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What Seemed To Be An 'AMBER Alert' Just Disrupted The Johnny Depp Trial And The Irony Is Palpable

What Seemed To Be An 'AMBER Alert' Just Disrupted The Johnny Depp Trial And The Irony Is Palpable
What Seemed To Be An 'AMBER Alert' Just Disrupted The Johnny Depp Trial And The Irony Is Palpable

Published May 27, 2022

Published May 27, 2022

Earlier today, what seemed to be an AMBER Alert went off during the Johnny Depp defamation trial during the defense's closing statements. Without hesitation, people quickly took to Twitter to post memes upon memes about the irony of the situation.

As Amber Heard's attorney, Ben Rottenborn, was giving his closing statements to Judge Penney Azcarate, multiple cellphones throughout the courtroom started going off, all chiming the familiar "AMBER Alert" notification sound — an emergency system for alerting everyone to a missing child or abduction. It stopped Rottenborn from speaking and Judge Penney said in the midst of it, "There appears to be an 'AMBER Alert' but I think we're okay." An audible, "Tsk," from a courtroom member can be heard in the background, presumably being the lone person in the room understanding the humor.

That person who laughed in the courtroom, however, wasn't alone with all the people watching it live online. Within mere minutes, people were taking to Twitter to talk about what had just gone down.

Before any of these funny Twitter users could correct themselves though, the courtroom quickly found out that it was just a tornado warning for the area.

Despite this fact, just the judge stating "AMBER Alert" seemed to be enough fate for the internet to work with. As this trial continues with all its crazy developments thus far like the Revenge Poop, My Dog Stepped On A Bee and the Dirty Carpet story, the memes just keep on coming.

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