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Thinking Face Emoji 🤔

Added 7 years ago by Don • Updated about a month ago by Kevinvq2
Added 7 years ago by Don • Updated about a month ago by Kevinvq2

Thinking Face Emoji 🤔
Thinking Face Emoji 🤔

Category: Meme Status: confirmed Origin: Region:
Type: Emoticon
Tags: emoji thinking chin thumb thinker throwing shade


The Thinking Face Emoji 🤔 is a circular emoji featuring a face with a raised eyebrow, down-turned mouth and a single hand appearing to scratch its chin, which is commonly used to convey confusion or deep thought.


In 2015, the Thinking Face was added to Unicode 8.0 and Emoji 1.0 with the code "U+1F914". The circular face is displayed differently on a variety of platforms, including Apple, Google and Microsoft (shown below).[3]

Apple Google Microsoft


On December 7th, 2015, NY Mag[1] published an article about the emoji's use on Twitter.

On November 16th, 2016, Redditor TheAnt317 submitted a post asking "Why is the 'Thinking Face' emoji suddenly a meme?" to /r/OutOfTheLoop. On January 5th, 2017, Instagram user @wikkp209 posted a video of a van falling backwards while driving down a road with the caption "Someone please explain this 🤔🤔" (shown below). Within two months, the video gained over 71,500 views.

#TbT I'm still confused 🤔🤔🤔

A post shared by willp209 Memetangclan (@willp209) on

On February 14th, journalist Glenn Greenwald sarcastically tweeted that the emoji signals someone "made a very clever, original, wry and amusing" refutation of someone else's tweet (shown below).[4]

Glenn Greenwald Following @ggreenwald If you put this face on top of someone's tweet, it means you've made a very clever, original, wry and amusing refutation of it RETWEETS LIKES 74 435 7:44 PM- 14 Feb 2017

On February 20th, YouTuber Incendio_Wolf uploaded a tutorial video for creating a Thinking Face emoji emblem in the game For Honor (shown below).

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