You'll Never Understand My Pain
Part of a series on Object Labeling. [View Related Entries]
You'll Never Understand My Pain refers to a one-panel webcomic showing a woman with a cut on her wrist complaining about her wound to a man with several knives in his back. Starting 2018, the comic has been circulated as an exploitable and an object-labeling meme about comparing various experiences to the pain of childbirth.
On July 19th, 2016, Instagram[1] user meow91566 uploaded the comic to the platform, crediting "@Jeanty 2" as the original artist. In conversation with KnowYourMeme, meow91566 clarified that he discovered the original Spanish version of the comic on Facebook and translated it. The post gained 42 likes in two years.

On July 18th, 2016, Redditor[2] Linusausage uploaded the image, supposedly taken from a now-unavailable earlier post, to /r/niceguys subreddit. The post gained over 400 likes in six months. In the following years, the comic was reposted to /r/im14andthisisdeep[3], /r/terriblefacebookmemes[4] and /r/justneckbeardthings[5] subreddits.
On August 15th, 2016, Redditor[6] shock-shock-wave posted an edit of the image with woman and man labeled "wife" and "husband" to /r/funny subreddit, gaining nine upvotes in six months. On August 4th, 2018, Redditor[7] Pajca uploaded an edited version of the comic to /r/GamersRiseUp subreddit. The post gained over 1,100 upvotes in six months (shown below).

On January 31st, 2019, Redditor[8] Luca_Lastname posted a labeled version of the comic to /r/dankmemes subreddit. The post received over 34,100 upvotes in two weeks.

In the next weeks, more versions of the meme were posted in various subreddits and on Instagram. In the majority of the examples, the woman in the picture was labeled "giving birth" as in the post by Luca_Lastname.
Various Examples

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External References
[1] Instagram – meow91566's Post
[2] Reddit – 'Self harm isn't real but the Friendzone™ is!'
[3] Reddit – You'll never understand
[5] Reddit – The fedora says it all
[6] Reddit – who knows husband's pain….lol
[7] Reddit – Gamers fricking rise up!! (subreddit banned)
[8] Reddit – Peeing with a boner is harder than giving birth
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Glass of Water
Feb 13, 2019 at 09:45AM EST
Feb 13, 2019 at 09:05AM EST