18 Accidents That Are Unintentionally Hilarious

Comedy takes many different forms. While some of us may find humor in the memes and posts we see on our social media feeds, others may prefer a more direct approach. Whether it's someone cracking a corny joke, or going to a stand-up show for your favorite comedian, you'll find that there are plenty of ways to laugh, you just have to find what works best for you.
Reddit's /r/accidentalcomedy explores an entirely different approach to comedy, unlike most other attempts at making jokes, these are all completely unintentional. This subreddit chronicles various moments where creators, whether it's through media, film or advertising, unknowingly create comedy gold. You'll find multiple examples of people making a genuine effort to craft a high-quality piece of content only for the slightest mistake to inadvertently make the viewer laugh. If anything, this subreddit is a gentle reminder that you can make a joke out of anything, and comedy truly knows no bounds.