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Thanks, Lisa Lombardo (from the Facebook comments):
"Do you know what life is for Nazca boobies? Nazca booby parents /always/ produce two viable eggs. When both of those healthy eggs hatch and produce fine booby chicks to further advance the population of Nazca boobies, the older sibling immediately drives its younger booby sibling out of the nest, often pecking and ripping at its little booby throat until there is absolutely no life left. If the elder booby doesn't feel like taking the beak-on approach, it works relentlessly to keep the younger booby from re-entering the nest. The booby parents completely ignore the plight of their youngest booby chick, leaving it to die miserably alone, bullied, and abandoned until thirst or cold ends its miserable, brief booby life. As if this obligate siblicide isn't all horrific enough, reject adult male boobies who couldn't find a mate will often seek out and attempt to mate with (aka rape) the castoff booby chicks, and science has absolutely no explanation for the behavior.

So next time you start to feel bad inside because someone says something you don't like, you stop and think about how you could have been a booby."
(I decided to copypaste this, just in case people miss it or it gets buried by other FB comments)


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