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The Five Stages of Grief is an image macro series featuring pictures of psychiatrist Kübler-Ross' "five stages of grief" model for understanding the emotional process of terminally ill patients juxtaposed with photographs humorously parodying each stage.


In 1969, Swiss psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross introduced the five stages of grief in her book On Death and Dying, which described many of her experiences working with terminally ill patients. In order, the stages include denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. While the model became widely accepted in popular culture, it was criticized in academia for lacking empirical evidence to support it. On July 2nd, 2007, DeviantArtist[6] whitegryphon uploaded an MS Paint comic titled "5 Stages of Grief," marking one of the earliest known images parodying the Kübler-Ross model posted online (shown below).

HE FIVE STAGES OF GRIEF AS EXPERIENCED By A SLASH TROLL AFTER BEING BANNED FRom OBHF DENIAL I know you think it's really great and all, but I don't see anything appealing about it in the least. There are places for that sort of thing but I'm afraid my personal forum Labels? We don't go SCREW YOU, BUTCH!!! Stupid gay-hating homophobe! To hell with you and around plaster in Trolling? Stalking? They're the ones who're obsessed with labels on people! It's those stupid SuperChristian religious zealot your whole forum!I 'll jump Butch-brownnosing US! We have every Ultraconseive thing they said about my ban and post p--- and just isn't one of them. Please smut all I want, yo u can't stop me! record of every little take it elsewhere I'm more tolerant and open-minded than all your members put together!! us in our journalFen to PROVE it!! Nazi True Fans who use labels, not us! DEPRESSION ACCEPTANCE Hey. True Fans! l'll stop harassing people if you all get off of DeviantArt! why doesn't anyone visit my page or comment on my art anymore?? What I do is much more creative than anything those purist True Fans turn out!! Due to the majority of the grieving still stuck in denial this stage has not yet been reached and therefore a fitting description cannot be drawn. We apologize for the inconvenience


On August 24th, 2010, a page titled "Five Stages of Grief" was created on TV Tropes.[5] On March 28th, 2012, DeviantArtist[7] Jabnormalities posted an exploitable comic based on the 5 stages titled "5 Stages of Grief Meme" (shown below, left). Over the next several years, various iterations of the comic were uploaded to the visual art site (shown below).

Stanes of Grief Meme Your OC is in shock. They can't believe it really happened. Sometimes they make up excuses or pretend everything's still the same. How could this happen to them!? Grumpiness and bitter spreads easily, so they may not be the most fun people to be around at this stage What if this? What if that? Your OC may promise to turn over a new leaf. They do whatever they can to find a way out. epression Facing the facts and giving up. All hope is lost, life is over, there's no point. Time to go sit in the dark and mope Acceptance Well that's that. Life goes on. This is the part where your OC learns to live with what happened. So What happened that made your OC so upset anyway?
s Stages of brie Meme Denial Your OC is in shock. They can't believe it really happened. Sometimes they make up excuses or pretend everything's still the same. 起 Anger How could this happen to them!? Grumpiness and bitter spreads easily, so they may not be the most fun people to be around at this stage What if this? What if that? Your OC may promise to turn over a new leaf. They do whatever they can to find a way out. だ Onu mert, Pase Depression Facing the facts and giving up. All hope is lost, life is over, there's no point. Time to go sit in the dark and mope Acceptance Well that's that. Life goes on. This is the part where your OC learns to live with what happened. ft 方 が S0.. What happened that made your OC so upset anyway?
5 Stages of Grief Meme Denial Your OC is in shock. They can't believe it really pretend everything's still the same. This isn't happening. .There's no suc happened. Sometimes they make up excuses or thing as zombies. There's no such thin ghosts. THISISN'T REAL Anger : How could this happen to them!? Grumpiness and bitter spreads easily, so they may not be the most fun people to be around at this stage This is al yourfault you stupid piece of f----- S--- ginn What if this? What if that? Your OC may promise to turn over a new leaf. They do whatever they can to find a way out laybeIcan tak to Convice it to get the f--- out. it Facing the facts and giving up. All hope is lost, life is over, there's no point. Time to go sit in the dark and mope There's no way out of this.. That hing in gonna be the end of me nd can't do s--- aboutit Acceptance Well that's that. Life goes on. This is the part where your OC learns to live with what happened. Life's a bitch and so am 1.. Mightaswe!just shut up and take it 50.. 粟塵驕 What happened that made your OC so upset anyway? HE EVOLVED

On February 4th, 2016, Redditor FutureFormerRedditor submitted a Trump-themed image macro titled "5 Stages of Trump" to /r/The_Donald[4] (shown below).

Wait, the guy from The Apprentice is actually running for President? No way will this work out. Stage 1) Denial What an authoritarian, sexist, xenophobe! And his Stage 2) Anger nsien Comments about John McCain, ugh! I think voters will settle down and he'll lose the nomination. Still, we can't let this happen again. Stage 3) Bargaining NEW HAMPSHIRE 23NE No going back now. What have we done as a party? Should I move to Canada? Stage 4) Depression UN The solemn realization that Stage 5) Acceptance Trump has been sent by God to save us all and Make America Great Again.

On December 2nd, Tumblr user neproxrezi posted an image depicting the The Daily Show host Trevor Noah going through the five stages of grief while interviewing conservative political commentator Tomi Lahren (shown below).

neproxrezi you can actually seehim go through all le stages of gre anger bargaining denial depression acceptance

On August 20th, 2017, Twitter user @daisyowl[1] submitted a version of the image featuring different brands of imitation butter (shown below). Within 24 hours, the tweet gained over 52,300 likes and 25,300 retweets. That evening, Redditor phasma11 reposted the image to /r/_me_irl,[2] where it garnered more than 20,800 points (96% upvoted) and 130 comments within 14 hours. The following day, Redditor Ryanite reposted the image to /r/MemeEconomy,[3] receiving more than 7,200 points (95% upvoted) and 65 comments in three hours.

DENIAL ICan't Believe Bate It's Not uller riginal ANGER BIG VALUE PACK What,not butter! with adde £119 ● Buttermilk DELIGHTFL BUTTER-LIKE TAS BARGAINING utter tree 78% DEPRESSION oninie his is not buter believeable This is not 250公克 ACCEPTANCE UNSALTED KOSHER FOR UNSALTED KOSHER FOR

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The Five Stages of Grief

The Five Stages of Grief

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The Five Stages of Grief is an image macro series featuring pictures of psychiatrist Kübler-Ross' "five stages of grief" model for understanding the emotional process of terminally ill patients juxtaposed with photographs humorously parodying each stage.


In 1969, Swiss psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross introduced the five stages of grief in her book On Death and Dying, which described many of her experiences working with terminally ill patients. In order, the stages include denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. While the model became widely accepted in popular culture, it was criticized in academia for lacking empirical evidence to support it. On July 2nd, 2007, DeviantArtist[6] whitegryphon uploaded an MS Paint comic titled "5 Stages of Grief," marking one of the earliest known images parodying the Kübler-Ross model posted online (shown below).

HE FIVE STAGES OF GRIEF AS EXPERIENCED By A SLASH TROLL AFTER BEING BANNED FRom OBHF DENIAL I know you think it's really great and all, but I don't see anything appealing about it in the least. There are places for that sort of thing but I'm afraid my personal forum Labels? We don't go SCREW YOU, BUTCH!!! Stupid gay-hating homophobe! To hell with you and around plaster in Trolling? Stalking? They're the ones who're obsessed with labels on people! It's those stupid SuperChristian religious zealot your whole forum!I 'll jump Butch-brownnosing US! We have every Ultraconseive thing they said about my ban and post p--- and just isn't one of them. Please smut all I want, yo u can't stop me! record of every little take it elsewhere I'm more tolerant and open-minded than all your members put together!! us in our journalFen to PROVE it!! Nazi True Fans who use labels, not us! DEPRESSION ACCEPTANCE Hey. True Fans! l'll stop harassing people if you all get off of DeviantArt! why doesn't anyone visit my page or comment on my art anymore?? What I do is much more creative than anything those purist True Fans turn out!! Due to the majority of the grieving still stuck in denial this stage has not yet been reached and therefore a fitting description cannot be drawn. We apologize for the inconvenience


On August 24th, 2010, a page titled "Five Stages of Grief" was created on TV Tropes.[5] On March 28th, 2012, DeviantArtist[7] Jabnormalities posted an exploitable comic based on the 5 stages titled "5 Stages of Grief Meme" (shown below, left). Over the next several years, various iterations of the comic were uploaded to the visual art site (shown below).

Stanes of Grief Meme Your OC is in shock. They can't believe it really happened. Sometimes they make up excuses or pretend everything's still the same. How could this happen to them!? Grumpiness and bitter spreads easily, so they may not be the most fun people to be around at this stage What if this? What if that? Your OC may promise to turn over a new leaf. They do whatever they can to find a way out. epression Facing the facts and giving up. All hope is lost, life is over, there's no point. Time to go sit in the dark and mope Acceptance Well that's that. Life goes on. This is the part where your OC learns to live with what happened. So What happened that made your OC so upset anyway? s Stages of brie Meme Denial Your OC is in shock. They can't believe it really happened. Sometimes they make up excuses or pretend everything's still the same. 起 Anger How could this happen to them!? Grumpiness and bitter spreads easily, so they may not be the most fun people to be around at this stage What if this? What if that? Your OC may promise to turn over a new leaf. They do whatever they can to find a way out. だ Onu mert, Pase Depression Facing the facts and giving up. All hope is lost, life is over, there's no point. Time to go sit in the dark and mope Acceptance Well that's that. Life goes on. This is the part where your OC learns to live with what happened. ft 方 が S0.. What happened that made your OC so upset anyway? 5 Stages of Grief Meme Denial Your OC is in shock. They can't believe it really pretend everything's still the same. This isn't happening. .There's no suc happened. Sometimes they make up excuses or thing as zombies. There's no such thin ghosts. THISISN'T REAL Anger : How could this happen to them!? Grumpiness and bitter spreads easily, so they may not be the most fun people to be around at this stage This is al yourfault you stupid piece of f----- S--- ginn What if this? What if that? Your OC may promise to turn over a new leaf. They do whatever they can to find a way out laybeIcan tak to Convice it to get the f--- out. it Facing the facts and giving up. All hope is lost, life is over, there's no point. Time to go sit in the dark and mope There's no way out of this.. That hing in gonna be the end of me nd can't do s--- aboutit Acceptance Well that's that. Life goes on. This is the part where your OC learns to live with what happened. Life's a bitch and so am 1.. Mightaswe!just shut up and take it 50.. 粟塵驕 What happened that made your OC so upset anyway? HE EVOLVED

On February 4th, 2016, Redditor FutureFormerRedditor submitted a Trump-themed image macro titled "5 Stages of Trump" to /r/The_Donald[4] (shown below).

Wait, the guy from The Apprentice is actually running for President? No way will this work out. Stage 1) Denial What an authoritarian, sexist, xenophobe! And his Stage 2) Anger nsien Comments about John McCain, ugh! I think voters will settle down and he'll lose the nomination. Still, we can't let this happen again. Stage 3) Bargaining NEW HAMPSHIRE 23NE No going back now. What have we done as a party? Should I move to Canada? Stage 4) Depression UN The solemn realization that Stage 5) Acceptance Trump has been sent by God to save us all and Make America Great Again.

On December 2nd, Tumblr user neproxrezi posted an image depicting the The Daily Show host Trevor Noah going through the five stages of grief while interviewing conservative political commentator Tomi Lahren (shown below).

neproxrezi you can actually seehim go through all le stages of gre anger bargaining denial depression acceptance

On August 20th, 2017, Twitter user @daisyowl[1] submitted a version of the image featuring different brands of imitation butter (shown below). Within 24 hours, the tweet gained over 52,300 likes and 25,300 retweets. That evening, Redditor phasma11 reposted the image to /r/_me_irl,[2] where it garnered more than 20,800 points (96% upvoted) and 130 comments within 14 hours. The following day, Redditor Ryanite reposted the image to /r/MemeEconomy,[3] receiving more than 7,200 points (95% upvoted) and 65 comments in three hours.

DENIAL ICan't Believe Bate It's Not uller riginal ANGER BIG VALUE PACK What,not butter! with adde £119 ● Buttermilk DELIGHTFL BUTTER-LIKE TAS BARGAINING utter tree 78% DEPRESSION oninie his is not buter believeable This is not 250公克 ACCEPTANCE UNSALTED KOSHER FOR UNSALTED KOSHER FOR

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