.. .. / . / .. .- -. . / ... - .-. / .. – --..-- / .- . -.. / ... . . .. / .. – -..-- / -. .. … .. . -. / .. – / – …. . / ..- – -- - … – / .. .- .-. . / ..-. .-. - - / .- .. – …. .. . / – …. . / .- .- .-. - – …. / -- ..-. / .- / …. - - . ..-.. / .. / . .- -. . .. .-.. .- / .- .-- .- .. – / .- - ..- .-. / .- . … .- . .-. .-.-.-

One day, after dinner, while my younger sister and I were vibing in Mr. Goated Wood's yard, we spotted a lowkey Charmony Dove all on its own. That baby bird was mid, it didn't even have all of its drip, and it couldn't rizz. When we found it, it was already on its L, having yeeted into a shrub -- probably ghosted by its fam. We decided to stan for it right there and then. However, thinking back, that winter hit different, with cringe winds at night in the yard, not to mention the many sus bugs and based beasts amogus… It was clear that if we let the fledgling cook, it's giving no chance of glow-up. So, I suggested we take it inside, place it on the shelf by the window, and asked the oomfs to F in the chat. We decided that when it regained its strength enough to flex, we would let it touch grass. The oof part -- something that we'd never considered -- was that this NPC's fate had already been cooked long before this moment… Its destiny was caught in 4k. Now, I pass the clout of choice to you all. Faced with this L+Ratio, what choice would you make? Stick to the delulu plan, and cope where Charmony Dove fell? Or cagemaxx for and stan it, giving it the bussin care from within the boujee of a home? I eagerly await your hot takes.

One day, after grub, while me younger sister ‘n I were slackin’ about in Cap’n Gopher Wood’s yard, we spotted a fledglin’ Charmony Dove all by its lonesome. That bird were a wee thing, it didn’ even ‘ave all o’ its feathers, ‘n it couldn’t sing a single sea shanty. When we found it, ‘twas already one foot in Davy Jones’ Locker, havin’ fallen into a shrub -- prolly marooned by its scallywag parents, yarr. We decided t’ build a nest fer it right thar ‘n then. Howe’er, thinkin’ back, that winter were mighty cold, wit’ fierce winds at night in the yard, nah t’ mention the many poisonous bugs ‘n wild beasts lurkin’ about… Aye, ‘twas clear that if we left the fledglin’ in the yard, it be fish food by spring. So, I suggested we take it aboard, place it on the shelf by the porthole, ‘n asked the crew t’ fashion a cage fer it. We decided that when it regained its strength enough t’ spread its wings, we would send it back into the salty sea air. The tragic part -- somethin’ we’d ne’er considered -- was this here bird’s fate be determined long afore now… Its destiny be determined by our momentary whim. Now, I pass the power o’ choice t’ ye all. Faced wit’ yon situation, wha’ choice would ye make? Stick t’ the original plan, ‘n build a nest wit’ soft net where that there Charmony Dove fell? Or build a cage fer it, ‘n feed it, givin’ it the utmost care from within the warmth o’ a ship? I eagerly await yer answer, mateys.

Various Examples

...Now, I pass the power of choice to you all. Faced with this situation, what choice Would you make? Stick to the original plan, and build a nest with soft net where the Charmony Dove fell? Or build a cage for it, and feed it, giving it the utmost care from within the warmth of a home? I eagerly await your answer. Ok Sunday, let's get you to bed. HUH ONE DAY, AFTER DINNER, WHILE MY YOUNGER SISTER AND I WERE LOUNGING ABOUT IN MR. GOPHER WOOD'S YARD, WE SPOTTED A FLEDGLING CHARMONY DOVE ALL ON ITS OWN. THAT BABY BIRD WAS TINY, IT DIDN'T EVEN HAVE ALL OF ITS FEATHERS, AND IT COULDN'T SING. WHEN WE FOUND IT, IT WAS ALREADY ON ITS LAST BREATH, HAVING FALLEN INTO A SHRUB- PROBABLY ABANDONED BY ITS PARENTS. WE N RAEXCH
иш charmony dove BOOO! GET BETTER MATERIAL! Robin Let's share our wings with one another. Robin Hey Sunday are you alright? Robin ok Sunday Sunday The charmony dove. WOE CHARMON DOVE BE UPON YE

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External References

[1] YouTube – Gaming With Abyss

[2] Reddit – /r/copypasta

[3] Reddit – /r/HonkaiStarRail

[4]  Reddit – /r/SundayMainsHSR

[5] Reddit – /r/HonkaiStarRail_leaks

[6] Reddit – /r/HonkaiStarRail

[7] Reddit – /r/HonkaiStarRail

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