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Is my presence here really that much of a problem for you guys?

Last posted Jul 26, 2011 at 01:55AM EDT. Added Jul 25, 2011 at 04:45AM EDT
73 posts from 37 users

Have I become some kind of KYM boogeyman? I've turned into some kind of Goldstein from 1984. I wouldn't doubt that I am the most hated person on KYM. Heck, I received karma for saying that people naturally hate me. Heck, I got a fair bit of karma for that post. (What was it? 5 or 6? Something like that) I really don't know why I've acquired all this hate, but I'm noticing a significant bias in the way that the 2 oldest users of KYM are treated, both with the users and the admins. Taryn consistently harassed 7 users for several months. All 7 of us tried to get him banned, because we were sick and tired of him calling us emo, furfag, faggot, there were others. We were teased on and on, too. Heck, with me, he repeatedly tried to convince me to kill myself. I suffer from clinical depression. Great match, right? He made up some false stories about me, too. I remember him being banned from irc eventually. It wasn't long before he was unbanned. After that, he got worse. That's when we started reporting him. Guess what happened? Nothing. Brad said he'd do something, he didn't. Apparently the reason that Taryn wasn't going to be banned was that bans are only used as a last resort. I've experienced first-hand that that is a lie. It was a while before Taryn cooled off, and it's not like he didn't stop harassing me. I wasn't in good mental health, and I wasn't able to respond well to Taryn. I remember for the time that I had ops, I banned Taryn several times from the channel, and other ops kept unbanning him, and kept telling me not to. They decided to report me, citing abuse. I don't see how it's abuse to ban someone for harassment of several users over several months.

On the other hand, there's me. I don't go on fascist man-hunts like Taryn. I didn't go after people over things they liked or their hair or just for kicks or their psychological condition or because they were friends of someone I didn't like. I did a great service to KYM when 711chan was doing the raids by completely foiling their attempts to phish and hack other users. (By the way gleuch, thanks for your help in making sure that it never can happen again) Though, there is one heinous crime I have committed on this website, and that's using abstract methods to improve these forums. (Sarcasm) I made several forum games because I thought it would bring more life to the forums and drain out the cancer. Maybe it was a bad plan, but I think I did it with good intentions. I was met with ban threats from a mod, (Note: Banning as a first resort. There's proof of what Brad said being a lie right there) and a former admin went on a personal headhunt for me, making a boatload of spam attacking my minor flaws that he hated about me.

Also, just the other day, I posted a joke thread that I thought would make some lulz. Apparently it caused display issues in one browser (Safari, I think) and I got banned for it. I actually got banned for something that was an accident. After that, the reason for my ban was "spam", even though the thread was made for the reactions and not to take up space. The ban was supposed to expire Saturday. It expired on Sunday. Now, today, I post a couple of copypastas in IRC. People went apeshit at me. Apparently copypastas are spam (Never heard that before in my life) and the ops, as well as a lot of other people treated it like some kind of felony. I'm like "What the hell?" and people bullshit me and try to explain it as "if it's unwanted, it's spam" I've received a lot of Cool Story Bros and stuff lately over things I've said in IRC. I realized that what was said implied that my words were worthless and that I really shouldn't be there. Because of my poor mental health and the amount of negativity I've received on this site, I made some negative replies, which turned into a big hatefest against me. I tried to defend mysell, but apparently the op's solution was for me to take the blame, and I disagreed, so I got kicked for it. I rejoin, and get kicked again. I rejoin and get kicked again, and again, and again. Eventually I don't get kicked, and we all make peace. For this, Don- kicks me repeatedly, and when I rejoin enough times, he bans me. I was still able to join, so I did. (Bullshit ban is bullshit), and because me making peace with everyone is some big issue with him, he bans me another way, and sets a channel flag that only lets special whitelisted people join the channel. I guess peace between me and the others is such an abomination that IRC must become a secret club, that is only accessible to Don's approved people. We haven't had to use the whitelist since the raid, and back then, we used it because 711chan was in a conspiracy to get us.

I'm really tired of all this hate. If you hate me so much, maybe I can be removed from this place. Do you hate me so much that you think I should be removed? Or can you learn to tolerate and not go off the damn walls at people. I'm really tired of this mistreatment. Taryn got free pass after free pass. I get a headhunt. You know what? That's a little unfair.

Woah, I don't often go on the KYM forums but I've noticed you've received a bit of hate. However it's normally in response to something very negative you've said to another user. The Mod who you talked about sounds pretty evil, hopefully someone does something about that. No, you don't deserve to be removed, you're an integral part to the KYM community. You're not always negative and when you aren't you're quite nice. Here's to hoping you get a fair go!

Cyber6x wrote:

Woah, I don't often go on the KYM forums but I've noticed you've received a bit of hate. However it's normally in response to something very negative you've said to another user. The Mod who you talked about sounds pretty evil, hopefully someone does something about that. No, you don't deserve to be removed, you're an integral part to the KYM community. You're not always negative and when you aren't you're quite nice. Here's to hoping you get a fair go!

Hey, thanks.

I like you.
If they can't take a joke fuck em.
Never liked Taryn bad atitude troll.
don't let it get to you it's not the end of the world that you got banned. pick yourself up and try again.

I always looked at you like one of my best friends, and I still do. And I do think that you have been mistreated. Like what James did, banning you for an accident. I do think that was a load of bullshit. So, just letting you know, you, along with Natsuru, Kalmo, Ashbot, and Lord Sweetie Belle, are my best KYM buddies and always will be.

I will admit, I haven't been here very long, I haven't been on the forums much, and I've never been to the IRC.
But if there's anything I know, is that you are a completely amazing person capable of so much and from what I read here, and you deserve none of this hate directed towards you. Now don't you ever think ill of yourself again.

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Moargun wrote:

Lol shut up.

Hey, you could use a good change of attitude. I stood up for you earlier today. I haven't messed with you since I came back. I know I've said some things to you that I shouldn't have, but I'd expect you to get over it. I've chosen to welcome you back to KYM, and to be honest, I was glad you came back. I'm not going to be glad if you're going to take a pissy attitude towards me. I probably should have become mad at you for being Shnorlax's mouthpiece, saying "Shnorlax says to shut your whore mouth", but I didn't, and to be honest, that is one of the most cowardly, kiss-ass, wimpy, and pathetic ways to insult someone. That is reserved for the toady tier. Though, I do expect you to either be nice or don't bother with me.

And as for you, Shnorlax, I'm going to tell you to keep your giant rich fat arrogant ass away and mind your own damn business. You got involved in an argument that you weren't even a part of. Somehow, I can somewhat understand Taryn being an asshole, but you are way worse than that. Being around you, I kind of get this intense sickening feeling that your sole purpose is to bring misery. Remember Lanthus? He's kind of like your exact opposite, remember? He said pretty much the same thing. In fact, you're the only person on KYM that he really despises. I've been nice enough to you, and you haven't been nice back one single solitary bit. Whether it's your spiteful comments or your insults or your miserable tasteless jokes that actually have the opposite effect or you trying to correct me on things you're wrong about, (Great Britain is still not an empire, whether you like it or not) you absolutely make me sick. You're not a nice person, and you make other people feel fucking horrible. Could you please be a little nicer?

May I remind you, RG, that Taryn got banned by Chris Menning as well because of harassment issue and the fact he got contacted by some users' parents for this?

The only difference is that Taryn, that sneaky brat, changed ip and created another account almost immediately. And then, well… shrugs

Last edited Jul 25, 2011 at 07:51AM EDT

Hey, Katie.
Yeah, you made a lot of threads, but most of them were fun games because the forum was getting boring. I don't understand why you were banned, and neither do other members. I said what you did here in a thread about your banment: you thought it would be funny, and didn't realize it would create an issue. It seems that since I've joined KYM there has been an increasing amount of hate for you, which I've never understood. As for taryn, idk, I guess he's an ancientfag and got immunity. You should have it too, but I guess that $"@$n mod didn't know what was what.
Should we light the torches, grab our pitchforks and chase that devil into the night?
EDIT: and its not like you didnt dish out hate yourself. we didnt get a long well at first, remember? although i did deserve it.

Last edited Jul 25, 2011 at 08:17AM EDT

Katie, I've definitely enjoyed you presence here when you're not going too crazy with posts, and I know even when you are, your intentions are good.

I really wish we could have civil discussions about these things instead of escalating and going apeshit all over each other.

I'm not in this thread to cause problems, but Katie is missing several key facts. For everyone else, I do admit the freakout was much. But what Katie did to me deserved recognition. At first I disagreed with Katie about what the definition of spam was. And because I disagreed with Katie, I was spammed for almost three minutes straight of Katie messaging me the word "spam" on the IRC and was threatened by him that he was going to spam my e-mail with magazines that I didn't want, just like he had done to another user on this site. And when I called Katie a man on the IRC, he called me a fascist bitch.

Katie, you said that you have an insecurity complex. And you explained your life story. But that gives you no right to treat people any way you want without any repercussions. That ban you were talking about from that joke you made? It was a temp-ban. I'm sure that perma-ban was what he was referring to.

In all honesty, I don't hate you. You were starting to become one of my best friends on this site. But then I started disagreeing with your thoughts and ideas, which started to make me your enemy in your eyes. That's your only problem. You always have to be right. If you would just relax, pick your battles, and learn to lose with dignity there would not be so many problems. I like you and respect you. But I fucking hate your attitude.

Last edited Jul 25, 2011 at 09:08AM EDT


As I've said before, I am always for constructive criticism but I think what you're trying to say here once again misses the point that we talked about last week, that is improving your relations with some of site mods and admins. As soon as you return after your temporary ban, you stir up another ruckus in IRC and then complain about how you feel mistreated in the forums.

Things like this may be mindless amusement for you, but what you do you for your own entertainment often comes off as noise for many others, including some of admins here. Not to mention that it is getting inappropriate for a veteran KYM user like yourself to be constantly quarreling with admins.

Like Kalmo pointed out, I agree your presence is welcome here, but DUDE, you really gotta relax a bit. Not everything needs to be a constant struggle, especially when it's concerning your right to get reaction out of people. So I think the question is really on your hand:

Have we treated you so unfairly that you won't even consider improving the attitude on your end? Or can you take a break from pushing your agendas for a minute and try to process what we're asking from you so we can all get along better?


You were kicked repeatedly because you were somehow getting past the bans I set (which is why the channel is now +m). You were banned for spamming the channel. Don't spam the channel, and you won't get banned.

Last edited Jul 25, 2011 at 12:10PM EDT
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Can I get some negative krama too?

Cause you ƒ@ggø7$ seem to love to give it to me.

Last edited Jul 25, 2011 at 02:04PM EDT

I'll admit RJ, while I don't know you very well, I will say you can be very opinionated. But you also seem to be a very cool and funny guy sometimes. While I can't say much not knowing you, maybe just relax a little bit, you know?

I am the evil mod Katie is referring to.

Is it unreasonable for me to think that at least 10 threads in several minutes is a bit much, many of which were simply remakes of older threads?

And I even queried you on the irc, and I said I changed my opinion: That it wasn't necessarily spam, but that that many threads in that little time sets up the conditions for flame wars (and hey, surprise, it did). I thought we had come to an agreement that the way it was done would inevitably lead to people being upset.

(Note: Banning as a first resort. There’s proof of what Brad said being a lie right there)

It wasn't a first report, you've done it at least twice since I've been here, and probably more from what I've gathered about you since you first joined the site.

You also hold a double standard for yourself; Taryn's harassment is often ridiculous, but I still personally think people overreact to it. You created ridiculous amounts of threads within minutes, harassed new users, had alternate accounts to support yourself, and autoplayed really loud, literally deafening autoplay swfs on people's walls you didn't like. Then you say I overreact. If people getting upset at other users is enough reason for bans, then both you and Taryn should be banned, I don't understand your argument.

Yea, Taryn was perhaps treated too leniently. Yes, I am seriously biased because I like Taryn. But I still have no regrets about threatening to ban you (and most bans on this site are inherently temporary).

I didn't see what you were banned for this time because I wasn't here, but being cast as an evil moderator seriously hurts. At least give me a better argument than "You're overreacting, I'm trying to make KYM's forums less cancerous." I'm sorry if I suck at being a moderator.

Last edited Jul 25, 2011 at 03:08PM EDT

Katie C. wrote:

Have I become some kind of KYM boogeyman? I've turned into some kind of Goldstein from 1984. I wouldn't doubt that I am the most hated person on KYM. Heck, I received karma for saying that people naturally hate me. Heck, I got a fair bit of karma for that post. (What was it? 5 or 6? Something like that) I really don't know why I've acquired all this hate, but I'm noticing a significant bias in the way that the 2 oldest users of KYM are treated, both with the users and the admins. Taryn consistently harassed 7 users for several months. All 7 of us tried to get him banned, because we were sick and tired of him calling us emo, furfag, faggot, there were others. We were teased on and on, too. Heck, with me, he repeatedly tried to convince me to kill myself. I suffer from clinical depression. Great match, right? He made up some false stories about me, too. I remember him being banned from irc eventually. It wasn't long before he was unbanned. After that, he got worse. That's when we started reporting him. Guess what happened? Nothing. Brad said he'd do something, he didn't. Apparently the reason that Taryn wasn't going to be banned was that bans are only used as a last resort. I've experienced first-hand that that is a lie. It was a while before Taryn cooled off, and it's not like he didn't stop harassing me. I wasn't in good mental health, and I wasn't able to respond well to Taryn. I remember for the time that I had ops, I banned Taryn several times from the channel, and other ops kept unbanning him, and kept telling me not to. They decided to report me, citing abuse. I don't see how it's abuse to ban someone for harassment of several users over several months.

On the other hand, there's me. I don't go on fascist man-hunts like Taryn. I didn't go after people over things they liked or their hair or just for kicks or their psychological condition or because they were friends of someone I didn't like. I did a great service to KYM when 711chan was doing the raids by completely foiling their attempts to phish and hack other users. (By the way gleuch, thanks for your help in making sure that it never can happen again) Though, there is one heinous crime I have committed on this website, and that's using abstract methods to improve these forums. (Sarcasm) I made several forum games because I thought it would bring more life to the forums and drain out the cancer. Maybe it was a bad plan, but I think I did it with good intentions. I was met with ban threats from a mod, (Note: Banning as a first resort. There's proof of what Brad said being a lie right there) and a former admin went on a personal headhunt for me, making a boatload of spam attacking my minor flaws that he hated about me.

Seriously stop the fucking bullshit Katie, and people will like you, its pretty god damn obvious.

I agree with Kalmo about this. I don't hate you, but you can be a bit uptight at times. I'll admit I've been rude to you before, but you have a habit of overreacting to things (like that one time when I called you a man and you responded by calling me a "mother****er" at least three times).

Last edited Jul 25, 2011 at 04:41PM EDT

Cool story, bro.

Maybe the best thing for you to do right now would be to take a break from the IRC or the forums, or at least lower your activity. Time heals all wounds, and I can tell you from experience on other forums that if you just lie low for a bit, people will forget all about it.

"I tried to defend mysell, but apparently the op’s solution was for me to take the blame, and I disagreed, so I got kicked for it. I rejoin, and get kicked again. I rejoin and get kicked again, and again, and again. Eventually I don’t get kicked, and we all make peace. For this, Don- kicks me repeatedly, and when I rejoin enough times, he bans me. I was still able to join, so I did. (Bullshit ban is bullshit), and because me making peace with everyone is some big issue with him, he bans me another way, and sets a channel flag that only lets special whitelisted people join the channel."

You left out one part; after you got kicked enough times, you started entering and exiting the channel repeatedly. Here is an example of what the chat would look like while you were doing this:

Katie_Starshine entered the room
Katie_Starshine left the room
Katie_Starshine entered the room
Katie_Starshine left the room
Katie_Starshine entered the room
Katie_Starshine left the room
Katie_Starshine entered the room
Katie_Starshine left the room

If this isn't spam, then I don't know what is.

Last edited Jul 25, 2011 at 05:42PM EDT

Brad wrote:


As I've said before, I am always for constructive criticism but I think what you're trying to say here once again misses the point that we talked about last week, that is improving your relations with some of site mods and admins. As soon as you return after your temporary ban, you stir up another ruckus in IRC and then complain about how you feel mistreated in the forums.

Things like this may be mindless amusement for you, but what you do you for your own entertainment often comes off as noise for many others, including some of admins here. Not to mention that it is getting inappropriate for a veteran KYM user like yourself to be constantly quarreling with admins.

Like Kalmo pointed out, I agree your presence is welcome here, but DUDE, you really gotta relax a bit. Not everything needs to be a constant struggle, especially when it's concerning your right to get reaction out of people. So I think the question is really on your hand:

Have we treated you so unfairly that you won't even consider improving the attitude on your end? Or can you take a break from pushing your agendas for a minute and try to process what we're asking from you so we can all get along better?

So, if I post copypasta and people come after me with pitchforks, and I've got a problem with that, I'm creating a ruckus? There's a ruckus, but I'm not creating it.

You've asked me to do a lot of yielding, in fact, way too much of it. You're probably trying to beat me into the ground with this post, but whatever. I'll ignore it this time. I'll yield just this once.

And anyone who reads this needs to hear loud and clear that I'm yielding this time.

Though, please understand that I do not take stress and abuse well. I have 7 mental disorders. I'm also very suspicious of other people, and my perceive things in a much more suspicious manner than other people. When I get this treatment here, my responses are rather inflammatory and possibly psychotic. I'm not doing these things because I think it's fun. It's not mindless amusement.

Katie C. wrote:

So, if I post copypasta and people come after me with pitchforks, and I've got a problem with that, I'm creating a ruckus? There's a ruckus, but I'm not creating it.

You've asked me to do a lot of yielding, in fact, way too much of it. You're probably trying to beat me into the ground with this post, but whatever. I'll ignore it this time. I'll yield just this once.

And anyone who reads this needs to hear loud and clear that I'm yielding this time.

Though, please understand that I do not take stress and abuse well. I have 7 mental disorders. I'm also very suspicious of other people, and my perceive things in a much more suspicious manner than other people. When I get this treatment here, my responses are rather inflammatory and possibly psychotic. I'm not doing these things because I think it's fun. It's not mindless amusement.

If that is the case you should take a break from KYM, and work on your mental state, and learn how to not flip out over the smallest things.

Last edited Jul 25, 2011 at 07:17PM EDT

Katie C. wrote:

So, if I post copypasta and people come after me with pitchforks, and I've got a problem with that, I'm creating a ruckus? There's a ruckus, but I'm not creating it.

You've asked me to do a lot of yielding, in fact, way too much of it. You're probably trying to beat me into the ground with this post, but whatever. I'll ignore it this time. I'll yield just this once.

And anyone who reads this needs to hear loud and clear that I'm yielding this time.

Though, please understand that I do not take stress and abuse well. I have 7 mental disorders. I'm also very suspicious of other people, and my perceive things in a much more suspicious manner than other people. When I get this treatment here, my responses are rather inflammatory and possibly psychotic. I'm not doing these things because I think it's fun. It's not mindless amusement.

I have a problem with this post.
Actually, a lot of problems with it.

So, if I post copypasta and people come after me with pitchforks, and I’ve got a problem with that, I’m creating a ruckus? There’s a ruckus, but I’m not creating it.

No, if you post copypasta repeatedly, when others are having a serious conversation, or when it's irrelevant, others are likely to respond to this negatively. And no, blaming it on other people is not an acceptable reaction. You are at fault if you spam, ruin conversations, or post something for the sole purpose of getting a reaction (negative or otherwise).

You’ve asked me to do a lot of yielding, in fact, way too much of it. You’re probably trying to beat me into the ground with this post, but whatever. I’ll ignore it this time. I’ll yield just this once.

The reason we've asked you to do a lot of yielding is because you cause a lot of problems. We're not trying to persecute you, to personally destroy you, or to shun you; it's not that personal. In fact, it's not personal at all. We are simply doing our jobs. You fault us for this? Ideally we could all get along. Ideally we wouldn't have to constantly ask you and Taryn to stop. But unfortunately the ideal is just that -- an idealistic view of reality that most likely won't happen.
Believe me, we want to stop asking you to yield. But you won't let us.

And anyone who reads this needs to hear loud and clear that I’m yielding this time.

Thank you ever so much.

Though, please understand that I do not take stress and abuse well. I have 7 mental disorders. I’m also very suspicious of other people, and I perceive things in a much more suspicious manner than other people.

This does not give you permission to mistreat others, break the rules, and make a nuisance of yourself. Having a mental disorder is not a free pass to do whatever you want while disregarding everyone else. You are not above the rules -- nobody is. Everyone has problems. Nobody is perfect.
Abuse? Uh, no. You pissing other people off and then getting a negative reaction is not abuse. Is it stressful? Yes. But if you hadn't pissed them off in the first place you wouldn't have that problem.
Being suspicious is just fine. But I don't see how it's relevant.

When I get this treatment here, my responses are rather inflammatory and possibly psychotic. I’m not doing these things because I think it’s fun. It’s not mindless amusement.

You get the treatment you give. If you treat others badly you're going to be treated badly. You can't call someone a "motherfucker" without getting a negative reaction out of them. Others calling you a man is not something that entails that sort of reaction. You shouldn't explode on someone who misspeaks. If you have a problem with the way someone is addressing you, ask them not to address you in such a manner. Simple solution for a simple problem.

What it all comes down to is you viewing yourself as the victim of a nonexistent crime. Nobody is out to get you, and treating everyone like shit is going to get you nowhere. Calm down, take a break, and think about the situation objectively. As unpleasant as this sounds, it's the only way to make progress on this issue.

Please understand that this is not a personal attack. I'm not trying to be an asshole here; I'm just offering some constructive criticism. Anyway, I hope this helps you understand things from my perspective.
(Karma rape in 3…2…1…)

Snarb wrote:

I have a problem with this post.
Actually, a lot of problems with it.

So, if I post copypasta and people come after me with pitchforks, and I’ve got a problem with that, I’m creating a ruckus? There’s a ruckus, but I’m not creating it.

No, if you post copypasta repeatedly, when others are having a serious conversation, or when it's irrelevant, others are likely to respond to this negatively. And no, blaming it on other people is not an acceptable reaction. You are at fault if you spam, ruin conversations, or post something for the sole purpose of getting a reaction (negative or otherwise).

You’ve asked me to do a lot of yielding, in fact, way too much of it. You’re probably trying to beat me into the ground with this post, but whatever. I’ll ignore it this time. I’ll yield just this once.

The reason we've asked you to do a lot of yielding is because you cause a lot of problems. We're not trying to persecute you, to personally destroy you, or to shun you; it's not that personal. In fact, it's not personal at all. We are simply doing our jobs. You fault us for this? Ideally we could all get along. Ideally we wouldn't have to constantly ask you and Taryn to stop. But unfortunately the ideal is just that -- an idealistic view of reality that most likely won't happen.
Believe me, we want to stop asking you to yield. But you won't let us.

And anyone who reads this needs to hear loud and clear that I’m yielding this time.

Thank you ever so much.

Though, please understand that I do not take stress and abuse well. I have 7 mental disorders. I’m also very suspicious of other people, and I perceive things in a much more suspicious manner than other people.

This does not give you permission to mistreat others, break the rules, and make a nuisance of yourself. Having a mental disorder is not a free pass to do whatever you want while disregarding everyone else. You are not above the rules -- nobody is. Everyone has problems. Nobody is perfect.
Abuse? Uh, no. You pissing other people off and then getting a negative reaction is not abuse. Is it stressful? Yes. But if you hadn't pissed them off in the first place you wouldn't have that problem.
Being suspicious is just fine. But I don't see how it's relevant.

When I get this treatment here, my responses are rather inflammatory and possibly psychotic. I’m not doing these things because I think it’s fun. It’s not mindless amusement.

You get the treatment you give. If you treat others badly you're going to be treated badly. You can't call someone a "motherfucker" without getting a negative reaction out of them. Others calling you a man is not something that entails that sort of reaction. You shouldn't explode on someone who misspeaks. If you have a problem with the way someone is addressing you, ask them not to address you in such a manner. Simple solution for a simple problem.

What it all comes down to is you viewing yourself as the victim of a nonexistent crime. Nobody is out to get you, and treating everyone like shit is going to get you nowhere. Calm down, take a break, and think about the situation objectively. As unpleasant as this sounds, it's the only way to make progress on this issue.

Please understand that this is not a personal attack. I'm not trying to be an asshole here; I'm just offering some constructive criticism. Anyway, I hope this helps you understand things from my perspective.
(Karma rape in 3…2…1…)

I posted 2 copypastas. By the way, about this "You pissing other people off and then getting a negative reaction is not abuse.", it doesn't work that way. People go after me and then I have a negative reaction to them. You always twist my words.

Katie C. wrote:

I posted 2 copypastas. By the way, about this "You pissing other people off and then getting a negative reaction is not abuse.", it doesn't work that way. People go after me and then I have a negative reaction to them. You always twist my words.

Fandroid joins two weeks ago.

Instantly twists words, fucking magically.


Last edited Jul 25, 2011 at 09:30PM EDT

Katie C. wrote:

I posted 2 copypastas. By the way, about this "You pissing other people off and then getting a negative reaction is not abuse.", it doesn't work that way. People go after me and then I have a negative reaction to them. You always twist my words.

Katie, you need to let things die. Right now. This is exactly what I pointed out earlier. Pick your battles, because right now, this is a meaningless one that you will without a doubt lose. It's not just about how the situations start. It's how you treat them once they start. And we all have our reasons for doing things, but you take things 3 steps too far. And I think that Fandroid hit the nail right on the head with that one.

Katie C. wrote:

He's been here longer than you have.

As I have you.
It doesn't mean you're better than anyone else, it's just a number.
Get that shit through your head, holmes. I'm pretty sure it's been explained to you before.

Taryn wrote:

As I have you.
It doesn't mean you're better than anyone else, it's just a number.
Get that shit through your head, holmes. I'm pretty sure it's been explained to you before.

That had nothing to do with it.

Katie C. wrote:

That had nothing to do with it.

Since we've all explained this so many times, it's almost impossible to come up with more responses telling you that you need to stop. So I think that there is only one way for you to understand.

I hate people by default when I first meet them. I just seem to have an instinct of distrust and aggressiveness towards others. I have to warm to people before I'll open up to them.

Hello there, by the way.


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