Crypto Bros Get Defensive As News And Memes Of NFT Market Crash Spreads Online

Published 2 years ago

Published 2 years ago

According to reports and market data, the NFT market might not just be dying, it could already be dead. This comes from a report pushed by The Independent, which looked at market buying and selling data of NFT projects from September till now, which showed a very steep 92 percent drop off in sales, while the amount of accounts that still own NFTs is also declining rapidly month to month.

This news was presumably music to the ears of people who absolutely loathe NFTs and are glad that the digital blockchain concept is reportedly collapsing. As such, many users around the web posted celebratory memes in response.

Most of the chatter online surrounding the collapse of the NFT marketplace is centered around the companies that chased after NFT projects and the metaverse, such as Square Enix (which recently had a massive IP sale, getting rid of their property rights to Tomb Raider and many others), for the cash to then pump into future NFT project expansion.

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