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"This Is a Flammenwerfer. It Werfs Flammen" is a statement which highlights the peculiarity of German cognate words that bear some phonetic resemblance to their English equivalents. On 4chan's /v/ (video games) and /tg/ (traditional games) boards, the phrase is often used in reference to Flammenwefer, a World War II-era German flamethrower, as it appears in the World War II tabletop miniatures wargame Flames of War.


The earliest known examples can dated back to July 31th, 2009, when a thread was posted on one of the boards on 4chan. The thread was later screen-captured to highlight a series of chain posts featuring derivative examples.

「Arcueid Brunestud IAR Ik 4 困 器Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)04:05 No.3623397 THIS IS A FLAMMENWERFER. IT WERFS FLAMMENS 。 607/31/09(Fri)07:27 No.3623981 File 1249050452 qif-(6 KB, 148x150, 5.18.gif) THIS IS A STIELHANDGRANATE YOU GRAB THE STIEL IN YOUR HAND AND GRANATE 「Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)04:06 No.3623400團 ile 1249038375 ipg-(39 KB, 577x4 THIS LWER Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)08:42 No.3624162團困 ile 1249054965 ipg-(38 KB, 640x47 IT WERFS NEBELS 49045904007 jpg) THIS IS JIHAD IT HAD JI'S Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)04:10 No.3623407團困 File1249038621 jgg-(16 KB, 374x311, sturmgewehr. 215150800_std.jpg) THIS IS A STURMGEWEHR 「Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)08:54 No.3624194團困 File 1249055681 ipg-(33 KB, 400x300, mgl-140.jpg) ITS THE GEWEHR YOU STURM This is a grenade launcher 「Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)04:40 No.3623487画困 It launches File 1249040432 ipg-(24 KB, 376x276, pa ANZER 3624207UA Anonymous 07/31 ile1249055990 ipg-(38 KB, 800x574, Bundesarchiv_Bi ri)08:5 IT SCHRECKS ANZER This is the Messerschmitt It measures Schmitt 4cG6 07/31/09(Fri)04:45 No.3623502画画 rcueid Brunestud File1 249040714 lpg-(77 KB, 546x306, da24fbaede333c593d3a81 23562侣2( ).jpg) THIS IS A KöNIGSTIGER 「Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)09:17 No.3624247團困 File 1249057064 ipg-(88 KB, 800x532, 800px-Focke-Wulf Fw 1900-9 out...).jpg) IT IS KöNIG AMONGST TIGERS This is a FockeWulf It fockes wulves 「Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)04:57 No.3623547團困 File1249041426.ipg-(46 KB, 483x604, IdHitltWithAPanzerfaust.jpg) This is a Panzerfaust. It fists An 713109(Fri)09:2 0.3624256團困 LED ! Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)06:34 No.3623807園 ile1249047280 jpg-(20 KB, 450x355, Stug AusF G 1.jpg) LEDERS THIS IS A STUG IT STUGS 「Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)23:02 No.3627127團困 File1249105543 ipg-(68 KB, 640x480, flak40.jpg) 「Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)07:05 No.3623901團困 File1249049113.jpg-(83 KB, 640x442, h3975aj_16.jpg) THIS IS A THI GESCHUTZWAGEN IT'S A WAGEN WITH A GESCHUTZ FLUGZEUGABVVEHRKANONE IT WEHRK ANONE LIKE FLUGZEUGAB Br 3623910團困 「Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)23:04 No.3627135團困 File1249106666 ipg-(30 KB, 300x199, mg42.jpg) ile1 249049231 jpg-(64 KB. 633x319, da24fbaede333c593d3a81 23562侣2(..).jpg) THIS IS A JAGDPANTHER IT JAGDS PANTHERS Anonymous 07/31/09(Fr)07:10 No.3623920 File1249049422 gif-70 KB, 997x385, m16a1.gif MASCHINENGEWEHR. THIS IS AN M16A1 GEWEHRS MASCHINEN 「Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)23:07 No.3627154 ile1249106847 ipg-(57 KB, 800x530 「Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)07:11 No.3623923團 File 1249049486 jpg-(136 KB, 1024x768, Schwimmwagen_WP.jpg) THIS IS A SCHWIMMWAGEN. IT'S A WAGEN THAT SCHWIMMS RAKETENPANZERBUCHSE IT BUCHSE PANZER WITH RAKETENS 「Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)07:12 No.3623927團困 ile1249049552 ipg-(18 KB, 280x216, 280p 920 Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)23:09 No.3627165團困 ile 1249105994 jpg-315 KB, 1024x766, SIG-33 owni THIS IS A SCHWERES INFANTERIEGESCHUTZ it digs potatoes ITS A SCHWERES GESCHUTZ FOR INFANTERIE


The original 4chan post was soon turned into an image macro based on a World War II-era photograph of a German Wehrmacht soldier with a flamethrower, which has been also (pictured below). On December 3rd, 2009, it appeared in a thread about the then-upcoming second season of the anime series Strike Witches on 4chan /a/ (anime and manga) board.[1]


On October 6th, 2011, a Reddit user VikingSlayer posted[2] an image macro depicting an American soldier mounting a M2 Browning machine gun, pointing out how the way things are described appears in the eyes of a person who knows German language. In over three years, the post had gotten around 729 upvotes.


Hans, Get the Flammenwerfer

In early 2017, "Hans, Get ze Flammenwerfer" became a popular comment meme on 9GAG left on stories or images the poster found particularly heinous. A variation first appeared on 4chan on January 13th[8] in response to a picture of white girls sitting on the shoulders of black men in a pool.

Hans bring mmenwerter Fla

Shortly after, the phrase "Get ze Flammenwefer" began making its way to 9GAG and was generally used in racist, transphobic, misogynist, and homophobic contexts, similar to how Titus Get the Cross was used. On February 7th, the caption was used for a post using Cereal Guy reacting to prominent awards given to Caitlyn Jenner and Emma Sulkowicz.

Caitlyn Jenner Well it looks like these all these Won Glamour Magazine's "Woman Awards" Woman of the Year" Award c for DOING NOTHING an't sink any lower Emma Sulkowicz Won NOW's "Woman of Courage" Award for falsely accusing a man of r--- to ruin his life.

The phrase continued trending on 9GAG for the following month. On February 27th, 9GAG user dafuqbutwhy[7] used the phrase to title a post featuring images of a headline about German lawmakers considering legalizing incest and Wojak in Nazi gear (shown below). The post was the most popular use of the phrase, gaining over 11,000 points on the site.

Hans get ze flammenwerfer 11,346 points 861 comments UP f Facebook Twitter Next Post INDEPENDENT News Voices News World Europe German ethics council calls for i----- between siblings to be legalised by Government Council members said 'social taboo' would still prevent relationships

Various Examples

The phrase has spawned a series of derivative statements centered around the snowclone "This is a XY, It Ys X."

This is a Schwarzenegger It neggers Schwarze
ThisisaFlugabwehrrakete tabwehrrakets tblows shitup


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soldier using a flamethrower

This Is a Flammenwerfer, It Werfs Flammen

PROTIP: Press 'i' to view the image gallery, 'v' to view the video gallery, or 'r' to view a random entry.


"This Is a Flammenwerfer. It Werfs Flammen" is a statement which highlights the peculiarity of German cognate words that bear some phonetic resemblance to their English equivalents. On 4chan's /v/ (video games) and /tg/ (traditional games) boards, the phrase is often used in reference to Flammenwefer, a World War II-era German flamethrower, as it appears in the World War II tabletop miniatures wargame Flames of War.


The earliest known examples can dated back to July 31th, 2009, when a thread was posted on one of the boards on 4chan. The thread was later screen-captured to highlight a series of chain posts featuring derivative examples.

「Arcueid Brunestud IAR Ik 4 困 器Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)04:05 No.3623397 THIS IS A FLAMMENWERFER. IT WERFS FLAMMENS 。 607/31/09(Fri)07:27 No.3623981 File 1249050452 qif-(6 KB, 148x150, 5.18.gif) THIS IS A STIELHANDGRANATE YOU GRAB THE STIEL IN YOUR HAND AND GRANATE 「Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)04:06 No.3623400團 ile 1249038375 ipg-(39 KB, 577x4 THIS LWER Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)08:42 No.3624162團困 ile 1249054965 ipg-(38 KB, 640x47 IT WERFS NEBELS 49045904007 jpg) THIS IS JIHAD IT HAD JI'S Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)04:10 No.3623407團困 File1249038621 jgg-(16 KB, 374x311, sturmgewehr. 215150800_std.jpg) THIS IS A STURMGEWEHR 「Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)08:54 No.3624194團困 File 1249055681 ipg-(33 KB, 400x300, mgl-140.jpg) ITS THE GEWEHR YOU STURM This is a grenade launcher 「Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)04:40 No.3623487画困 It launches File 1249040432 ipg-(24 KB, 376x276, pa ANZER 3624207UA Anonymous 07/31 ile1249055990 ipg-(38 KB, 800x574, Bundesarchiv_Bi ri)08:5 IT SCHRECKS ANZER This is the Messerschmitt It measures Schmitt 4cG6 07/31/09(Fri)04:45 No.3623502画画 rcueid Brunestud File1 249040714 lpg-(77 KB, 546x306, da24fbaede333c593d3a81 23562侣2( ).jpg) THIS IS A KöNIGSTIGER 「Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)09:17 No.3624247團困 File 1249057064 ipg-(88 KB, 800x532, 800px-Focke-Wulf Fw 1900-9 out...).jpg) IT IS KöNIG AMONGST TIGERS This is a FockeWulf It fockes wulves 「Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)04:57 No.3623547團困 File1249041426.ipg-(46 KB, 483x604, IdHitltWithAPanzerfaust.jpg) This is a Panzerfaust. It fists An 713109(Fri)09:2 0.3624256團困 LED ! Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)06:34 No.3623807園 ile1249047280 jpg-(20 KB, 450x355, Stug AusF G 1.jpg) LEDERS THIS IS A STUG IT STUGS 「Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)23:02 No.3627127團困 File1249105543 ipg-(68 KB, 640x480, flak40.jpg) 「Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)07:05 No.3623901團困 File1249049113.jpg-(83 KB, 640x442, h3975aj_16.jpg) THIS IS A THI GESCHUTZWAGEN IT'S A WAGEN WITH A GESCHUTZ FLUGZEUGABVVEHRKANONE IT WEHRK ANONE LIKE FLUGZEUGAB Br 3623910團困 「Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)23:04 No.3627135團困 File1249106666 ipg-(30 KB, 300x199, mg42.jpg) ile1 249049231 jpg-(64 KB. 633x319, da24fbaede333c593d3a81 23562侣2(..).jpg) THIS IS A JAGDPANTHER IT JAGDS PANTHERS Anonymous 07/31/09(Fr)07:10 No.3623920 File1249049422 gif-70 KB, 997x385, m16a1.gif MASCHINENGEWEHR. THIS IS AN M16A1 GEWEHRS MASCHINEN 「Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)23:07 No.3627154 ile1249106847 ipg-(57 KB, 800x530 「Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)07:11 No.3623923團 File 1249049486 jpg-(136 KB, 1024x768, Schwimmwagen_WP.jpg) THIS IS A SCHWIMMWAGEN. IT'S A WAGEN THAT SCHWIMMS RAKETENPANZERBUCHSE IT BUCHSE PANZER WITH RAKETENS 「Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)07:12 No.3623927團困 ile1249049552 ipg-(18 KB, 280x216, 280p 920 Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)23:09 No.3627165團困 ile 1249105994 jpg-315 KB, 1024x766, SIG-33 owni THIS IS A SCHWERES INFANTERIEGESCHUTZ it digs potatoes ITS A SCHWERES GESCHUTZ FOR INFANTERIE


The original 4chan post was soon turned into an image macro based on a World War II-era photograph of a German Wehrmacht soldier with a flamethrower, which has been also (pictured below). On December 3rd, 2009, it appeared in a thread about the then-upcoming second season of the anime series Strike Witches on 4chan /a/ (anime and manga) board.[1]


On October 6th, 2011, a Reddit user VikingSlayer posted[2] an image macro depicting an American soldier mounting a M2 Browning machine gun, pointing out how the way things are described appears in the eyes of a person who knows German language. In over three years, the post had gotten around 729 upvotes.


Hans, Get the Flammenwerfer

In early 2017, "Hans, Get ze Flammenwerfer" became a popular comment meme on 9GAG left on stories or images the poster found particularly heinous. A variation first appeared on 4chan on January 13th[8] in response to a picture of white girls sitting on the shoulders of black men in a pool.

Hans bring mmenwerter Fla

Shortly after, the phrase "Get ze Flammenwefer" began making its way to 9GAG and was generally used in racist, transphobic, misogynist, and homophobic contexts, similar to how Titus Get the Cross was used. On February 7th, the caption was used for a post using Cereal Guy reacting to prominent awards given to Caitlyn Jenner and Emma Sulkowicz.

Caitlyn Jenner Well it looks like these all these Won Glamour Magazine's "Woman Awards" Woman of the Year" Award c for DOING NOTHING an't sink any lower Emma Sulkowicz Won NOW's "Woman of Courage" Award for falsely accusing a man of r--- to ruin his life.

The phrase continued trending on 9GAG for the following month. On February 27th, 9GAG user dafuqbutwhy[7] used the phrase to title a post featuring images of a headline about German lawmakers considering legalizing incest and Wojak in Nazi gear (shown below). The post was the most popular use of the phrase, gaining over 11,000 points on the site.

Hans get ze flammenwerfer 11,346 points 861 comments UP f Facebook Twitter Next Post INDEPENDENT News Voices News World Europe German ethics council calls for i----- between siblings to be legalised by Government Council members said 'social taboo' would still prevent relationships

Various Examples

The phrase has spawned a series of derivative statements centered around the snowclone "This is a XY, It Ys X."

THIS IS A FOKKER T FOKKS This is a Schwarzenegger It neggers Schwarze ThisisaFlugabwehrrakete tabwehrrakets tblows shitup

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9gag is trying so damn hard to be 4chan that it is just sad and pitiful to watch at this point. Even their attempts at being edgy come off as kid-friendly swearing, instead.

How does that site still exist, anyway..? Does it somehow use cringe as currency to sustain itself..? Well, guess that would make sense: a lot of YouTubers literally do that, as well.


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