"the developers didnt add a walk animation for the lettuce. by stepping on it, the BK employee player model reverts to the T pose removing its collision box and allowing you to clip through the freezer door. skipping the door animation saves 2 seconds on
Uploaded by The Doctor of Wumbology May 23, 2018 at 07:13PM EDT
t-pose burger king foot lettuce
Origin Entry: Burger King Foot Lettuce
File type: png
Resolution: (854px x 1388px)
File size: 1.35 MB
Burger King Foot Lettuce - "the developers didnt add a walk animation for the lettuce. by stepping on it, the BK employee player model reverts to the T pose removing its collision box and allowing you to clip through the freezer door. skipping the door animation saves 2 seconds on
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