What If You Wanted to Go To Heaven
Part of a series on Deep Fried Memes. [View Related Entries]
What If You Wanted To Go To Heaven is an exploitable four-panel cringe image of a boy posing the question "What if you wanted to go to Heaven but God said 'Nahhh, remember when you kept scrolling?" The text refers to posts that appear on social media feeds which attempt to guilt people into liking them by saying liking them increases one's chances of going to heaven and ignoring them increases the chance they go to hell. Edits of the original picture tend to change the last panel of the image and are often deep-fried.
The earliest known variants of the phrase was posted on the /r/terriblefacebookmemes subreddit by Transmanomatic on January 5th, 2016.[1] The image gained over 350 points and features a little boy saying the phrase (shown below).

The image, however, is not one that would be associated with the phrase in future edits. An early version of that picture was posted April 29th, 2017 by Instagram user damnyworsnop[2] and features an older boy saying the phrase (shown below).

In the following months, the image would be deep-fried and have the last panel changed to reference various shitpost memes such as Whoppy Machine Broke and My Name Is Jeff. This was particularly popular in meme-focused subreddits such as /r/me_irl and /r/deepfriedmemes, the latter of which being where most of the edits occurred. On May 16th, 2017, user Dab_University[3] posted an example with "Whoppy Machine Broke" and gained over 260 points (shown below, left). Another edit featuring Lord Tachanka was posted in the subreddit by CHUTOKA_BALL[4] and gained over 160 points (shown below, right).

Various Examples

Search Interest
External References
[1] Reddit – /r/terriblefacebookmemes
[2] Instagram – damnyworsnop (unavailable)
[3] Reddit – Dab_University
[4] Reddit – Lord Tachanka Edit